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Update on Progresses, Challenges 2014 and Plans 2015 of CCC CCC Annual General Meeting 2014 CKCC, 12 March 2015 By: Ms. Estelle Roesch, Treasurer of CCC.

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Presentation on theme: "Update on Progresses, Challenges 2014 and Plans 2015 of CCC CCC Annual General Meeting 2014 CKCC, 12 March 2015 By: Ms. Estelle Roesch, Treasurer of CCC."— Presentation transcript:

1 Update on Progresses, Challenges 2014 and Plans 2015 of CCC CCC Annual General Meeting 2014 CKCC, 12 March 2015 By: Ms. Estelle Roesch, Treasurer of CCC EXCOM 2015 Mr. Khorn Bunthong, Head of Operations of CCC Vision: Sustainable Development for Cambodia 1

2 1.About CCC and Its GHP 2.Updated Progresses 3.Updated Financial Status 4.Priorities for 2015 5.Challenges & Proposed Solutions Presentation Outlines

3 1. About CCC and Its GHP

4 A Membership-based Organization

5 Governance Hub Program (GHP 2014 – 2018) Mission: We provide high quality services to civil society and influence Cambodia’s development actors Values: Cooperation, Quality, Responsiveness, Integrity and Inclusiveness

6 2. Updated Progresses

7 Outcome 1: Improved Quality of CSO Services 1.Applicant CSOs received GPP certification increased from 45 in 2013 to at least 70 by 2014 2.At least 50% of CSOs trained on Istanbul Principles on CSOs Development Effectiveness Implemented their action plan for applying IPs to their strategies and programs Relevant Indicators

8 Progress of Outcome 1

9  GPP quality improved through newly revised code, assessment procedure and scoring system  Partnership with Global Reference Standard for CSOs Accountability  Guidelines for CBO good practice drafted and consulted, promoting effective internal governance  At least 500 NGOs improved knowledge and capacity from capacity development services of CCC  Increased knowledge and commitment on IPs


11 Outcome 2: Improved Enabling Environment for CSOs 1.At least one law and policies to be proposed by the government included recommendations from CSOs 2.Funding and other support for CSOs, especially GPP certified CSOs gradually increased Relevant Indicators

12 Progress of Outcome 2  CSOs improved their collective advocacy efforts to claim for civic space  OGP introduced. Commitment and concrete action plans made by various stakeholders  Inputs from CSOs reflected in the IP3 of NCDD, ISAF and TWGs

13 Progress of Outcome 2 (Cont’d)  Draft Cybercrime Law scrapped  CSOs perspectives, advocacy and partnership reconfirmed within the post-2015 SDG process  CCC played active roles to promote the functionality and performance of WGPD


15 Progress of Outcome 3  CCC members increased from 141 (1 st Semester) to 148, membership fee revised to absorb more NGOs  NGO Information Bank stayed updated and widely accessible

16 Progress of Outcome 3 (Cont’d)  14 MoUs with provincial NGO networks and other organizations to address different development issues. Improved their institutional capacity and advocacy skills  Action/2015 iMove Campaigned promoted the perspectives and commitment of CSOs and the public against corruption and impunity


18 Outcome 4: Increased Capacity of CCC in Performing Its Roles 1.CCC operational funds from donors reduced from 85% in 2013 to 80% by 2014 2.CCC complied with GPP standards, donors’ contracts and Cambodian laws and regulations Relevant Indicators

19 Progress of Outcome 4  CCC bylaws revised, endorsed by CCC members and Excom  M&E practical guideline finalized, MESA tools developed and successfully tested  Computerized reporting system promoted CCC compliance to donor procedures  Improved staff performance: 360 Degree, capacity development program..


21 Impacts and Sustainability  Joint advocacy activities resulted in some positive changes for the legal enabling environment in Cambodia  Harmonization, capacity and sustainability of provincial NGO networks improved  The four practical guidelines (HRM, FM, ICT and M&E), the M&E tools and system have continuously strengthened the institutional capacity of Cambodian CSOs

22 3. Updated Financial Status

23 Updated Financial Status No.Description Annual Budget 2014 (USD) Actual Income Jan-Dec 2014 (USD) % 1Total Income1,139,221883,95978% 1.1 Fund balance at the beginning of the year102,098257,479252% CCC Reserves Brought Forward from 2013 155,381 Fund Balance Brought Forward from Donors 2013 102,098 1.2Income in 20141,037,123626,48060% CCC Reserves Contribution 2013 / CCC Self Income Generation 2014255,381146,87858% Grant Support from Donors781,742479,60261% No.Description Expenditure Budget (USD) Actual Expense Jan-Dec 2014 (USD) % 2Total Expense1,139,221664,82058% 2.1Outcome 1415,223202,35349% 2.2Outcome 2272,229162,63560% 2.3Outcome 3325,623225,76769% 2.4Outcome 4126,14674,06559% Ending Balance(1-2) -219,139

24 Updated Financial Status (Cont’d)

25 4. Priorities for 2015

26 Quality of services of CSOs Capacity in Responding to National Priorities and Global Trends Enabling Environment Inclusive Partnerships for Sustainable Development Key Priorities for 2015

27 Proposed GHP Budget (2015) No.DescriptionUSD 1 Outcome 1: Improved quality of CSO services310,403 2 Outcome 2: Improved enabling environment for CSOs 234,894 3 Outcome 3: Increased collaboration among CSOs286,875 4 Outcome 4: Increased capacity of CCC in performing its roles as CSO coordinator, networker and advocator 67,828 Total Annual Budget 2015900,000

28 5. Challenges & Proposed Solutions

29 What Matters Most?  Charging fee remains an issue for GPP and member development  Many emerging issues affected the priorities and capacity of CCC  Lack of genuine collaboration among CSOs at all levels  Financial commitment from funding partners remain limited  Civic space for CSOs remain shrinking

30 Proposed Solutions  Develop concession fee for GPP and member development  Seek for more supports from multi- stakeholders  Facilitate for collective efforts among CSOs to address common issues  Collaboration agreement to be made between CCC and other umbrella networks  Promote strategic partnership with funding partners  Promote collaboration with all stakeholders

31 Diversity of Funding Partners

32 32

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