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Glossary: Some Illustrations Chapter 2. Assistive Listening Device.

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Presentation on theme: "Glossary: Some Illustrations Chapter 2. Assistive Listening Device."— Presentation transcript:

1 Glossary: Some Illustrations Chapter 2

2 Assistive Listening Device

3 The FM Kit

4 Blind, Partially Sighted, or Visually Impaired Poor Acuity (blurry vision) Reduced Field (tunnel vision)

5 Copy Interpreter The ‘copy interpreter’ stands/sits in the front, next to the person leading the discussion and copies what participants say so other participants do not need to turn their heads to see what is said. When the participants should look at the copy signer, the instructor indicates that. When the copy signer is finished and the participants should look back to the instructor, the copy signer indicates that.

6 1) Instructor calls for questions. 2) Instructor waits for copy signer to finish. 3) Copy signer finishes; indicates participants should look to instructor again.

7 Communication Facilitator

8 Large Print Regular Print Large Print Note: Font style (Arial) Point size (16) Bolded (not Arial Bold) Writing with a black felt-tip pen or marker

9 Tactile - Tactual Tactile Map Tactual – signing

10 Deaf-Blind Communicator

11 Video Phone (VP) Any device connected to the Internet with a high speed connection and a camera. Includes desk-top computers, laptop computers, tablets (iPads) and smart phones.

12 Video Relay Service (VRS) Three-way relayed call from a deaf person through an interpreter to a non-signer (hearing person).

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