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Side 1 CB-trial Telenor Mobil  What was the purpose of the trial ?  What we did  What was the results ?  Conclusions.

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Presentation on theme: "Side 1 CB-trial Telenor Mobil  What was the purpose of the trial ?  What we did  What was the results ?  Conclusions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Side 1 CB-trial Telenor Mobil  What was the purpose of the trial ?  What we did  What was the results ?  Conclusions

2 Side 2 The main goals  Carry out a technical, marketing and commercial test of Cell Broadcast  Visualise CB opportunities for content providers

3 Side 3 What we did (1)  Invited content broker/provider to run the marketing and commercial parts of the trial including;  Developing the services  Content  Marketing towards content supplier and end user

4 Side 4 What we did (2)  ”The market place”  Limited area in Oslo, trendy part of the town with lots of restaurants, cafés and outdoor activities  Target group  Young people and young adults

5 Side 5 The content and the services  The content broker established a network of companies interested in being promoted to the target group whithin the test area  The services  FEED MAGEN drink and food ideas  FEED PULS what's on ?  FEED VISNING estate agent, notification  FEED PARTYinvitations to parties

6 Side 6 Marketing material/activities  Content brokers` homepage  Fly sheet with user guide and service overview  Sweaters with promotion  Information material for the press  A competition for end users  Team of 15 – 20 young persons out in the streets  distributing fly sheets  educating end users

7 Side 7 Who where the content sponsorers and content suppliers  Brewery  Major internet company  Local TV station  Real estate agency  Electronic equipment hire company  Restaurants and cafees in the area

8 Side 8 Conclusions from the trial (1)  The services was well accepted in the target group  CB make high demands on the content provider  CB service activation from web via OTA  Easier/better user interface for the terminals when promoting the services to other target groups

9 Side 9 Conclusions from the trial (2)  Content of current interest which adds value to the end user  Customised content for the local area or target group  Accurate information  High quality of expression

10 Side 10 Conclusions from the trial (3) How the services/content should be  Avoid content which is generally available elsewhere  Focus on local information  Content must contain nesessary information and facts  Sponsoring of messages is acceptable if the content is of interest  End users are used to SMS messages of 160 characters.  Negative to longer messages at this moment  End users wish to personalize content easily (e.g. via a web page)

11 Side 11 Trial experience of the terminal user interface  Some phones did not receive messages after being activated for CB.  Some phones received all the repetitions  No problems within the target group in activating/deactivating channels  Wishes from the end users  Possibility to store messages  CB and P-P SMS should have different alert tones

12 Side 12 Other services  Skiing resort  Information service to visitors  Terminal problems and technical problems  Promising service concept  American football game  Messages with response  Traffic information  To short test for getting results  Internal service Telenor Mobil (”the lunch menu of today”)

13 Side 13 Further development  Easier terminal user interface  Better menues  Web activation of services (OTA)  Better user interface  Billing of subscrition services  Common international Index structure for CB

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