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Lessons Learned from District Tech Audits Sun Associates

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1 Lessons Learned from District Tech Audits Sun Associates

2 Audit? What is it? z“To what extent are we achieving our vision for using technology to support teaching and learning?” zIndicators zData Collection zAnalysis zRecommendations

3 Student Skills and Outcomes Findings zNo established student technology skills-set (scope and sequence) zA focus on technical skills zInconsistent skills, knowledge and ownership of digital literacy Recommendations zCreate a clearly established student skill- set linked to the core curriculum zFocus on learning skills and habits of mind (NETS, 21 st Century Framework, etc.) zWeave digital literacy into student and teacher expectations

4 Planning Findings zPlans are almost entirely “infrastructure plans” zPlans are not strategic zPlans do not connect to broader district goals and improvement plans (“blizzard of initiatives”) Recommendations zInfrastructure should support instructional objectives and should not stand alone. zPlans need to transpire and unfold over time. zThe technology plan needs to be created by a broad range of district staff and stakeholders.

5 Leadership Findings zTechnology leadership is not connected to Curriculum and Instruction zDistrict leadership does not view instructional technology as an aspect of pedagogy Recommendations zInstructional technology should be viewed as integral to 21 st century pedagogy and therefore needs to be lead by Curriculum and Instruction with the support of technical staff

6 Staffing Findings zMany districts lack sufficient instructional support staff zInstructional Technology staff teach students and not teachers zInstructional Technology staff are expected to provide technical support zInstructional Technology staff lack the permissions to address simple networking and workstation issues Recommendations zDevelop ITS (Instructional Technology Specialist) positions as teacher coaches or coordinators zReview and revise position descriptions and staff organization zEstablish effective technology leadership that coordinates and balances instructional and technical needs

7 Technical Infrastructure Findings zMany policy and organizational issues zOften, a surprising lack of incoming Internet bandwidth zDistricts continue to struggle with TCO (total cost of ownership) Recommendations zUltimately, infrastructure policies – access, availability, etc. – must be driven by instructional needs and budgeted accordingly. zTCO – e.g., a replacement cycle – needs to be built into the district technology plan and its budget

8 Key Take-Away zTechnology integration is mostly about pedagogy and not so much “content” yStudent centered and project based learning is a natural connection point for technology yModern technology standards such as NETS are parallel to curriculum initiatives such as Common Core, NGSS, 21 st Century Skills, etc. yTherefore, technology needs to be a part of a district’s curriculum and instruction efforts (including professional development!)

9 More Take-Aways zDistricts need a Strategic Instructional Technology Plan yRooted in a vision for teaching and learning and the development of student thinking skills yOverseen by strong leadership yDeveloped by a broad-based committee of stakeholders zLack of funding shouldn’t mean lack of a plan! yPlans are the precursors to adequate and sustainable funding.

10 zDecisions related to technology – even the technical decisions – need to be driven by instructional priorities zA district-wide instructional technology audit or program evaluation can help orient a district to these themes of curriculum focus, leadership and planning.

11 So The Real Bottom Line… zLessons Learned = Common Sense zThe audit/evaluation process yHelps define vision and desired outcomes yBuilds consensus yRaises awareness yCollect relevant data and results zEstablishes the basis for planning

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