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Chapter 6: Computer Arithmetic and the ALU
Topics 6.1 Number Systems and Radix Conversion 6.2 Fixed Point Arithmetic 6.3 Seminumeric Aspects of ALU Design 6.4 Floating-Point Arithmetic
Number Systems Number systems consist of a base or radix and a set of symbols: decimal notation (0d1234) Base: 10 Symbols: 0-9 Values: obvious binary notation (0b1010) Base: 2 Symbols: 0,1 Values: obvious hexidecimal notation (0x10EF) Base: 16 Symbols: 0-9,A,B,C,D,E,F Values: = 0-9 A = 10 B = 11 C = 12 D = 13 E = 14 F = 15 octal notation (0c077) Base: 8 Symbols: 0-7 Values: obvious
Number Representation
An m digit, base b number is written as a string of m digits: x = xm-1 xm x1 x0 where digits xi are in the range of 0 xi b-1 So: base 2: 0 xi 1 xi = 0,1 base 8: 0 xi 7 xi = 0-7 base 10: 0 xi 9 xi = 0-8 base 16: 0 xi 15 xi = 0-9, A-F The value of the ith digit is: value(xi) = xi * b i The value of x is:
Number Representation Examples
32710 = 3 * * * 100 10112 = 1 * * * * 20 = 1110 ED716 = 14(E) * (D) * * 160 = = E D 7 37558 = 3 * * * * 80 = = =
Number Representation
For a base b number of m digits, the maximum number that can be represented is: Examples 4 digit base 10 xmax = = 4 digit base 2 xmax = = 11112 = 1510 3 digit base 8 xmax = = 7778 = 51110
Fractions value(xi) = xi * b i, but now i goes from -1 to -m
Fractions are numbers with a radix point: xn-1xn-2...x1x0 . x-1x-2...x-m A number in a fixed-length computer register with its radix point assumed to be in a fixed position (even all the way to the right) is called a fixed point number Each digit to the right of the radix point has a value of: radix point value(xi) = xi * b i, but now i goes from -1 to -m Examples: = 4 * * * 10-1 = 1 * * * * * 2-3 =
Radix Conversion Converting from base b to calculator’s base c - eg., converting numbers into base 10 1) Start with base b x = xm-1 xm x1 x0 2) Initialize base c value y = 0 3) Left to right, get next digit (symbol) xi 4) Convert base b symbol xi to base c number yi (by means of a table) 5) Update the base c vaule by: y = yb + yi 6) If there are more digits, repeat from step 3 Example: convert AC216 to base 10 y = 0 y = 0 + A(=10) = 10 y = 10*16 + C(=12) = 172 y = 172* = Example: convert 7538 to base 10 y = 0 y = = 7 y = 17*8 + 5 = 61 y = 61*8 + 3 = 49110
Radix Conversion Converting from calculator’s base c to base b - eg., converting numbers from base 10 to another base 1) Start with the base c integer x to be converted 2) Initialize i = 0 and v = x and produce digits right to left 3) Calculate Di = v mod b and v = v/b. Convert Di to base b to get yi 4) Set i = i + 1; If v 0, repeat from step 3 Example: convert to base 16 3661 16 = 228 (rem = 13) y0 = D(=13) 228 16 = 14 (rem = 4) y1 = 4 14 16 = 0 (rem = 14) y2 = E Thus = E4D16
Radix Conversion Examples
Example: convert to base 2 235 2 = 117 (rem = 1) y0 = 1 117 2 = 58 (rem = 1) y1 = 1 58 2 = 29 (rem = 0) y2 = 0 29 2 = 14 (rem = 1) y3 = 1 14 2 = (rem = 0) y4 = 0 7 2 = (rem = 1) y5 = 1 3 2 = (rem = 1) y6 = 1 1 2 = (rem = 1) y7 = 1 Thus =
More Radix Conversion Examples
Example: convert to base 8 1257 8 = 157 (rem = 1) y0 = 1 157 8 = 19 (rem = 5) y1 = 5 19 8 = (rem = 3) y2 = 3 2 8 = (rem = 2) y3 = 2 Thus = 23518
Radix Conversion - a more ad-hoc approach
Example: convert to base 2 Thus = 64 32 16 8 4 2 1 1024 512 256 128
Radix Conversion - Digit Grouping
Hex Binary 0 0000 1 0001 2 0010 3 0011 4 0100 5 0101 6 0110 7 0111 8 1000 9 1001 A 1010 B 1011 C 1100 D 1101 E 1110 F 1111 Example: convert to base 16 F Thus = 46F16 Example: convert to base 0 Thus = 21578 Octal Binary
Representing Negative Integer Numbers
There are four methods that can be used to represent negative numbers: Sign-magnitude decimal: +435, -3102, etc. binary: use a sign bit, e.g = 00112, -310 = 10112 radix compliment (eg. 2’s compliment) diminished radix compliment (eg. 1’s compliment) bias or excess - used in floating point numbers
