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+ Learning In Action! Copyright © 2003 The George Lucas Educational Foundation.

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1 + Learning In Action! Copyright © 2003 The George Lucas Educational Foundation

2 + Obstacles “The biggest obstacle to school change is our memories.” -- Dr. Allen Glenn

3 + Excerpts from Edutopia  Creating schools for the 21st Century requires less time looking in the rearview mirror and more vision anticipating the road ahead.  Teaching has been an activity undertaken behind closed doors between moderately consenting participants.  Technology enables students, teachers, and administrators to reach out beyond the school building.  Innovative classrooms are not defined by fixed places but by their spirit of curiosity and collaboration among students, teachers, and others in a true learning community.

4 + Change “We must be the change we want to see in the world.” -- Mahatma Gandhi

5 Project-Based Learning (PBL)

6 + What is Project-Based Learning?  PBL is curriculum fueled and standards based.  PBL asks a question or poses a problem that ALL students can answer. Concrete, hands-on experiences come together during project-based learning.  PBL allows students to investigate issues and topics in real-world problems.  PBL fosters abstract, intellectual tasks to explore complex issues.

7 + KNOW YOUR NEEDS  Gather information from ASK tests and any other tests you have been using to track their skills.  KNOW the needs of your students.  Apply PBL.

8 + How Does Project-Based Learning Work? Question Plan Schedule Monitor Assess Evaluate

9 + What Does PBL Look Like?

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13 + Question  Start with the Essential question.  Take a real-world topic and begin an in-depth investigation.  Make sure it is relevant for your students.

14 + Plan  Plan which content standards will be addressed while answering the question.  Involve students in the questioning, planning, and project-building process.  Teacher and students brainstorm activities that support the inquiry.

15 + Schedule  Teacher AND students design a timeline for project components.  Set benchmarks.  Keep it simple and age- appropriate.

16 + Monitor  Facilitate the process.  Mentor the process.  Utilize rubrics.

17 + Assess  Make the assessment authentic.  Know authentic assessment will require more time and effort from the teacher.  Vary the type of assessment used. “ They enjoyed the opportunities to evaluate each other by following rubrics based on guidelines they helped develop.”

18 + Evaluate  Take time to reflect, individually and as a group.  Share feelings and experiences.  Discuss what worked well.  Discuss what needs change.  Share ideas that will lead to new inquiries, thus new projects.

19 + Let’s Begin Think BIG! The Question is the Answer! What is the Question?

20 + Activities  BIE SITE  Discuss which of the projects you just read about ‘grabbed’ your attention. Why?  What ideas do you have for a project? What question will you ask your students?

21 + Activities  Record your ideas.  Record questions that will launch project-based learning.  Choose one of your questions. Brainstorm with your colleagues. Create a concept map.  What content standards will be addressed? What subjects can be woven into the process?

22 + The difference! APPLES or APPLES?

23 + Eight Features of Project-Based Learning 1) MEANING

24 + Eight Features of Project-Based Learning 2)INQUIRY

25 + Eight Features of Project-Based Learning 3) CONTENT

26 + Eight Features of Project-Based Learning 4) COMMUNITY

27 + Eight Features of Project-Based Learning 5) AUTHENTIC EXPERIENCE

28 + Eight Features of Project-Based Learning 6)ACCOMPLISHMENTS

29 + Eight Features of Project- Based Learning 7) REFLECTION

30 + Eight Features of Project- Based Learning 8) PRODUCT

31 + Eight Features of Project- Based Learning From: “Project-Based Learning: A strategy for Teaching and Learning” Center for Youth Development and Education - Boston

32 + ConventionalProject-Based Teacher-centeredStudent-centered Teacher-directedSelf-directed Listen, memorize, repeatDiscover, apply, present IndependenceCollaboration Teacher decision makingStudents and teacher decision making Knowledge of facts, terms, content 21 st Century Skills Direct instructionVaried instructional strategies Short, isolated lessons with predetermined answers Long-term investigations Standards-based Assessment testsOngoing Assessment School-based activitiesReal-world connections Quizzes and testsReflection

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34 + Applying Appropriate Technology  Let the students be YOUR guide.  They learn by DOING, EXPLORING, and PLAYING.

35 + WHAT ABOUT CONTROL?  PBL is HERE  Plan ahead  Be flexible, problems will crop up that we cannot anticipate- we have to turn them into teachable moments.

36 + Web 2.0 tools

37 + Needs  Look to your scores…  What are your needs?  What PBL will address those needs?  What tech tools support PBL AND those needs?

38 + Accountability  Core standards met?  Projects completed?

39 + 10 Takeaway Tips for Project- Based Learning 1. Begin with the End in Mind 2. Make a Tough Topic Fun 3. Focus on Standards -- But Not Too Many 4. Start Small When You're New

40 + 10 Takeaway Tips for Project- Based Learning cont… 5. Test-Drive the Final Product Before Starting the Project 6. Start Your Project with an "Entry Event” 7. Keep Students in the Loop 8. Set Clear Deadlines -- But Allow for Some Flexibility

41 + 10 Takeaway Tips for Project- Based Learning cont… 9. Create a Balanced Assessment Plan 10. Conclude Projects with a Bang!

42 + References  Edutopia: Success Stories for Learning in the Digital Age The George Lucas Educational Foundation Jossey-Bass, Copyright © 2002 Edutopia: Success Stories for Learning in the Digital Age  The George Lucas Educational Foundation Web site  Why We Assess Students - And How McLean, James E. and Lockwood, Robert E. Corwin Press, Inc.  Learning By Heart Barth, Roland S. Jossey-Bass, Copyright © 2001

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