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About ACTE ACTE provides leadership and resources for developing an educated, prepared and competitive workforce  Largest national education association.

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Presentation on theme: "About ACTE ACTE provides leadership and resources for developing an educated, prepared and competitive workforce  Largest national education association."— Presentation transcript:

1 About ACTE ACTE provides leadership and resources for developing an educated, prepared and competitive workforce  Largest national education association of more than 23,000 thriving professionals dedicated to the advancement of CTE  Individual members include CTE educators, administrators, guidance counselors, and students  Members also include affiliated organizations and corporate partners sharing in the common mission to advance CTE  Recognized leader in legislative and regulatory issues impacting CTE  Representing academic excellence and leadership in CTE for 85+ years

2 ACTE Policy Making Structure Board of Directors 11 Board Divisions Policy Committee 5 Regions Policy Committee 3 Presidents Assembly of Delegates State Association Representation 6 Standing Committees and Various Task Forces ACTE Organization

3 ACTE Information-rich Resources  Content-rich ACTE website  Eight annual issues of the award- winning Techniques magazine  Access to ACTE’s Job Bank, Career Tech Update, STEM SmartBrief, free online seminars, and more!  Timely Issue Briefs and Infographics - STEM is CTE - CTE's Role in Urban Education - CTE's Role in Leadership Development

4 What is CTE?  Career and technical education prepares students to be college- and career-ready, expanding both their academic and work options  Prepares high school students and adults alike with a strong academic foundation to pursue postsecondary certificates and two- and four-year degrees  Emphasis on core academic skills (reading, writing, math), employability skills (critical thinking, project planning, time management), and job-specific, technical skills (career pathways)


6 ACTE Membership Options  Professional ($80) - offers individuals actively engaged and employed in the CTE community a wealth of world-class resources and information  Student (free!) - offers rising CTE professionals access to essential knowledge and tools as they prepare for their new and exciting careers!  Retiree ($31) - available for individuals who wish to remain active in the CTE community (and we welcome their expertise!)  International ($60) - open to CTE professionals outside the United States and provides opportunities to share best practices and lessons learned across country borders  Educational Institution (varying levels) - open to any school district, technical and career center, curriculum center, community college or university, and offers a vast array of benefits that can be tailored to meet the institution’s specific needs  National Affiliate ($500) - provides nonprofit organizations an active voice in the advancement of CTE  Associate ($1,200) - available for corporate entities interested in working with schools and educators on real-world CTE issues and workplace skills


8 VISION 2015 The largest annual gathering of CTE professionals  Professional development and educational enrichment to enhance your curriculum and enliven your classroom  Connect with thousands of CTE peers and professionals from across the country  Enjoy significant member savings on event registration fees and accommodations

9 9 National Policy Seminar, Skills for the Hill March 2 - 4, 2015 ▪ Arlington, VA ▪  Cultivate your advocacy skills and make a direct impact on Capitol Hill!  Hear from policymakers the latest updates on legislative and regulatory issues impacting CTE  Join 400+ education professionals and influence CTE-related policy initiatives, legislation and funding  Best Practices and Innovations Conference  Visit for 2015 information  CTE leaders exchange ideas on innovative CTE programing and curriculum to address the needs of today’s learners Additional Professional Development and Networking Opportunities

10 Connect with ACTE

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