Complement Operations for m-Digit Base b Numbers
Radix complement of m-digit base b number x is: xc = (bm - x) mod bm Diminished radix complement of x is: xc = bm x The complement operation is used to define the relationship between the unsigned number representing a negative number and its absolute value Complement number systems use unsigned base b numbers to represent both positive and negative numbers The complement of a number in the range 0xbm-1 is in the same range ˆ
Tbl 6.1 Complement Representations of Negative Numbers
Radix Complement Diminished Radix Complement Number Representation Number Representation 0 or bm-1 0<x<bm/2 x 0<x<bm/2 x |x|c = bm |x| -bm/2x<0 |x|c = bm - |x| -bm/2<x<0 For even b, radix complement system represents one more negative than positive value While diminished radix complement system has 2 zeros but represents same number of positive & negative values
Tbl 6.2 Base 2 Complement Representations
8 Bit 2’s Complement 8 Bit 1’s Complement Number Representation Number Representation 0 or 255 0<x<128 x 0<x<128 x 255 - |x| -128x<0 256 - |x| -127x<0 Numbers go from -128 to 127 Numbers go from -127 to 127 In 1’s complement, 255 = is often called -0 In 2’s complement, -128 = is a legal value, but trying to negate it gives overflow
Example: base 2 - 4 bits ˆ Ex. 7 Ex. 7 2’s complement
Number Representation Negative calculation of negative value: xc = (bm - x) mod bm Ex. 7 -7 = 10000 0111 01001 simply invert and add 1: 0111c = = = 1001 calculation of negative value: xc = (bm x) Ex. 7 -7 = 10000 0111 01001 1 1000 simply invert: 0111c = 1000 ˆ 1’s complement Number Representation Negative
Shifting Shifting a number left one digit is equivalent to multiplication by base b (insert a 0 on the right) Examples: left shift Þ 01012 = 510 left shift Þ = 1010 11012 = -310 left shift Þ = -62 (2’s complement) In a left shift, overflow occurs if the sign changes Example: 10102 = -610 left shift Þ Overflow!
Shifting (cont.) Shifting a number right one digit is equivalent to division by base b (copy sign bit from MSB to MSB-1 bit for signed numbers - called arithmetic right shifting) No overflow can occur, but any fractional part of the division is lost Examples: 01112 = 710 right shift Þ = 310 (-½ - fraction lost) 10112 = -510 right shift Þ = -62 (+½ - fraction lost)
Fixed Point Arithmetic - Addition
Complement number systems allow the addition of signed numbers with an adder for unsigned numbers Overflow only occurs when numbers are of the same sign and overflow can be detected when the result is of opposite sign from the operands Unsigned addition of m digit base b numbers x and y: 1) Initialize digit counter j = 0 and carry in co = 0 2) Produce digit j of sum = (xj + yj + cj) mod b and carry cj+1 = (xj + yj + cj)/b 3) Increment j = j + 1 and repeat from 2 if j < m
Fixed Point Arithmetic - Addition
Example: Hardware implementation - ripple carry adder: c m – 1 s x y 2 FA FA FA Sj = xj Ä yj Ä cj cj+1 = xj•yj + xj•cj + yj•cj Carry and sum of jth+1 stage depends on the carry from the jth stage - thus the correct values ripple from right to left
Fig 6.2 Base b Radix Complement Subtracter
To do subtraction in the radix complement system, it is only necessary to negate (radix complement) the 2nd operand It is easy to take the diminished radix complement, and the adder has a carry-in for the +1 + 1 B a s e b d r ( – ) ' c o m p l n t x y
Fig 6.3 2’s Complement Adder/Subtracter
A multiplexer to select y or its complement becomes an exclusive OR gate c m – 1 q F A s x y 3 2 S u b t r a o n l . . . qj = yj•r + yj•r = yj Ä r
Problem with Ripple Carry Addition/Subtraction
tc - full adder carry propagation time ts - full adder sum propagation time c m – 1 s x y 2 mtc 2tc tc FA FA FA (m-1)tc + ts tc + ts ts Total propagation time of adder is proportional to the number of bits A 64 bit adder with tc=200ps would take 12.8ns to compute the final carry out - which corresponds to less than an 80MHz clock speed - SLOW!
