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Belgium or Sweden VSVS. Do they under stand Your language? Belgium will understand our language. Because most of the people in Belgium will because 90%

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Presentation on theme: "Belgium or Sweden VSVS. Do they under stand Your language? Belgium will understand our language. Because most of the people in Belgium will because 90%"— Presentation transcript:

1 Belgium or Sweden VSVS

2 Do they under stand Your language? Belgium will understand our language. Because most of the people in Belgium will because 90% of people over there speak English This is a festival of language

3 Is the food ripe and not mouldy? In Belgium there food is all fresh and is not mouldy. The food is fresh because it is one of the most freshest food place in the world

4 Employment rate good? The rates in Belgium is good because it is not too high. And that means you will be saving a lot more money living in Belgium than Australia. 7.7% of the population don’t have jobs and 92.3% have jobs.

5 Are the taxes high? The taxes in Belgium are not high and a lot less that Australia. So the gov will not build any weird things or not useful buildings like they do in Australia. The tax rete is low what is the tax rate? (10%)

6 Is the water clean? The water is clean and fresh. The dames in Belgium are clean which means that it would be good to move there because the dames are big and that means that there is a lot of water.

7 Is it a lack of population? The population in Belgium is only 10 438 353 compered to Australia which is 22 015 576 So that means it would be easier to move around than Australia.

8 Is it safe in Sweden? Sweden has 1.23 million crimes per year. The murders which is 0.97 per 100,000 people compered to Australia which is 1.03 per 100,000 people so Sweden is safer then Australia.

9 What is the religion in Sweden? Sweden’s religion is Lutheran 87%, other (includes Roman Catholic, Orthodox, Baptist, Muslim, Jewish, and Buddhist) 13%.

10 Is it likely to get a job in Sweden? In Sweden ex of the population is unemployed which means that 92% of the population have jobs. This means it would be easy to get a job over in Sweden if someone moved there from another country.

11 What is the cost of living in Sweden? Sweden’s cost of living after tax is $3,181.11 and Australia is $3,780.69 so that means Australia is abit richer then Sweden which is not that bad of a thing AustraliaSweden

12 Dose Sweden have clean drinking water? 100% of the population in Sweden have access piped clean drinking water to the house or probity. That is the same as Australia so Australians will not get effected by it.

13 Dose Sweden have any pollution? Sweden’s CO2 rate is 5.44 Thousand metric tonnes each parson uses per year compared to how much thousand metric tonnes are used per parson in Australia which is 16.71.

14 Conclusion Due to our calculations Sweden is more of a livable country then Belgium because Sweden has better drinking water and less pollution.

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