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School Counselor Evaluation Pilot Training Barb Ashcraft, School Counseling Coordinator Nancy Cline, Coordinator Office of School Improvement September.

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Presentation on theme: "School Counselor Evaluation Pilot Training Barb Ashcraft, School Counseling Coordinator Nancy Cline, Coordinator Office of School Improvement September."— Presentation transcript:

1 School Counselor Evaluation Pilot Training Barb Ashcraft, School Counseling Coordinator Nancy Cline, Coordinator Office of School Improvement September 22, 2011

2 Session Expectations Session Expectations ITL - in text lingo DNTL ˜ Do not turn on laptop POV ˜ Phone on vibrate or turn off NBC ˜ No side “bar” conversations BPPA ˜ Be polite and pay attention STTA ˜ Stick to the agenda BHN ˜ Be here now; try to stay focused though the presenters may be boring; pretend if you have to

3 Parking Lot and Sharing Use your post-its to write questions, concerns, etc. Place them in the parking lot If you have documents that you would like to share, please give them to Barb during the break

4 School Counseling is Changing Before… Random Acts of Guidance Spending 80% of time … with 20% of students Working in silos Lack of planning and documentation Gatekeepers Everything to everyone

5 School Counseling is Changing Before… Everything to everyone Counselor Centered instead of Program focused

6 School Counseling is Changing Now… A Planned Program Closing the gap in achievement Supporting all students being Career/college ready Classroom lessons for all students ASCA National Model (Policy 2315) WV School Counselor Performance Standards

7 ASCA’S National Model ® WVDE Policy 2315 West Virginia School Counselor Performance Standards … provide a research-based framework for school counselors to enhance success for ALL students 7

8 ASCA National Model/Policy 2315 8

9 9 Groups, Mentoring, Student Helpers, Clubs, Crisis Interventions, Short-term counseling Groups, Tutoring, Peer Helpers, etc. Classroom Guidance Lessons, School Assemblies, Student Advisement Programs, Programs, Academic Plans, Intrepreting test results Classroom Guidance Lessons, Student Advisement Programs, School Assemblies, etc. IEP, 504 Therapy – Outside or SBMH Centers

10 Use of Time Delivery System Component Elementary School % of Time Middle School % of Time High School % of Time Guidance Curriculum 35%-40%25%-35%15%-25% Individual Student Planning 5%-10%15%-25%25%-35% Responsive Services30%-40% 25%-35% System Support10%-15% 15%-20%

11 Use of Time Review of WVDE Counseling Log

12 Daily Schedule TimeActivity 7:30Anger Management Group 8:30Office – Responsive Services 9:30Program Planning and Management (my office) 10:15Classroom Guidance Lesson – Conflict resolution skills – Hughes 302 11:30LUNCH 12:00Study Skills Group 1:00Classroom Guidance Lesson – Conflict resolution skills – Smith 117 2:00Classroom Guidance Lesson – Conflict resolution skills – Acorn 202 3:00Consultation – Parent and Mrs. Jones (my office) 3:30SAT meeting – Jimmy Weathers – B Building Conference Room 4:15Counseling Log 12

13 Sample Calendar 13

14 Annual Calendar MonthPrograms and Activities July August September October November December January February March April May June

15 State Model/ School Counseling Task Force Formed Creation of School Counselor Standards Draft Standards for National Review Preparations for Policy 5100 Standards on Public Comment Policy 5100 Approved by State Board

16 Desegregated other Standards… American School Counselor Association (ASCA) Utah, Texas, Missouri, New York, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Kansas School Counseling Standards Charlotte Danielson CACREP (Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs) National Technology Standards (ISTE) WV Educator and Leadership Standards National Career Development Standards NBPTS School Counseling Standards

17 West Virginia Professional School Counselor Standards Provide: an expanded vision of the integral nature of the school counselor within the school and the community; the parameters for the essential knowledge, skills and dispositions that WV school counselors are to possess, a discussion document that communicates the essential functions of the school counselor; the framework for a school counselor performance assessment (evaluation system); and a road map for continuous improvement.