Solution - Carry Look Ahead
Generate a carry across groups of bits using only the bits to be summed and the carry into that group Consider the jth bit (stage) of an addition operation - there will be a carry out of this stage if: the bits in this stage generate a carry, or there is a carry into this stage and the bits in this stage propagate that carry to the next stage What conditions generate and propagate carry bits?
Binary Propagate and Generate Signals
Generate for digit j is Gj = xjyj Propagate for digit j is Pj = xj+yj Of course xj+yj covers xjyj but it still corresponds to a carry out for a carry in Carries can then be written: cj+1 = Gj + Pjcj c1 = G0 + P0c0 c2 = G1 + P1G0 + P1P0c0 c3 = G2 + P2G1 + P2P1G0 + P2P1P0c0 c4 = G3 + P3G2 + P3P2G1 + P3P2P1G0 + P3P2P1P0c0 Eg., in words, the c2 logic is: c2 is one if digit 1 generates a carry, or if digit 0 generates one and digit 1 propagates it, or if digits 0 and 1 both propagate a carry-in
Speed Gains with Carry Lookahead
It takes one gate to produce a G or P, two levels of gates for any carry, and 2 more for full adders The number of OR gate inputs (terms) and AND gate inputs (literals in a term) grows as the number of carries generated by lookahead The real power of this technique comes from applying it recursively For a group of 4 digits an overall generate is: G10 = G3 + P3G2 + P3P2G1 + P3P2P1G0 An overall propagate is: P10 = P3P2P1P0
Recursive Carry Lookahead Scheme
It is not practical to apply this directly to wide (eg. 64) bit widths directly - however, the idea extends to a multilevel scheme: Rewrite equation for c4: c4 = G01 + P01 c0 where: G01 = G3 + P3G2 + P3P2G1 + P3P2P1G0 and: P01 = P3P2P1P0 For the next level up (level 2 - assuming 4 “bits” per group) for group 0: G02 = G31 + P31G21 + P31P21G11 + P31P21P11G01 P02 = P31P21P11P01 Keep building up in groups of k bits (tree structure) Now delay is proportional to logkm because there are logkm levels in the carry-look ahead tree
Fig 6.4 Carry Lookahead Adder for Group Size k = 2
7 y x G P 6 1 3 c 5 4 2 L o k a h e d v l C m p u t g n r
64 Bit Adder using Carry Look Ahead with Group Size, k = 4
Delays: Level 0 Propagate & Generate 1 delay Level 1 Propagate & Generate 2 delays Level 2 Propagate & Generate 2 delays Level 3 intermediate carry 2 delays Level 2 intermediate carry 2 delays Level 1 intermediate carry 2 delays MSB sum & co from carry in 1 delay Total gate delays: 12
Binary Multiplication (unsigned)
Multiplication can be done using successive addition (as you have seen in the lab assignment) A faster method is to multiply Y by X, k bits at a time and add the resulting terms (k usually equals 1) - as is done by hand Example: Multiplicand Y Multiplier X=X3X2X1X0 X0Y20 X1Y21 X2Y22 X3Y23 There are many ways to implement this in hardware, but perhaps the simplest is the shift-add mechanism
Unsigned Binary Multiplication Datapath
Multiplicand Mn-1 M0 Control Unit n-Bit Adder Multiplier C An-1 A0 Qn-1 Q0 Product 2n+1 bit shift register
Unsigned Binary Multiplication Algorithm
START C, A 0 M Multiplicand Q Multiplier Count 0 No Yes Q0 = 1? C, A A + M Shift C,A,Q Count Count + 1 No Yes Count = n? END
Unsigned Binary Multiplication Example
(Y) (X) M C A Q initialize registers; count = 0; test:Q0=1 A ¬ A+M shift C,A,Q; count=1; test:Q0=0 shift C,A,Q; count=2; test: Q0=1 A ¬ A+M shift C,A,Q; count=3; test: Q0=1 A ¬ A+M shift C,A,Q; count=4; end Product
Signed Binary Multiplication
Many algorithms for signed multiplication exist, but the simplest one is similar to the one for unsigned multiplication except: Shifts are arithmetic (sign bit is copied) Adder is 2’s complement - carry out is ignored if the sign bit of the multiplier is ‘1’ (it is negative) then the last arithmetic operation before the final shift is a subtraction vs. an addition A data path very similar to the one for unsigned multiplication can be used - the C register is not needed, the shift register must be arithmetic, and the adder must be modifed to do 2’s complement addition and subtraction The algorithm is also very similar with the exception of the final arithmetic operation
Signed Binary Multiplication Example
(Y=3) (X= -5) M A Q initialize registers; count = 0; test:Q0=1 A ¬ A+M arithmetic shift A,Q; count=1; test:Q0=1 A ¬ A+M arithmetic shift A,Q; count=2; test:Q0=0 arithmetic shift A,Q; count=3; test:Q0=1 A ¬ A+M arithmetic shift A,Q; count=4; test:Q0=1 A ¬ A+M arithmetic shift A,Q; count=5; test:Q0=1 A ¬ A+M arithmetic shift A,Q; count=6; test:Q0=1 A ¬ A+M arithmetic shift A,Q; count=7; test:Q0=1 A ¬ A-M (subtract because X was neg.) arithmetic shift A,Q; count=8; end Product = -15
