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EMINTS at the Tech Schools North Technical High School South Technical High School Presented by Jan Viele Certified eMINTS Instructor Educational Technology.

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Presentation on theme: "EMINTS at the Tech Schools North Technical High School South Technical High School Presented by Jan Viele Certified eMINTS Instructor Educational Technology."— Presentation transcript:

1 eMINTS at the Tech Schools North Technical High School South Technical High School Presented by Jan Viele Certified eMINTS Instructor Educational Technology Facilitator

2 3 Math Teachers 5 Language Arts Teachers 4 Science Teachers 2 Social Studies Teachers 1 Lab Tech Teacher 2 Health Occupations Teachers 1 Cosmetology Teacher 2 Early Childcare Teachers There are 20 High School eMINTS Teachers at the Tech Schools

3 Our teachers are the strength of the eMINTS program. We are a strong community and work together to provide our students with challenging, engaging lessons. Our tech school teachers have grown closer and regularly collaborate. eMINTS strategies include Problem-Based Learning, Project-Based Learning and Inquiry-Based Learning.

4 Several classroom models have been implemented at the tech schools. Please note that the Tech Schools have not received an eMINTS Grant. Title Money was used to fund the program during the first couple of years and we presently use funds from building budgets or budgets for the individual major/shop. Classroom Examples

5 Classroom with Ncomputing setup--monitors close down into the desks. NComputing drastically reduces the cost of computing by allowing four people to simultaneously share a single computer.

6 Individual desks and laptops allow for easy collaboration. Dell Latitude E5500 Laptop

7 Desktop Computer with a splitter for the monitor and SmartBoard

8 Flatscreen Desktop Computers

9 SmartBoard with integrated projector and speakers SMART Board™ 600i Interactive Whiteboard System Shadows and Glare are reduced when the projector is mounted

10 Laptop cart, wireless access point and networked printer.

11 Portable SmartBoard and Desktop Computers on Tables

12 Small cart for presentation materials and laptop.

13 Desktops on Tables and other tables for group work.

14 Platform--Small cart for presentation materials and hanging wires.

15 Computer Comparison Desktop ComputersLaptop Computers Very Reliable Not very versatile Longer lifetime Wireless is not always reliable Very versatile and mobile Shorter lifetime Batteries need replaced

16 Let’s Look at New Technology and Technology Trends

17 Photos from Schillers Audio-Visual Multiple Choice Puzzle Application Addition Application Hot Spot Application

18 Photos from Schillers Audio-Visual Document Camera DVD/VCR Control System Sample Lecterns

19 Technical Support Professional Development for teachers is really important if we plan to implement 1:1 computing effectively. Lack of technical support is one of the primary complaints of teachers when asked why they do not use computers more in their lessons.

20 Increased Bandwidth for Streaming Video, collaboration, Communicating (Skyping) with students sick at home, students in other classrooms, or students in other schools. Increased Bandwidth Webcams

21 wireless environment includes: Laptop computers for every student; A state-of-the-art television and video production studio; A server room and laptop repair center; A complement of multimedia presentation devices in every classroom. (Video Camera, digital camera, projector remote) The teaching stations are integrated with several media devices. They include: DVD/VCR Document cameras SMART® boards Equipment specific to the subject covered in the curriculum. --From Christian Brothers College Prep High School Wireless Environment

22 “Copyright 2001–2008 SMART Technologies ULC. All rights reserved.” SMART Board™ Front Projection 600 With Speakers Classroom Speakers

23 Camera Installed in SmartBoard Digital Vision Touch (DViT) technology (camera details) “Copyright 2001–2008 SMART Technologies ULC. All rights reserved.”

24 SMART Audio System “Copyright 2001–2008 SMART Technologies ULC. All rights reserved.”

25 Dell 4610X Wireless Projector—All students can print from their laptops

26 al/segments/topics/k12/private_cloud?c=us&cs=RC1 084719&l=en&s=k12&~ck=anavml

27 iPhone Apps for Students at

28 Top 10 Paid Education Apps

29 CourseSmart Puts Textbooks on IPhone

30 Kindle— By Amazon

31 Thank you for the opportunity to share information about the tech schools. Do you have any questions?

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