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T he R ole of C orporate C ulture in S afety P erformance Presented by Judith A. Erickson, Ph.D. President, Erickson Associates American Industrial Hygiene.

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Presentation on theme: "T he R ole of C orporate C ulture in S afety P erformance Presented by Judith A. Erickson, Ph.D. President, Erickson Associates American Industrial Hygiene."— Presentation transcript:

1 T he R ole of C orporate C ulture in S afety P erformance Presented by Judith A. Erickson, Ph.D. President, Erickson Associates American Industrial Hygiene Conference & Expo Embracing Change June 2 - 7, 2001 New Orleans, Louisiana

2 EHS is C hanging to: B lameless I ntegrated I nteractive

3 T reating S afety and Health D ifferently P iecemeal P rograms D o N ot W ork in the L ong R un S cientific R esearch: M anagement C ommitment & E mployee P articipation C hanging U. S. B usinesses

4 I mportance of U nderstanding C ulture W hat G oes on in O rganizations I nformal R ules D ictating B ehavior B asis for E verything V alued W here it H elps or H urts S afety

5 OSHA S trategic G oal “ C hange W orkplace C ulture to I ncrease E mployer and W orker A wareness of, C ommitment to, and I nvolvement in S afety and H ealth”

6 T he R ole of M anagement C ommitment S afety vs. O ther C oncerns I ntegration P ersonal I nvolvement A ccountability S upport

7 C orporate C ulture A ssumptions V alues A ctions and B ehavior C

8 A ssumptions H uman N ature H uman R elationships

9 V alues O rganizational S tandards of D esired E nds A ctions to Attain T hese E nd P oints O ughts and S houlds P references that I ndicate R ightness of C ertain B eliefs and P ractices O ver O thers I nterdependent and I nterrelated

10 H ow M anagement C ommunicates B y W hat I t D oes B y W hat I t P ays A ttention T o B y W hat I t I gnores B y W hat I t M easures and C ontrols

11 H igh S afety- P erforming C ompanies E nvironment C ommunication EHS P rofessionals E mployee T reatment

12 S tudy C onclusions O rganizational I ssues P ositive T reatment D oes M oney T alk? S afety P rograms A lone D on’t W ork S afety P rogram E valuation

13 S oft S kills T rustworthiness C ommunication I ntegrity A daptability I nterpersonal S kills

14 C urrent M anagement B ook T hemes P ay A ttention to E mployees for C ommitment and P roductivity E mployee F ulfillment is a V ital C omponent of C orporate S uccess

15 O rganizational F actors O rganizational S tructure O rganizational I mportance of S afety and H ealth R esponsibility/ A ccountability C ommunication M anagement B ehavior E mployee I nvolvement E mployee R esponses/ B ehavior

16 P erceptions T he way we organize and interpret our sensory input to give meaning to our environment.

17 P erception S urveys F eedback on P ast P erformance I nformation for F uture D irection D esign of P olicies and P rograms S cientific V alidity C rucial A nonymous and C onfidential

18 H ow C orporate C ulture C hanges M ajor C rises S urvival I ssues M ergers, N ew M anagement, T akeovers M anagement W ants to C hange

19 C orporate C ulture versus S afety C ulture

20 C ulture is the K ey M anagement L eadership E mployee P articipation

21 T echniques D o N ot W ork

22 R ethinking EHS : N ot Z eroing in on I njuries and A ccidents

23 N ew EHS A pproach : M ore H olistic and I ntegrated

24 E valuating by O rganizational F actors I mproves: S afety P erformance P roductivity C ommunication C ommitment P rofitability

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