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YUI: The Yahoo! User Interface Library Nate Koechley Senior Engineer & Designer, Yahoo! User Interface (YUI) Library Team Platform Engineering Group Yahoo!

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Presentation on theme: "YUI: The Yahoo! User Interface Library Nate Koechley Senior Engineer & Designer, Yahoo! User Interface (YUI) Library Team Platform Engineering Group Yahoo!"— Presentation transcript:

1 YUI: The Yahoo! User Interface Library Nate Koechley Senior Engineer & Designer, Yahoo! User Interface (YUI) Library Team Platform Engineering Group Yahoo! Inc. Slides Contact Web Builder 2.0 Las Vegas

2 Talk Outline Why we build it. What we built. Why we gave it away. Why you might like it.

3 Talk Outline Why we build it. What we built. Why we gave it away. Why you might like it.

4 A new season online

5 People expect less online…

6 …but we are online…

7 …and tied to the browser.

8 So we must level the playing field.

9 How?

10 it takes 2 things

11 1: We must improve our technology. 1: We must improve our technology.

12 Data Transport data: custom, xml, json behavior: js mixed: new xhtml, (X)HTML DOM JavaScript Specification Implementation Defects [ Theory / Practice ] BOM API DOM API server CSS Macintosh SafariFirefoxOpera Windows Opera IE5, 6, 7 Firefox Linux, Unix, Mobile 10,000+ UAs

13 Data Transport data: custom, xml, json behavior: js mixed: new xhtml, (X)HTML DOM JavaScript Specification Implementation Defects [ Theory / Practice ] BOM API DOM API server CSS Macintosh SafariFirefoxOpera Windows Opera IE5, 6, 7 Firefox Linux, Unix, Mobile 10,000+ UAs knowledge areas:7 dimensions:x 4 platforms:x 3 browsers per platform:x 4 rendering modes:x 2 =672

14 (see, we need a robust platform to offer some sanity!)

15 2: We must raise expectations

16 (so users explore and feel comfortable ) (so users explore and feel comfortable )


18 {design} to Mental Models from Implementation Models

19 {development} to Consistent APIs & Compelling Components from Heterogeneous Environments

20 Improve technology to raise expectations: Nuts and Bolts

21 Six commitments to the platform

22 1] Meet sites where they are today Facilitate incremental enhancement “Transitional Internet Applications”

23 2] Provide a broad inclusive platform for Rich Internet Application development. a la carte not a framework!

24 3] Extensible and adaptive to meet the need of diverse product portfolio. Lots of different contexts.

25 4] Support all A-grade browsers. Still a demanding challenge. “Graded Browser Support”

26 5] Support our scale and scope. Yahoo-sized Problems Industrial Grade

27 6] Be responsive and accountable to the community of designers and developers. Dedicated Team Your Priority 1 bugs are our Priority 1 bugs.

28 Talk Outline Why we build it. What we built. Why we gave it away. Why you might like it.

29 Alan Cooper’s GUI design canon

30 [primitives] [compounds] [idioms] click, drag, keypress double-click, right-click, select ctrl-c = copy, ctr-z = undo

31 [primitives] [compounds] [idioms] Connection Manager (Ajax) Event Utility Dom Collection Drag & Drop Animation The Yahoo! User Interface Library CSS Reset, Fonts, Grids Loader Logger Control Menu Control Slider Tree Control Calendar Control AutoComplete DHTML Windowing TabView

32 Talk Outline Why we build it. What we built. Why we gave it away. Why you might like it.

33 More Bug Squashers First legit bug report within 24 hours of initial release. Bug Reports and Feature Requests: &aid=1583846&group_id=165715

34 Community Public is adding value –Jack Slocum –Dav Glass –Dustin Diaz –Ross Harmes

35 Jack Slocum ( YAHOO.ext A Grid Component for Yahoo! UI - Part 1 –Creating an AJAX feed viewer using Yahoo! UI and the new Grid ComponentCreating an AJAX feed viewer using Yahoo! UI and the new Grid Component A SplitBar component for Yahoo! UI WordPress Comments System built with Yahoo! UI WordPress Comments System built with Yahoo! UI Resizable Reloaded - A reusable component for resizing elements Resizable Reloaded - A reusable component for resizing elements

36 Dav Glass ( Extensions –YUI.ToolsYUI.Tools –YUI.EffectsYUI.Effects –YUI.LoaderYUI.Loader Wizards: –Yahoo! Grids BuilderYahoo! Grids Builder

37 Dustin Diaz ( Screencasts –YUI Basics and DOM Hijacking (0:20)YUI Basics and DOM Hijacking –Ajax with Connection Manager (0:25)Ajax with Connection Manager –Developing an Object Oriented Web Service (0:45)Developing an Object Oriented Web Service Articles –Forget addEvent, use Yahoo!’s Event UtilityForget addEvent, use Yahoo!’s Event Utility –JavaScript Publisher/Subscriber PatternJavaScript Publisher/Subscriber Pattern –Publishing Custom Events in JavaScriptPublishing Custom Events in JavaScript –YUI Tetris!YUI Tetris! Interviews/Podcasts Prototypes

