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Presented By Hussein Elkhatib.  Necessity of Business Realm  Sensible Balance Between Commitment to the Strategic interest of the Business and to the.

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Presentation on theme: "Presented By Hussein Elkhatib.  Necessity of Business Realm  Sensible Balance Between Commitment to the Strategic interest of the Business and to the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presented By Hussein Elkhatib

2  Necessity of Business Realm  Sensible Balance Between Commitment to the Strategic interest of the Business and to the Human Interest of the Business  Happiness “depends at least as much on social aspects of work, and having a sense of meaning and interest in work, as it does on material rewards.” (Krueger, 1)

3  According to the U.S. Department of Labor, productivity is essentially the output of labor measured against its cost. (USDoL, 1)  Effective people management produces desirable performance outcomes and, ultimately, productivity and profitability. (WERC)  A “behavior is followed by a consequence, and the nature of the consequence modifies the organisms’ tendency to repeat the behavior in the future.” (Boeree, 1)

4  An organization’s goal in inciting modification toward positive worker behavioral qualities should “extinguish an undesirable behavior (by removing the reinforce) and replace it with a desirable behavior by reinforcement.” (Boeree, 6)  Interventions can have more general positive effects for the organization, because stress- related complaints can be indicators of underlying factors that may negatively affect other organizational goals as well.” (Cooper, 227)

5  Companies “must continually improve their performance by reducing costs, innovating products and processes, and improving quality, productivity, and speed to market.” (Becker, 770)  Cropanzano and Wright (2001), states that when employee are happy, they are confident, helpful to co-workers and sensitive to opportunities.

6  According to Campbell et al. 1993, work performance has been considered by many organizations as one of the dependent variable that is relevant to the achievement of organizational goals and used as a measure against individual productivity  (Cleveland 1999 and Vora 1992) also draw on the manufacturing model of input and output, however, they testify that input and out put are difficult to the extreme to be measured in organizational research on individuals.

7  The purpose of this study is to help us attain relevant information regarding the correlation between happiness and employees productivity that would assist management in decision making.

8  Interview was conducted through a questionnaire list using Satisfaction with Life Scale and a developed questionnaire list that touches on productivity factors.  Five statements were presented to each participant per a questionnaire list  Using the scale (1-7), participant would respond based on their level of agreement with the statement (1-Strongly disagree to 7- strongly agree).

9  Is there correlation between employees’ happiness and productivity within the back- shop operation of the banking industry?

10  The population of the research was 180 employees  The sample (N=46 employees)  The sample was 50% male and 50% females.

11  To measure happiness, the following previously used questionnaire list was used: _____ In most ways, my life is close to my ideal. _____ The conditions of my life are excellent. _____ I am satisfied with my life. _____ So far, I have gotten the important things I want in life. _____ If I could live my life over, I would change almost nothing.

12  To measure productivity, a new developed questionnaire list was used: _____ I feel productive _____ I fix the problems instead of complaining about them _____ I work better with others _____ I feel energized and motivated _____ Usually, I make good decisions

13 ScoreLevel of Satisfaction 31-35Extremely satisfied 26-30Satisfied 21-25Slightly satisfied 20Neutral 15-19Slightly Dissatisfied 10-14Dissatisfied 5-9Extremely dissatisfied





18 HappinessProductivity Mean23.18Mean26.71 Standard Error0.93Standard Error0.73 Median23Median27 Mode23Mode27 Standard Deviation6.26Standard Deviation4.90 Sample Variance39.24Sample Variance23.98 Kurtosis-0.07Kurtosis-0.68 Skewness-0.51Skewness-0.43 Range27Range19 Minimum7 16 Maximum34Maximum35 Sum1043Sum1202 Count45Count45 Largest(1)34Largest(1)35 Smallest(1)7 16 Confidence Level(95.0%)1.881978853Confidence Level(95.0%)1.471289728

19  Not an equal distributive participation among different races.  This was due to the domination of one group over others.  Most of the participants within this study were African American. This could potentially raises a diversity issue within the study conducted.

20 Thanks Again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It has been a pleasure being with you

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