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Tribal Science Priorities Region 9 2009 Tribal/EPA Annual Conference.

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Presentation on theme: "Tribal Science Priorities Region 9 2009 Tribal/EPA Annual Conference."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tribal Science Priorities Region 9 2009 Tribal/EPA Annual Conference

2 What is Science? Process by which we explain and demystifies the world around us through the objective of gathering and analyzing data

3 National Tribal Science Priorities Science topics/ areas of particular interest or concern that majority of Tribes in the nation agree to set them as high priorities What is most important or what matters most for Tribes on a national scope

4 WHY? EPA & other fed agencies can provide supports to Tribes.  Scientific resources (technical information)  Training & Workshops  $$$

5 Current National Tribal Science Priorities Asthma Climate Change Dioxin Endocrine Disruptors Mercury Mold Risk Assessment Pharmaceuticals & Personal Care Products in Wastewater Quality Assurance Project Plans Water Quality Standards

6 Asthma  is of concern in Indian Country  chronic lung disease that affects > 20 million people in US.  Most common chronic childhood health problem (> 6 million children nation-wide)  It causes airways in lungs to become restricted & can result in life-threatening breathing problems & life-threatening.  is often triggered by environmental irritants and allergens (e.g. secondhand smoke, dust, molds, dust mites, cockroaches & pet dander)

7 Links to Resources on Asthma: ♦ National Institutes of Health National Heart, Lung, and Blood ( ♦ EPA's ( ♦ National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences ( ♦ Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Air Pollution and Respiratory Health (

8 EPA R9 FY09/10 Science Priorities Health Effects of Monochloramine Used as Drinking Water Disinfectant Co-Benefits of Climate Change & Air Quality Regulation Relationship Between Short-Lived Air Pollution Advanced Technical Tools fro Determining CWA Jurisdiction Global Climate Change in The Arid Southwest & Impacts to Tribal Communities Pesticides in Water & Sediment Green Building: Health Effects & Lifecycle Vapor Intrusion: Improved Tools for Site-Specific Validation of Predictive Models

9 What Next? EPA Address current tribal science priorities for Tribes Tribes ID new national science priorities of particular concerns that Tribes throughout USA would like EPA to concentrate on assisting Tribes

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