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北京运筹学会年会( 2004 年 12 月 25 日  北京邮电大学)供应链管理的若干热点问题 谢金星 清华大学数学科学系 Tel: 010-62787812

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Presentation on theme: "北京运筹学会年会( 2004 年 12 月 25 日  北京邮电大学)供应链管理的若干热点问题 谢金星 清华大学数学科学系 Tel: 010-62787812"— Presentation transcript:

1 北京运筹学会年会( 2004 年 12 月 25 日  北京邮电大学)供应链管理的若干热点问题 谢金星 清华大学数学科学系 Tel: 010-62787812

2 简要提纲 基本概念 研究方法 热点问题 小结 Supply Chain Management (SCM)

3 What is a Supply Chain ? Example: Stages of a Detergent Supply Chain Customer wants detergent and goes to Wal-Mart Wal-Mart Store Wal-Mart Or third- party DC P&G or other manufacturer Plastic producer Chemical manufacturer Paper manufacturer Timber industry Tenneco packaging Chemical manufacturer

4 Supply Chain Stages Supplier Manufacturer Distributor Retailer Customer

5 WHAT IS A SUPPLY CHAIN? The global network used to deliver products and services from raw materials to the end customer through engineered flows of information, physical distribution and cash. Information Systems World-Wide Requirements Planning Customer Relationship Management Logistics Network Distribution Processes The Supply Chain Supply Network, Supply Web

6 Connect Supply With Demand SUPPLYDEMAND Information Product Cash Not only manufacturer and supplier, but also transporters, warehouses, retailers and customers themselves. All functions involved in filling a customer request within each organization: new product development, marketing, operations, distribution, finance, and customer service.

7 The Council of Logistics Management (CLM) Founded 1963: CPDM (Council of Physical Distribution Management) Changed 1985: CLM (The Council of Logistics Management) Effective January 1, 2005: CSCMP (Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals)

8 Why SCM is Too Hot Recently? Core Competence –Short-term Focus: Time-based Competition –High Capital Investment: Increase ROI (Return-On-Investment) Bullwhip Effect –Information Distortion: Can We Play the Game Better? Global Manufacturing –Final Assembly is Simple: OEM (original equipment mfg.) –Physical Distribution is Cheap: 3PL (3rd Party Logistics) Information Technology –ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) and DSS –Internet: EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) etc.

9 Objectives of SCM To improve the profitability and efficiency of the supply chain and all organizations involved By –Optimizing the structures and operations –Maximizing the net value added by all relevant processes.

10 Nails vs. Hammers Issues / Problems  Models  Analysis / Solution

11 SCM: Issues and Methodology Who’s fault? Supply chain coordination (SCC): The members in a supply chain cooperate with each other to reach the best performance of the entire chain

12 Difficulties when modeling a supply chain  Complicated / Large-scale Network Structure Complicated / Large-scale Product Structure Complicated / Large-scale Process Structure  Distributed / Decentralized Organization Structure Distributed / Decentralized Information Structure Distributed / Decentralized Decision Structure  Dynamic System  Variety of Uncertainties

13 Supplier Plan Customer Customer’s Customer Suppliers’ Supplier Make Deliver Source Make DeliverMakeSource Deliver Source Deliver Internal or External Your Company Source Founded in 1996 ( Supply Chain Operations Reference Model (SCOR) Return

14 Decision Level & Interdisciplinarity Strategic Tactic Operational Levels of Decision OR (Optimization, Game Theory, Inventory Mgmt., etc.) Behavior TheoryMicroeconomics

15 Different perspectives of SCM 1. Purchasing and supply literature 2. Logistics and transportation literature 3. Marketing literature 4. Organizational behavior, industrial organization, transaction cost economics and contract view literature 5. Contingency theory ( 权变理论 ) 6. Institutional sociology ( 制度社会学 ) 7. System engineering literature 8. Network literature 9. Best practices literature 10. Strategic management literature 11. Economic development Literature Source: “Supply chain management: an analytical framework for critical literature review”, EJPSM 6 (2000), pp.67-83