18 West Virginia Professional School Counselor Standards Provide: A common language that describes what a counselor needs to know and be able to do A basis for West Virginia higher education school counselor preparation programs A foundation for a school counselor evaluation system Guide for professional development

19 Pedigree of West Virginia Professional Counselor Standards Developed by West Virginia school counselors Key stake holders (principals, central office leaders, RESA, WVBE, and WVDE) Reviewed by National Experts (Dr. Pat Henderson, Norm Gysbers, Center for School Counseling Outcome Research, and others) Made ready for WVBE Policy 5100 in conjunction with Individuals from the Office of Professional Preparation

20 A Picture of the WV Professional School Counselor Standards  Standard 1: Program Planning, Design and Management Standard 1:  Standard 2: Program Delivery Standard 2:  Standard 3: Data Driven Accountability and Program Evaluation Standard 3:  Standard 4: Leadership and Advocacy Standard 4:  Standard 5: Professional Growth and Responsibilities Standard 5:

21 Architecture of West Virginia Professional Counselor Standards Standard – Broad statements/constructs Function – Describes the important functional or procedural parts of the standard Indicator – Further delineate the functions into observable measures

22 nceStandards.html

23 Architecture of West Virginia Professional Counselor Standards Indicator Rubrics – Performance descriptions of the indicator statement Levels of Performance Distinguished Accomplished Emerging Unsatisfactory

24 Sample Rubric

25 State School Counseling Evaluation Task Force Formed Creation of School Critical Elements, Rubrics, Logistics Developed of Guide Training of Pilot Sites Pilot Policy Development Approval IMPLEMENTA TION


27 Key Facts A set of well defined rubrics guide counselors to align practices The evaluation system is a growth model The counselor takes the lead role in assessing his/her practices and establishing growth goals All educators are evaluated annually Self assessment is evidenced based

28 Scavenger Hunt

29 Rubrics Review Checking for Understanding What do the levels really mean?

30 Distinguished: describes professional counselors who are responsible for their own learning, lead continuous improvement of the school counseling program, have a systemic approach to collaboration and communication, and share best practices with colleagues. Being a distinguished counselor remains a goal for all counselors, regardless of how challenging it may be in any particular set of circumstances. Distinguished counselors: are master counselors and make contributions to the school counseling profession, both in and outside their school exhibit continuous reflection and self-renewal follow a comprehensive, integrated curriculum approach in a comprehensive, developmental program operate their program at a qualitatively different level from those of other counselors

31 Accomplished: describes professional counselors who have achieved mastery within a critical element. This level of performance is expected for most experienced counselors. Accomplished counselors: clearly understand the concepts underlying each critical element component and implement well, are experienced, capable counselors who regard themselves and are regarded by others as performing at this level. thoroughly know their role, they know their students, and have a broad repertoire of strategies and activities to use with students in a standards-based program. continuously seek to expand and improve their practice.

32 Emerging: describes counselors who may be new to the field or experienced counselors who are weaker in a particular area and need to set improvement goals to move to a more accomplished level of performance. Emerging counselors: appear to understand the concepts underlying each element and attempt to implement the components. exhibit sporadic, intermittent, or otherwise not entirely successful implementation. are characteristic of counselors new to the profession or experienced counselors who have not made the paradigm shift required by the ASCA Model® and WVBOE Policy 2315. are minimally competent counselors; improvement is likely to occur with experience, professional development, planning, and mentoring; and while all students may not be receiving the guidance, counseling, and programs they need no actual harm is being done to students.

33 Unsatisfactory: describes counselors with unacceptable job performance in indicated area(s) and may be doing harm to students. Unsatisfactory counselors: do not yet appear to understand the concepts underlying the critical element component. can grow and develop in this area. usually perform at a level that is below the licensing standard of “do no harm.” have reached a time for a supervisor to intervene represent a first priority for coaching or mentoring need to develop a support and or improvement plan in areas identified as unsatisfactory as prioritized by counselor and administrator

34 How does your thinking aligned with the defined levels for each level?

35 Parking Lot

36 Identifying Evidence

37 Helpful Sites Pilot Wiki http://wvdeschoolcounselorevaluationpilo School Counseling Website – Documentation Handbook Student Needs Assessments assessment/?level=m

38 Other Web LINKS School Counseling Website Protocols LINKS Program LINKS NetWorth NetsSmart – aligned with school counseling standards Group Guidance Lessons Guidance Curriculum

39 The outcome is clear. S - Specific You can count it or see it. M - Measurable You have what you need to be able to do it. A - Achievable It is aligned with school/district goals. R – Results-oriented A specific date has been set. T - Timed SMART Goals

40 Form B2: Goal Setting

41 Action Plans: Form B.3

42 Other Important Information Professional Conduct Year End Evaluation Evaluation of Record Improvement Plans

43 Summative Rating

44 Pilot Agreements Participate Fully Follow all procedures and protocols Use designed forms Stick to deadlines Keep ongoing notes – Strengths – Challenges Cooperate with Research Office

45 THANK YOU!! Please pick up your certificate and turn in your evaluation form

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