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Pyroxene group public domain. Pyroxene is found in extrusive igneous rocks. dacite USGS basalt USGS andesite.

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Presentation on theme: "Pyroxene group public domain. Pyroxene is found in extrusive igneous rocks. dacite USGS basalt USGS andesite."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pyroxene group public domain

2 Pyroxene is found in extrusive igneous rocks. dacite USGS basalt USGS andesite

3 Pyroxene is found in intrusive igneous rocks. dioritegranodiorite USGS gabbroperidotite by-nc-sa: skylarprimm by-nc-sa: Orbital Joe

4 by-nc-sa: Ron Schott by-nc-nd: Paul Zizka The volcanoes in Hawaiian, Iceland, and at the mid ocean ridges are releasing basalt. Pyroxenes are the dark minerals in basalt (lava) NOAA

5 Crystals of pyroxene occur in volcanic glass, such as scoria and Pele’s hair. USGS by: dawneday by-sa: Jonathan Zander

6 Pyroxene is found in metamorphic rocks. gneiss granulite eclogite (green, with garnet) by-nc-nd: GOC53 by: by-sa: Woudloper

7 Pyroxenes are an important component of many decorative building stones, where their dark green to black colors contribute to the stones’ decorative pattern. by-nd: amishah by-nc: smiling_da_vinci by-nc-sa: SandShoes

8 Spodumene, a pyroxene, is an important mined source of lithium, used in heat-resistant ceramics, mood stabilizing medication, and batteries. public domain by-nc-sa: JTony by-nc-sa: amortize

9 by-nc-sa: mharrsch Jade is made of amphibole or pyroxene, and prized in Chinese, Maori and Aztec cultures. by-nc-sa: libraryman

10 © StoneTrust (Earth Science Image Bank) by-nc-nd: sanofi2498 Nephrite (an amphibole) and jadeite (a pyroxene) are nearly indistinguishable. by-nc: Mister Wind-Up Bird by-sa: cygnoir by-nc-nd: Hunter333

11 Pyroxene group public domain

12 media rights Many of the photos in this presentation were obtained through Flickr and Wikipedia.FlickrWikipedia Funded by FIPSE and by the University of Minnesota. Compiled for Dr. Kent Kirkby, Department of Geology and Geophysics, by Kate Rosok, 2007. Each displayed image retains its original media rights. For educational purposes only; not to be used commercially.FIPSEUniversity of MinnesotaDr. Kent Kirkby Department of Geology and Geophysics public domain (none) © Copyright. All rights reserved by-nc-sa by by-nd by-sa by-nc-nd Creative Commons Licenses GNUGNU GNU Free Documentation LicenseGNU Free Documentation License Our notation description

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