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Project-Based Learning in the English Classroom. Why are we studying this junk? When am I ever going to use it in real life? Sound familiar?

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Presentation on theme: "Project-Based Learning in the English Classroom. Why are we studying this junk? When am I ever going to use it in real life? Sound familiar?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Project-Based Learning in the English Classroom

2 Why are we studying this junk? When am I ever going to use it in real life? Sound familiar?

3 Project-based Learning makes education meaningful.

4 21 st Century Skills Creativity and Innovation Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Communication and Collaboration Information, Media, and Technology Literacy Initiative and Self-direction Social and Cross-cultural Skills Flexibility and Adaptability

5 Sounds good, but what about curriculum and standards?

6 Although class time is organized differently for project-based learning, it is still very structured. Projects are designed around core curricular objectives and are aligned with goals from the North Carolina Standard Course of Study.

7 What will students gain from project-based learning?

8 Research indicates that with project-based learning:  Students are more engaged and interested in learning the content because it relates to their lives.  Students understand what they are learning at a deeper level because they are actually using concepts and skills in meaningful ways.  By working with peers and others in the community, students learn important collaboration skills that they will need in their adult lives.  Students develop important self-management skills, such as time management, planning, and self-assessing.

9 So, when do we start?

10 4 projects during the semester, each aligned with a major literary work The Iliad, by Homer – Consequences of Pride Antigone, by Sophocles – Effective Leadership A Doll House, by Henrik Ibsen – Gender Equality A Lesson Before Dying, by Ernest Gaines – Justice

11 Questions? Contact me: Kelly StollingsVisit my page on Watauga High School SchoolFusion! 400 High School Drive Boone, NC 28607 (828) 264-2407, ext. 453

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