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2011 Phase 3 ILCD Review. Cody-Kilgore Unified Schools C – Committed K – Knowledgeable U – Unified S - Successful.

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Presentation on theme: "2011 Phase 3 ILCD Review. Cody-Kilgore Unified Schools C – Committed K – Knowledgeable U – Unified S - Successful."— Presentation transcript:

1 2011 Phase 3 ILCD Review

2 Cody-Kilgore Unified Schools C – Committed K – Knowledgeable U – Unified S - Successful

3 The mission of the Cody-Kilgore Unified School System is for our students to be dedicated to learning, self-motivated, and committed to excellence.

4 Inquiry 1: How does our school facilitate parental involvement for children with disabilities?

5 Parents are requested to be included in all activities. Parents of children with disabilities are included on school committees. Personal invitations are sent out to parents when there are special transition activities or presentations at school such as the WIN Ahead program, Voc Rehab, etc. Parents receive a newborn welcome packet and Planning Region Team (PRT) information is handed out at public activities as well as included in newsletters.

6 Inquiry 2: How and what does our school use to identify students for Special Education?

7 * Parent/Teacher Referrals SAT Teams * Test Scores * Title I Inventories * Child Find

8 2 FAPE: Identification 2A – Child Find Improvement Goal: Cody-Kilgore Schools will provide preschool screenings and consultation to parents and educators. Activities: 1.Attend Planning Region Team Meetings 2.Screen preschool students.

9 Inquiry 3: How and what does our school do to ensure students are receiving appropriate services to progress in the curriculum?

10 Quarterly Progress Reports Testing Accommodations / Modification Sheets are given to each teacher Whole school teacher in-service trainings as well as many additional workshops throughout the year. Extended School Year services for retention of information. Personal parental contact including notes home, telephone contacts, etc. High School completion rate is excellent.

11 3 FAPE: Provision of Appropriate Services 3E – ESY Services Improvement Goal: Cody-Kilgore Unified Schools will ensure ESY services are determined by the IEP team and are provided for those students who qualify. 1.Review IDEA Rule 51 requirements. Consult NDE technical assistance guidance on ESY. 2.Seek guidance from NDE and ESU regarding providing ESY services. 3.Create a brochure outlining ESY Policy and Procedures as well as suggestions for reinforcement activities that could be done at home. 4.Share brochure with parents at IEP meetings.

12 Inquiry 4: How does our school provide services to students whose behavior impedes learning?

13 Parent Contacts Guidance Counselor/School Psychologist Professional Development Mentors Support Groups (Circle of Friends) Assemblies for At Risk Behaviors Outside Agencies

14 Inquiry 5: How does our school know Special Education students are being assessed and making progress or meeting benchmarks?

15 Good communication between students, staff, administration and parents. Documentation for progress reports State of the Schools Report DIBELS and Benchmarks End of unit tests National Norms & RTI

16 Inquiry 6: How does our school district serve our Special Education students? How are the students involved in activities?


18 Inquiry 7: What does our school district do to promote transition from high school to real life work, school, etc. for students? Do services continue to be provided to preschoolers transitioning to an IEP from and IFSP?

19 Transition from High School Self-Advocacy Skills Students host their own IEP meetings complete with power points as appropriate Career and Job Fairs College Visitation Days


21 Preschool Transition Speech is often provided by the same Speech Pathologist on an IEP as provided when student was on an IFSP Good communication between ESU Early Childhood Staff and school staff

22 Inquiry 8: Is our school district providing services to students who may be placed in out of district placements or correctional facilities? Is our district reporting on time?

23 Tutoring provided in local jail facility. Court hearings attended. IEP meetings held by conference calls as needed. Phone calls and school materials coordinated and sent to tutors in correctional facilities. Good communication between staff and probation officers.

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