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Strategy for Availability of Vegetables during Rainy Season.

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Presentation on theme: "Strategy for Availability of Vegetables during Rainy Season."— Presentation transcript:

1 Strategy for Availability of Vegetables during Rainy Season

2 General Scenario  Huge land resource- 342 lakh ha  Diverse climate- Arid 61%, Semi Arid 16%, Humid 15%, Sub humid 8%  Limited Availability of water- 1.1 % surface water & 1.7% ground water of country  1/3 rd of the cultivated area under irrigation  70 % area is irrigated by wells & tube wells (ground water) and 27 % by canals % Irrigated to cultivated area <20 21-40 41-60 61-80 >80 Net Cultivated Area : 175.00 lakh ha Rain fed Area : 107.00 lakh ha Net Irrigated Area : 66.60 lakh ha

3 Major Segments RajasthanArea (Lakh ha)Prod. (Lakh MT)Prod’vty (Kg) Vegetables1.488811.14077483 Horticulture12.2875124.69232*2009

4 Issues in vegetable cultivation  Gap between actual and potential yields Vegetables Productivity (MT/Ha.) RajasthanIndiaWorldPotentialMaximum Tomato4.7614.0726.6960-8070.45 (USA) Brinjal4.1916.0817.4840-5034.70 (Japan) Chilli1.299.1814.4030-4044.50 (Spain) Okra3.109.596.4715-2017.78 (Jordan) Peas1.689.148.3518-2020.00 (Lithuania) Melons4.5520.4820.9530-4045.83 (Cyprus) Cucurbits9.7212.9725-3041.33 (Israel) Cucumber6.376.6716.9840-5067.67 (Korea) Watermelon6.1012.7527.1330-4040.96 (Spain) Cabbage21.4321.1030-4042.59 (Japan) Cauliflower4.0317.1418.3635-4045.25 (New Zealand) Onion12.2610.3817.5340-5060.33 (Korea) Garlic4.844.1712.3715-2023.23 (Egypt))

5 Issues ….  Negligible area under controlled condition (Rajasthan) Protected CultivationUnitArea Covered Green House Lakh Sqm11.18 Shade net house Lakh Sqm15.68 Low tunnel Lakh Sqm60.43 Plastic MulchHa1103

6 Issues ….  Less area under F1 Hybrid Seeds (Country) VegetablesArea under hybrid cultivation Brinjal18% Chilli1% Tomato36% Cauliflower2% Cabbage30% Okra7% Melons3% Gourds3%

7 Issues ….  Poor adoption of advanced production & protection technologies  Poor adoption of high yield supporting technologies like IPM/INM, Raised beds, Plug technology Mulch, Solarization, Trellising, Drip Irrigation, Ferigation etc.  Poor Post Harvest and cold chain linkage  Lack of grading/ sorting, packaging, controlled temperature transport & storage practices

8 Issues ….  Price fluctuation/ seasonal gluts/ poor market price at peak arrival time  Fluctuating weather conditions  Untimed rains, hail-storms

9 Strategy  Promote vegetable cultivation under green house, shade net house & low tunnel  Enhance productivity to bridge the gap in potential & actual yields  Collection of rainwater & use in crop cultivation  Popularize IPM/INM  Support Post Harvest Infrastructure  Up-gradation of skill & knowledge of the growers & other stake holders

10 Integration of Green House, Water Harvesting Structure and Solar Pumps

11 Strategy 2015-16  Green House- 3.00 lakh Sqm  Shade net house- 1.00 lakh Sqm  Low tunnel- 15.00 lakh Sqm  Mulch- 1000 ha  Hybrid seeds- 3000 ha  Kharif Onion- 15000 ha  Onion storage- 500 Nos  Pack House- 60 Nos  IPM- 2000 Ha  Refer van- 5 Nos

12 12 Ykks&Vuy esa lCth mRiknu

13 13 Iyx VsDuksyksth ls lCth ikS/k IykLVhd eYp ds lkFk ulZjh cSM

14 14 ‘’kSMusV gkml esa f’keyk fepZ

15 15 Xkzhu gkml VekVj mRiknu

16 16 Xkzhu gkml esa [khjk mRiknu

17 Thank you

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