Booth’s Algorithm for Signed Multiplication
A more efficient algorithm was developed by Booth in 1951 It uses a single bit register to the right of the least significant bit of Q called Q-1 The action to be taken on the next step depends on the value of Q0 and Q-1 if Q0Q-1 = 01 then A ¬ A+ M ; arithmetic shift A,Q,Q-1 if Q0Q-1 = 10 then A ¬ A- M; arithmetic shift A,Q,Q-1 if Q0Q-1 = 00 or 11 then arithmetic shift A,Q,Q-1 This algorithm is more efficient that the previous one in that it “skips over” groups of all ‘1’s or all ‘0’s
Booth’s Algorithm Datapath
Multiplicand Mn-1 M0 Control Unit n-Bit 2’s Complement Adder/Subtractor Multiplier An-1 A0 Qn-1 Q0 Q-1 Product 2n+1 bit arithmetic shift register
Booth’s Algorithm
Booth’s Algorithm Example
(Y=3) (X= -5) M A Q Q-1 initialize registers; count = 0; test:Q0Q-1=10 A ¬ A - M arithmetic shift A,Q,Q-1; count=1; test:Q0Q-1=11 arithmetic shift A,Q,Q-1; count=2; test:Q0Q-1=01 A ¬ A+M arithmetic shift A,Q,Q-1; count=3; test:Q0Q-1=10 A ¬ A - M arithmetic shift A,Q,Q-1; count=4; test:Q0Q-1=11 arithmetic shift A,Q,Q-1; count=5; test:Q0Q-1=11 arithmetic shift A,Q,Q-1; count=6; test:Q0Q-1=11 arithmetic shift A,Q,Q-1; count=7; test:Q0Q-1=11 arithmetic shift A,Q,Q-1; count=8; end Product = -15
Floating Point Numbers
Fixed point numbers with a limited number of bits suffer from two problems: limited range limited precision The solution is to use an equivalent representation to the decimal scientific notation of the form: X 10-2 This format has four parts: sign (+,-) significand (also sometimes called the mantissa) 2.72 exponent base of the exponent 10
Fig 6.14 Floating-Point Number Format
s S i g n e f m 1 + = , V a l u ( ) – 2 b t E x p o F r c s is sign, e is exponent, and f is significand base of the exponent is implied by the specific format radix point in the fraction is also implied (i.e., the fraction is really fixed point)
Signs in Floating-Point Numbers
Both significand and exponent have signs A complement representation could be used for f, but sign magnitude is most common now The sign is placed at the left instead of with f so test for negative always looks at left bit The exponent could be 2’s complement, but it is better to use a biased exponent If -emin e emax, where emin, emax > 0, then e = emin + e is always positive, so e replaced by e emin is called the bias ^ ^
Normalized Floating-Point Numbers
There are multiple representations for a floating-point number If f1 and f2 = 2df1 are both fractions and e2 = e1 - d, then (s, f1, e1) and (s, f2, e2) have same value Scientific notation example: 103 = 104 A normalized floating-point number has a leftmost digit nonzero (exponent small as possible) Zero cannot fit this rule; usually written as all 0s In normal base 2, when the number is normalized, the bit to the immediate right if the radix point is always 1, so it can be left out So-called hidden or implied bit
Comparison of Normalized Floating Point Numbers
If normalized numbers are viewed as integers, a biased exponent field to the left means an exponent unit is more than a significand unit The largest magnitude number with a given exponent is followed by the smallest one with the next higher exponent Thus normalized FP numbers can be compared for <, , >, , =, as if they were integers This is the reason for the s,e,f ordering of the fields and the use of a biased exponent, and one reason for normalized numbers
Example 32 bit Floating Point Format
S i g n E x p o n e n t F r a c t i o n s e f 31 30 23 22 MSB is sign bit 8 bit exponent to the left of the sign bit exponent is biased by 127 exponent base is 2 23 bit significand normalized - radix point is to the left of the significand implied ‘1’ to the left of the radix point yields 24 bit effective significand The largest positive number that can be represented is: X 2128 = X 1052
Numbers in the Example Format
Sign: 02 Exponent: Significand: Normalization requires moving the radix point one place to the left New exponent: New significand: Biasing the exponent requires adding ( ) New exponent: Now construct the final result (sometimes called packing) Result: Sign bit Significand: 1.12 Exponent (leftmost ‘1’ and radix point are implied)
Numbers in the Example Format (cont.)
