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Stretching Resource Dollars the Online Reference Centre Grade 10-12 SS and ELA Greater Edmonton Teachers’ Convention February 27, 2014 Jamie Davis, ORC.

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Presentation on theme: "Stretching Resource Dollars the Online Reference Centre Grade 10-12 SS and ELA Greater Edmonton Teachers’ Convention February 27, 2014 Jamie Davis, ORC."— Presentation transcript:

1 Stretching Resource Dollars the Online Reference Centre Grade 10-12 SS and ELA Greater Edmonton Teachers’ Convention February 27, 2014 Jamie Davis, ORC Coordinator

2 Agenda O What is the ORC O Why students should access the ORC O Why teachers should access the ORC O Newly added Grade 10-12 ELA and SS resources O Global Issues In Context (time permitting) O Advanced Placement Source (time permitting) O ORC Support Site O ORC Listserv

3 What is the ORC? O A $1.7 million collection of curricular-aligned, authoritative digital resources licensed on behalf of all Alberta: O K-12 students and their parents O School staff O Pre-service teachers O Public library staff * O Funded by a yearly Grant-In-Aid from Alberta Education to The Alberta Library (TAL) O Return on Investment (ROI) calculation of 3:1 for Alberta Schools *for the purposes of supporting K-12 patrons

4 Why students should access the ORC ORC Resources: O Provide authoritative, age appropriate, engaging, curricular-aligned content O Allow students to become familiar and comfortable with the kinds of resources and searching practises that are required in university O Are time savers once you are familiar with using them O Include embedded supports for diverse learners like listen, text translation, citation tools, vetted websites research advisory and study & style guides O Provide anytime, from anywhere access

5 Why teachers should access the ORC ORC Resources Provide: O Access to ready-to-use or customizable lesson plans, teaching materials and direct curricular correlations O Support for foreign language students O Access to journals like Walrus, National Geographic, National Geographic Kids, Men’s Health, and Maclean’s just to name a few (RSS feeds available) O Consistent and explicit update schedule O Ability to create permalinks that can be posted on a website or in an email blast O ELA Authorized list for Grade 6 ELA Authorized list for Grade 6

6 Accessing the ORC O In school automatic authentication O Remote access requires a district username/password O The username/password appears in the top right hand corner of the screen when on the ORC on a school computer O Share your district username/password using low tech methods O Email for your district’s remote username/

7 New for ELA Canadian Literary Centre O Canadian Content! O Customizable listen feature O Article permalinks O Ability to create notes within articles and save O Text translation to 32 languages O Download to PDF, save in a folder or print directly Literary Reference Center O Customizable listen feature O Article permalinks O Ability to create notes within articles and save O Text translation to 32 languages O Download to PDF, save in a folder or print directly O Access professional publications – Subscribe to RSS feeds

8 O Bring an author into your classroom any time you need O Search for Meet-the-Author Movies or Book Readings, Author Audio Name Pronunciation, book guides and lesson plans O Access Alberta specific booklists: O Pacific Northwest Library Association Young Readers Choice Award (YRCA) O ELA Authorized Novel and Nonfiction Reading Lists grades 4-12 O Meet-the-author book readings in French O Canadian Book Award Winners/Canadian Book and Author Resources O Personalized Book Lists upon request

9 Canada In Context O Canadian content! O Customizable listen feature O Articles downloadable to MP3 O Text translation to 13 languages O Share or permalink capabilities O Featured videos, news, and stories on homepage O Jump to related articles within the article O Advanced search allows for Boolean, and content selection (basic, intermediate, or advanced)

10 World History In Context O Ability to perform Boolean searching (advanced search) O Ability to set content level – basic, intermediate, or advanced (advanced search) O Customizable Listen feature O Downloadable articles to MP3 O Text translation to 13 languages O Featured videos, news and topics on homepage (clickable navigation) O Access thousands of newspaper articles, magazines, reference materials, videos, images and websites

11 Global Issues In Context O Customizable listen feature O Text translation into 8 languages O Download content to MP3 O Research tools for students and staff O Topic pages have podcasts, videos, images, and related portal suggestions O World map – search for articles based on geography O Global Issues Blog – updated frequently O Research tools includes search tips, guided tours for students O Educator Resources include guided tours and curriculum standards

12 Advanced Placement Source O Ideal support resource for IB and AP programs O Can change the language of interface and search in other language (French, German and Spanish Available) O Visual Search - relevancy boxes, alternate format O Smart Text Searching – input a whole page O Can search “Subjects” to expand or limit search O Customizable listen feature available for periodicals, MP3 downloads available O Some academic journals provide English, Spanish and French O Create notes within the article – sign in to save

13 ORC Support Site O Resource training materials - podcasts, videos, archived webinars, and guides O Information about upcoming free ORC PD opportunities O Information about province-wide resource trials and surveys O Online booking system for ORC sessions O Calendar of ORC Events O Links to Twitter and Facebook accounts

14 ORC Listserv O Weekly email updates organized by E/J/S: O New resources and features O Province-wide trials O Surveys O Free PD opportunities O No emails during school breaks O Membership has its benefits – joining incentive O Email or visit the ORC Support Site to join Join Now

15 Contact For more information about the ORC or to schedule a school presentation Call 780-414-0805 ext.229 OR Email:

16 Links to Check out ORC Support Site ORC ListServ ORC Facebook

17 Additional Secondary ORC Resources

18 7-12 Resources Canadian Points of View (7-12) O Essays written from multiple sides of current Canadian-themed issues O Access Canadian magazines, newspapers, International newspapers, bios, radio and news transcripts, etc. O Customizable listen feature Canadian Reference Centre (7-12) O Customized listen feature (periodicals and reference) O Text translation into 32 languages (periodicals and reference

19 7-12 Resources CBC News in Review (7-12) O 4 new videos added each month O 17 broad categories with a range of 1-25 videos in each Science in Context (6-12) O Great homepage with images linked to articles that change frequently O Customizable listen feature, text translation into 13 languages, and downloadable article to MP3

20 7-12 Resources Teen Health and Wellness (7-12) O Listen feature, text translation to 69 languages O Share using 21 services including but not limited to twitter, blogger, or delicious O Mobile app available O Alberta specific hotlines World Book Advanced (8-12) O Text-to-speech and text translation O Timeline feature

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