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E-Rate Basics Presentation to the Technology Oversight Committee August 26, 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "E-Rate Basics Presentation to the Technology Oversight Committee August 26, 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 E-Rate Basics Presentation to the Technology Oversight Committee August 26, 2009

2 What is E-Rate? Federal program administered by the FCC and Administered by the Universal Service Administration Company (USAC) and the Schools and Libraries Division (SLD) Fund comes from taxes levied on telecommunication services Intended to ensure that schools/libraries have access to affordable telecommunications by providing discounts on telecommunications, Internet Access, and Internal connections.

3 Funding to support technology District Budget -Maintenance and Operations E-Rate Building Renewal Bond Other Technology override Grants

4 Historical Context 1998 - First year for E-Rate 1998/99 – 2002/03 - Successful E-Rate applications submitted by TUSD TTS 2003/04- 2006/07 - Unsuccessful E-Rate applications submitted by TUSD TTS 2006/07 – AG investigation

5 Historical Context 2007/08 – TUSD process for E-Rate applications revised Office of Resource Development Coordinates E-RATE process Use of E-Rate Consultant to ensure a compliant process and application Use of multi-department team: Purchasing, Curriculum, Facilities, TTS Development of Technology Infrastructure Plan as part of broader Educational Based Technology Plan Survey of Teachers, students, parents, community 3000+ responses Identified needs and desired outcomes Gap Analysis between what we have and what we want Plan for bridging the gap Proposed infrastructure standards for classrooms and schools Governing Board approved Standards for Infrastructure August 2007 E-Rate application is aligned to approved Infrastructure Standards

6 Historical Context 2007/08 - Application in Final Review 2008/09 - Application in Initial Review* Applications can go in and out of Initial Review at anytime before a funding commitment decision letter is issued 2009/2010 – Application in Initial Review

7 Who does E-Rate fund? K-12 schools and school districts – defined as an elementary or secondary school under NCLB Libraries- eligible under LSTA

8 What does E-Rate fund? Priority 1 – (funded first) Telecommunications Services Telephone, cell phones, long distance, WAN Internet Access Priority 2 – (funded with neediest applicants first) Internal Connections Equipment and wiring necessary to receive services in the classrooms and rooms in libraries – published list of eligible items Basic Maintenance of Internal Connections Necessary for continued operations of eligible internal connection components

9 How much does E-Rate fund? E-Rate provides discounts on eligible services or equipment based on percentage of student eligible for free or reduced lunch under NSLP District wide services (Priority 1) – discount is generally based on weighted student FRE count for the district TUSD – Discount for 2009-2010 application 76%

10 E-Rate Discount 75% - 100% of students FRE 48 TUSD schools 50%-74% of students eligible for FRE 42 TUSD schools 35% -49% of students eligible for FRE 9 TUSD schools 20% -34% of students eligible for FRE 11 TUSD schools 1% -19% of students eligible for FRE 5 TUSD schools 90% Discount 80% Discount 60% Discount 50% Discount 25% Discount

11 How much does E-Rate fund? Priority 2 – Internal connections Discount is based on where the equipment is located If located at a school with a 90% discount – the cost of the equipment is 90% discounted If located at district level, discount is district weighted discount (76%) Highly unlikely that Internal connections are funded below the 90% level

12 E-Rate application process Create Technology Plan Must be approved by a USAC certified approver (ADE) Request Services Form 470 – Either district files or state if using SMC RFP - Special FCC rules –more restrictive than AZ Competitive Bidding Choose/Contract for Services (From 471) FCC rules about how bid evaluation is conducted Application development & Funding Commitments Governing Board must commit applicant share and necessary but ineligible costs

13 E-Rate application process Funding Commitment Decision Letter (FCDL) Approved for funding Denied Appeal Start services Invoice USAC

14 E-Rate Planning Tentative Plan for Year 13 (2010/11) Sept – Planning with E-RATE Team Updates for Infrastructure Plan File 470s – RFPs for necessary services Oct – Complete competitive bidding Nov – Presentation to Governing Board on recommendations Dec - Presentation to Governing Board to approve bids, contracts and request commitment of applicant share and necessary but not eligible funding; Begin filing process January – Complete applications End of Jan/early Feb - Close of filing window

15 Questions?

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