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ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGY Supporting Students with Special Needs Donnia M. Turner ITEC 7530 Instruction Technology Foundations.

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1 ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGY Supporting Students with Special Needs Donnia M. Turner ITEC 7530 Instruction Technology Foundations

2 Overview Define assistive technology Define special need population Identify assistive technology resources



5 According to the Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA), Assistive Technology (AT) is defined as any item, piece of equipment, or product system (whether acquired off the shelf, modified, or customized) that is used to increase, maintain, or improve the functional capabilities of a child with a disability. Assistive Technology

6 Assistive technology devices and services were first defined in federal law in the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act of 1990 (Public Law 101-476) which: -is a law ensuring services to children with disabilities throughout the nation. IDEA governs how states and public agencies provide early intervention, special education and related services to more than 6.5 million eligible infants, toddlers, children and youth with disabilities. Technology/Pages/Assistive-Technology-Definition.aspx

7 Assistive Technology continued The purpose of assistive technology is to bypass, work around, or compensate for specific deficits, rather than fixing them in order to help them reach their full potential and live satisfying, rewarding lives.

8 AT can be categorized as either of the following: Low Tech pencil grip adapted books slant board highlighters, tape magnifiers color coding picture communication sign language extra time peer support Mid-Tech word processor text to speech spell checker calculator digital recorders organizers e-books adapted keyboard adapted mouse adapted toys High-Tech computer smartphones smartpens PDAs OCR software magnification software speech output devices switch, joystick access scanning access voice recognition Low Tech: any assistive device that is not electronic. Mid-Tech: electronic but do not include highly sophisticated computer components High Tech : devices utilize complex, multifunction technology

9 promote independence improve quality of life increase productivity enhance performance increase self esteem By enabling people to perform tasks that they were formerly unable to accomplish, or had great difficulty accomplishing, the use of AT can: Why is AT Important?

10 Why is AT Important? continued Studies have shown that assistive technology can support the developing child by significantly improving the educational, vocational, and social performance of students with special needs. However, their families and the professionals who provide services to them may not be aware of these tools or know how to use them. (


12 The term “special needs" is broad and includes health, mental health, developmental, and other kinds of conditions and diagnoses. Some examples include: autism, mental retardation, attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), cerebral palsy, tics, learning disabilities, visual, speech or language impairments. Also includes those children who are “at-risk” for disabilities such as those who have a developmental delay. The designation is useful for receiving needed services, setting appropriate goals, and gaining understanding for a child and their family. whatare.htm whatare.htm


14 Individual Education Program An Individual Education Program (I.E.P) is typically in place to serve students who have a special need. The IEP is a legal document that is initiated by the school that describes the goals sets for a child during the school year, as well as any special support needed to help achieve them.

15 Choosing Assistive Technology When considering which assistive technology devices/services, several factors must be considered: 1)Setting 2)student’s physical needs The student’s current performance level The particular task(s) to be accomplished

16 Identifying AT Solutions Step 1: Collect child and family information. Begin the discussion about the child’s strengths, abilities, preferences and needs. What strategies have been found to work best? Step 2: Identify activities for participation. Discuss the various activities within the environments that a child encounters throughout the day. What is preventing him/her from participating more?

17 Step 3: What can be observed that indicates the intervention is successful? What is his/her current level of participation and what observable behaviors will reflect an increase in independent interactions? What changes (e.g., number of initiations, expression attempts, responses, reactions, etc.) will you look for?

18 Step 4: Brainstorm AT solutions. Do the child’s needs include supports for movement, communication and/or use of materials? Start with what is available in the environment (what other children use) and consider adaptations to those materials. A range of options that address specific support areas should be considered.

19 Step 5: Try it out. Determine when the AT intervention will begin and create an observation plan to record how the child participates with the AT supports. Step 6: Identify what worked. Reflect on your plan and discuss did and didn’t work. Make modifications as needed and try again.

20 Special Needs can encompass the following: Behavioral Issues Developmental Issues Medical Issues Mental Health Issues Physical Disabilities Learning Issues


22 There are many types of learning difficulties such as: listening, math, organization and memory, reading, and writing, that a student may experience as a result of their disability/special need. However, there are several AT resources that can help.

23 Assistive listening devices (ALDs) help amplify the sounds and can be used with a hearing aid or cochlear implant. Easy Listener and Hearing Helper- personal FM systems that uses radio signals to transmit a speaker's voice directly to the user's ear. Text to Speech: Natural Reader is a free text to speech reader. Resources for Listening/Hearing Difficulties

24 Resources for Math Difficulties MathPad and MathPad Plus- Allows students to use the computer to work math problems Math Talk -- user can voice own work and print work MaxAid and AbleData- talking calculator has the ability to read aloud each number, symbol, or operation key a user presses and also vocalizes the answer to the problem.

25 Resources for Organization/Memory Difficulties EcoSmart Pen – paper-based computer pen that records and links audio to what a person writes using the pen and special paper. Kidspiration and Draftbuilder - Graphic organizers and outlining programs help users who have trouble organizing and outlining information as they begin a writing project.

26 Resources for Writing Difficulties Typeit4Me- word prediction software WordQ - word prediction software (fee associated) AlphaSmart and QuickPad – portable word processor that allows the user to edit and correct written work more efficiently than by hand Simply Speaking – speech recognition that allows user to dictate in microphone which is translated into text

27 Resources for Reading Difficulties Reading Assistant - students read aloud, and this software corrects their errors. It provides immediate feedback on pronunciation, and fluency. Bookshare and Learning Ally - Recorded books which allow users to listen to text and in a variety of formats Intel Reader – optical character recognition that allows a user to scan printed material into a computer or handheld unit

28 Additional Resources Georgia Project for Assistive Technology Association of Assistive Technology Act Programs

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