Example: X 1015 X 1015 = X 252 Exponent: Significand: Biasing the exponent requires adding ( ) New exponent: Significand is already normalized Now pack the final result Result: Sign bit Significand Exponent (leftmost ‘1’ and radix point are implied)
Comparison of Numbers in the Example Format
Example: X 1015 vs. 3.0 X 1015 3.0 Example: vs 256.25 375.75 Example: 14.0 vs. 10.0 14.0 10.0
Floating Add, FA, and Floating Subtract, FS, Procedure
Add or subtract (s1, e1, f1) and (s2, e2, f2) 1) Unpack (s, e, f); handle special operands 2) Shift fraction of number with smaller exponent right by |e1 - e2| bits 3) Set result exponent er = max(e1, e2) 4) For FA and s1 = s2 or FS and s1 s2, add significands, otherwise subtract them 5) Count lead zeros, z; carry can make z = -1; shift left z bits or right 1 bit if z = -1 6) Round result, shift right, and adjust z if rounding overflow occurs 7) er er - z; check over- or underflow; bias and pack
Decimal Floating-Point Add and Subtract Examples
Operands Alignment Normalize & round 6.144 105 105 105 Operands Alignment Normalize & round 1.076 10-9 10-9 10-9
Floating Point Add Example
Unpack: 357.75 Shift until exponents are equal: Add Significands: Round: Pack:
Another Floating Point Add Example
Unpack: 256.25 357.75 Add Significands: Renormalize: Round: Pack: 614.0
Fig 6.17 Hardware Structure for Floating-Point Add and Subtract
m e z + r o u n d i g b t s 2 F A / S | E x p a c w l h L N Adders for exponents and significands Shifters for alignment and normalize Multiplexers for exponent and swap of significands Lead zeros counter
Floating-Point Multiply of Normalized Numbers
Multiply (sr, er, fr) = (s1, e1, f1)(s2, e2, f2) 1) Unpack (s, e, f); handle special operands 2) Compute sr = s1s2; er = e1+e2; fr = f1f2 3) If necessary, normalize by 1 left shift and subtract 1 from er; round and shift right if rounding overflow occurs 4) Handle overflow for exponent too positive and underflow for exponent too negative 5) Pack result, encoding or reporting exceptions
Decimal Floating-Point Examples for Multiply and Divide
Multiply fractions and add exponents Sign, fraction & exponent Normalize & round ( 10-3) 102 ( 106 ) 102 102 Divide fractions and subtract exponents Sign, fraction & exponent Normalize & round ( 102) 109 ( 10-6 ) 109 102-(-6) 109
Floating Point Multiply Example
Unpack: 201.5 14.0 Multiply significands - add exponents (subtract bias): + -127 Normalize: Round: Pack: 2821.0
Floating-Point Divide of Normalized Numbers
Divide (sr, er, fr) = (s1, e1, f1)(s2, e2, f2) 1) Unpack (s, e, f); handle special operands 2) Compute sr = s1s2; er = e1- e2; fr = f1f2 3) If necessary, normalize by 1 right shift and add 1 to er; round and shift right if rounding overflow occurs 4) Handle overflow for exponent too positive and underflow for exponent too negative 5) Pack result, encoding or reporting exceptions
Fig 6.15 IEEE Single-Precision Floating Point Format
^ e e Value Type 255 none none Infinity or NaN (-1)s(1.f1f2...) Normalized (-1)s(1.f1f2...) Normalized (-1)s(1.f1f2...) Normalized (-1)s(0.f1f2...) Denormalized Exponent bias is 127 for normalized #s
Special Numbers in IEEE Floating Point
An all-zero number is a normalized 0 Other numbers with biased exponent e = 0 are called denormalized Denorm numbers have a hidden bit of 0 and an exponent of -126; they may have leading 0s Numbers with biased exponent of 255 are used for ± and other special values, called NaN (not a number) For example, one NaN represents 0/0
Fig 6.16 IEEE Standard, Double-Precision, Binary Floating Point Format
Exponent bias for normalized numbers is 1023 The denorm biased exponent of 0 corresponds to an unbiased exponent of -1022 Infinity and NaNs have a biased exponent of 2047 Range increases from about 10-38|x|1038 to about |x|10308
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