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CMUN 11 Business Communication Mrs. Ellen Waddell Communication in Organizations.

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Presentation on theme: "CMUN 11 Business Communication Mrs. Ellen Waddell Communication in Organizations."— Presentation transcript:

1 CMUN 11 Business Communication Mrs. Ellen Waddell Communication in Organizations

2 AGENDA Orientation to course –review of academic expectations Introduction to Communication in Organizations/Lecture #1 Break Meet for online instruction and 1 st assignment

3 Orientation to Speech 5: Academic Expectations Let me introduce myself… Course Materials Syllabus specifies –Course assignments/grading criteria/extra credit –Accommodation statement: ESL/Learning issues –daily/weekly class topics and assignments, unless otherwise stated –Attendance is critical, thus excessive absenteeism (in class or online) could result in you being dropped from course etudes Expect each class to offer a full two hours of instruction –If you must be absent, inform instructor and ask classmate to take detailed notes. **Finally: my promise to you…

4 Why take this class? Communication = #1 skill employers seek Personal Value Professional Value –Degree BUT: –Transferable knowledge & skills key

5 Organizational communication is… the exchange of oral, nonverbal, and written messages among people working to accomplish common tasks and goals. the exchange of oral, nonverbal, and written messages among people working to accomplish common tasks and goals. * Term paper topic

6 Why Organizational Theories ? Organization of Tasks Organization of Workers Understanding Structure Importance of Communication Providing Explanation for Behavior

7 Organizational Culture Values and Norms Organizational Membership Distinctive Patterns Organizational Sense-Making Stories, Myths, and Legends Rites and Rituals * Term paper topic

8 The Organizational Framework Values –Organizational Beliefs –Establishing Values Focus Groups SurveysConsultants –Vision and Mission Statements Communication Ethics –Social Responsibility –Complex Issue –Conflicting Guidelines –Consider Outcomes –Respect and Empathy –Open Communication * Term paper topic

9 Classical Theory Scientific Management: Taylorism – Systematic Training and Development – Worker’s Ability and Job Responsibilities – Harmony and Cooperation – Maximum Output – Worker’s Proficiency * Term paper topic

10 Classical Theory Bureaucracy: Max Weber – Authority Structures vs. Control Charismatic authority of leader Traditional authority –history and norms Rational Legal Authority –Rational Legal Authority: Basis of Bureaucracy Power at the Top of the Hierarchy Formalized Rules and Policies Accepted and Expected Employee Behavior * Term paper topic

11 Classical Theory Strengths –Beneficial for Larger Organizations –Defines Structure for Repetitive Tasks –Provides Rules and Regulations Weaknesses –Organizations as Machines –Impersonal View of Worker * Term paper topic

12 Humanistic Theory Human Relations Theory –Hawthorne Studies –Supervisors’ Encouragement and Praise –Informal Groups and Camaraderie Human Resources Approach –Worker Motivation –Theory X and Theory Y * Term paper topic

13 Human Resources Approach Theory X Theory X –Dislikes and avoids work –Not motivated –Need to be controlled –Job security important Theory Y –Enjoys work –Seeks responsibility –Exercise self-control –Work for self- satisfaction * Term paper topic

14 Transactional vs. Transformational Transactional –Reactive –Responds in punitive manner –No news is good news Transformational: –Proactive –Charismatic –Inspires exceptional performance * Term paper topic

15 Human Relations Theory Strengths –Considers Workers’ Needs –Recognizes Importance of Communication –Values Supervisor-Worker Relationships Weaknesses –Workers’ Productivity * Term paper topic

16 Systems Theory “It’s a systemic problem” InterdependencySynergyEnvironment –Political –Economic –Social Environmental Inputs and Outputs Open Systems Closed Systems * Term paper topic

17 Necessary Communication Skills Creative Insight Sensitivity Vision and Focus VersatilityPatience Global Attitude

18 Interactive Communication Process Context and Message Source (Encoding and Decoding) Channel Receiver (Decoding and Encoding) FeedbackNoise Shared Meaning * Term paper topic

19 The Communication Model Shared Meaning * Term paper topic

20 Reasons for Communication Failure Inadequate Information Information Overload Poor-quality Information Poor Timing Lack of Feedback or Follow-up * Term paper topic

21 Reasons for Communication Failure Problems with Channels Incomplete Communication Ineffective Goal Setting Communication Anxiety Cultural Barriers Shared Meaning * Term paper topic

22 etudes We will now take a 15 minute break and meet for the first online chat session will take place. We will now take a 15 minute break and meet for the first online chat session will take place.

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