38 Ross Harmes

39 Yahoo! Developer Network: “You bring the skills. We bring the ingredients.”

40 YUI

41 The Yahoo! Developer Network Ecosystem: Utility and Data Web Services Services Browser Based Authenticatio (BBAuth)Browser Based Authenticatio (BBAuth), Answers, Local, Maps, Photos, Search, Shopping, Travel, Utilities, MailAnswers LocalMapsPhotosSearchShoppingTravel Utilities Hackable Sites, Flickr,, WebjayFlickrUpcoming.orgWebjay Burnable Feeds FinanceFinance, HotJobs, RSS Feeds, Traffic, WeatherHotJobsRSS FeedsTrafficWeather SDKs MessengerMessenger, Music, Search Developer Kit, WidgetsMusicSearch Developer KitWidgets Developer Centers JavaScriptJavaScript, Flash,.NET, PHP, Python, RubyFlash.NETPHPPythonRuby

42 The Yahoo! Developer Network Ecosystem: Design Patterns



45 The Yahoo! Developer Network Ecosystem: Browser Support Guidelines



48 A rising tide lifts all boats A rising tide lifts all boats

49 Talk Outline Why we build it. What we built. Why we gave it away. Why you might like it.

50 If it’s good enough for Yahoo… Scalability, Performance, Distributed Development, Internationalization, Accessibility, Design, Usability

51 User Experience Designers Design-Engineering Collaboration Usability Studies and Research Has tools for designers too: –Grids for fast page layout –Interesting Moments Matrics

52 Storyboard Template for Drag & Drop What happens when the mouse is pressed on the draggable object but dragging has not initiated?

53 Internationalization Baked In

54 Accessibility Baked In Victor Tsaran –Accessibility Program Manager Close Collaboration with various a11y groups and advocates. More goodness to come…

55 Browser Support Baked In “Set it and forget it” We collaborate with all browser vendors Graded Browser Support Opera “for free”, even mobile!

56 Senior Architectural Leadership Douglas Crockford: –“Yoda of lambda programming and JavaScript” according to Brendan Eich (Inventor of JavaScript) Rasmus Lerdorf –Inventor of PHP

57 Acclaimed Documentation Documentation for you, regardless of level or work style: –Overviews and Quick Start Guides –Tutorials and Step-by-Steps –Generated API Docs –Cheatsheets – for every component! –Mailing list –Bundles: TextMate, VIM, Eclipse, Aptana

58 Landing Page Quick Start Guides

59 Complete API Documentation

60 Examples and Tutorials

61 The YUI Cheat Sheets

62 ydn-javascript Mailing List

63 Stability and Dedication Dedicated team of full-time developers. You can use the exact same lines of code Yahoo does.

64 We’re Good “Page Citizens” “Plays well with others” –Single global variable –Consistent namespace var $ = YAHOO.util.Dom.get; –Can coexist with other libs

65 We Believe in JavaScript We don’t try to fix JavaScript We don’t enforce a particular coding style We expect you to write JS

66 Light Weight and a la carte Multiple versions of each file –Fully commented –Minimized –Debug No unnecessary dependencies Pre-concatenated sets of commonly used files.

67 Three Versions of each File

68 À la carte Dependencies

69 Lightweight CSS Foundation

70 It’s Got a Great Community 4000 member of our public list Packages for VIM, TextMate, Eclipse, Aptana

71 The most open license: BSD

72 Great Functionality and Flexibility Custom Events / pub-sub –onMenuCollapse, onMenuOpen Automatic iFrame shim, as necessary Etc etc…

73 YUI Event Flexible batch assignment Handler Attachment Deferral –onAvailable and onContentReady Scope correction and assignment Automatic cleanup Custom Events

74 YUI Event’s Custom Events var myEvent = new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent('myEvent'); myEvent.subscribe(function() { alert('event fired'); });;

75 YUI Animation var anim = new YAHOO.util.Anim(el, { width: {to: 400}, height: {by: 400, unit: 'em' }, opacity: {from: 0, to: 1} 1); anim.animate(); Includes support for Bezier math control

76 YUI Connection Iron-clad Ajax object With File uploading And extra-argument callbacks.

77 YUI Container Family

78 Drag and Drop It’s easy, sorta, but easy to get wrong too Point, Region, Multiple Handles, !Handles Exposes 15 interesting moments

79 YUI Logger and Firebug alert(“stop the insanity”); YAHOO.log(“There IS a better way”); Debug with Logger or Firebug directly.

80 CSS Grids Page Widths Template Presets Nesting Grids Together, 200 layouts for 2kb.

81 Who’s using it?

82 External Implementations Wall Street Journal Technorati SugarCRM SmugMug Stikkit PayPal eBay Yuriz Madonet You?

83 Thank you. Photo Credits: – – –

84 We’re hiring! (Josie Arguada: )

85 Questions?

86 I don’t know.

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