16 Source: “Supply chain management: an analytical framework for critical literature review”, EJPSM 6 (2000), pp.67-83 Classifying literature according to the methodology Mainly on inventory management

17 Research Methods Theoretic models –Deterministic models –Stochastic models Simulation models Expert system (knowledge model) Empirical –Case study –Survey –Panel study –Database

18 OR Methodology LP NLP Goal Prog. Multi-Criteria Prog. Network Flow Game Theory Dynamic Prog. Inven. Control Queue Network Markov DM Uncertain Prog. TS (Tabu Search) SA (Simulated Ann.) GA / EA Lagrangian Relaxation Theory of Constraints Multi-Agent Simulation Petri Nets Queue Network Markov Chain … SCM DeterministicUncertainHeuristic Qualitative QuantitativeEmpirical Non-Optimizing Optimization-based

19 Some research topics Theory of SCM as a discipline Inventory Management (with new features incorporated) Information Sharing and Supply Chain Coordination (e.g. Contract, Incentive, Rebate, Imbursement, Discount, etc.) Coordinated supply chain scheduling (CSCS) CPFR (Collaborative Planning, Forecasting, and Replenishment) Marketing (e.g. Co-operative pricing and advertising) Transportation / Routing Problem (Network Optimization) Supply chain design, product design (e.g. postponement) 3PL (3rd Party Logistics)  4PL (4th Party Logistics) Game Theory (Bargaining Theory, Auction Theory) Green supply chain China-based research ……

20 Inventory Management Revisited Incorporating new dimensions, e.g. Information sharing (Value of information) Order coordination with contracts Rationing game Advanced order commitment (Earlier order commitment ) Short life cycle products Distributed distribution Inventory & transportation VMI (Vendor Managed Inventory) …

21 Scheduling Revisited Hall NG, Potts CN, Supply chain scheduling: Batching and delivery, OPERATIONS RESEARCH 51 (4): 566-584 JUL-AUG 2003

22 Vertical Co-op advertising The retailer initiates and implements a local advertising and the manufacturer pays part of the cost. Pricing and co-op advertising? ---- Huang, Z. M., S. X. Li, 2001. Co-op advertising models in manufacturer-retailer supply chains: A game theory approach. EJOR 135, 527-544.

23 Network Optimization Revisited J. Geunes, P. M. Pardalos, Network Optimization in Supply Chain Management and Financial Engineering: An Annotated Bibliography, NETWORKS, Vol. 42(2), 66–84, 2003. New features incorporated: –Non-linear network optimization –Inventory-Routing; Inventory-Transportation –supply chain design incorporates location-routing decisions –Marketing consideration –……

24 SCM in the E-Business Era Supply chain structure on the Internet Marketing-operations interaction Multi-channel cooperation Supply chain intermediation Principal-agent model (decentralized decision making) Auctions and pricing in E-marketplace Design of combinatorial auctions ……

25 Reverse Distribution: Framework Source: EJOR 103 (1997) 1-17

26 Distributed distribution: Example Without inventory

27 Summary ---- 供应链管理的研究综述 ( 工业工程, 2002) Methodology Content Type / Mode

28 Some Related Books Handbook of Quantitative Supply Chain Analysis: Modeling in the E-Business Era, 2004, Kluwer. Handbook of Supply Chain Management: Design, Coordination and Operation, 2003, Elsevier. (Handbooks in OR/MS, Vol. 11) Quantitative Models for Supply Chain Management, 1999, Kluwer. (Inter. Series in OR&MS) Logistics of Production and Inventory, 1993, Elsevier. (Handbooks in OR&MS, Vol. 4)

29 一孔之见,罗列于此; 挂一漏万,敬请斧正!

30 Thank you for your attendance!

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