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SQL Server for Green Building By HCH Servers Ltd..

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Presentation on theme: "SQL Server for Green Building By HCH Servers Ltd.."— Presentation transcript:

1 SQL Server for Green Building By HCH Servers Ltd.

2 Agenda  Background  Accomplishments  Challenges  Budget  Lessons Learned  Conclusion  Acknowledgements  Questions  References

3 Background  Our client relies on data collected from a device called the CopperCube.  Prior to this project, this data was being backed up to the cloud.

4  Unfortunately, a large portion of their data was lost through network communication breakdowns.  The goal of this project is to provide our client with an SQL server that will reliably back up data.

5 Accomplishments  Purchase Order approved – February 17 th, 2015  Hardware components installed – March 5 th, 2015  OS configured (UEFI) – March 6 th, 2015

6  Software components configured – March 13 th, 2015  Server deployed in GBT – March 25 th, 2015  CopperCube communicates with server – March 25 th, 2015  VPN Connection – March 31 st, 2015

7 Challenges  Our main challenge was actually getting our hardware ordered  Due to certain policies, we had to wait roughly a month and a half for our purchase order to be approved.

8  We were able to work around this issue  While we were waiting for our hardware, we were able to borrow an old server and use it temporarily  We installed and configured everything as if it were our actual server  This allowed us to make mistakes and learn from them so we didn’t make those mistakes on the real server.

9 Budget  Estimated budget: $89,231.19  Actual Budget: $27,731  Variance: $61,500.19

10 Lessons Learned  There is a good chance that your schedule may not go as planned; it is important to be flexible.  Harden your server after installing SQL.  Check which ports are open if you are having network communication problems.

11  For a more effective SQL server, one should have many drives so you can put SQL and your Operating System on separate drives.  When a server arrives, make sure to plan a good amount of time for updating drivers.

12 Conclusion  We have successfully built an SQL server that is capable of effectively backing up our client’s data.  The server can potentially be used for other applications if our client wants to.

13 Acknowledgements  Jason Fisher - PROJ 354 Instructor – Provided guidance and feedback throughout the semester.  Tom Jackman - ARIS : Sponsored and came up with the project idea. Our main contact for project concerns.

14  Tyler Willson - ARIS Employee : Provided technical support once server was deployed in the Green Building.  Scott Taylor - SAIT IS Manager : Met with us to discuss purchasing options for hardware and software. He also provided authorization for this project to exist within SAIT’s infrastructure.  Asad Sarfraz - SAIT IS Network : Provided us information and support needed when dealing with SAIT’s network.

15  Joe Petermann - ARIS : Assisted in the funding application process.  Donald Fast - CopperTree Analyst : Provided guidance with making databases in SQL to make sure they were compatible with the CopperCube.  Derek John - CopperTree Engineer : Provided guidance for CopperCube related issues.  Ryan Mitzer - ESC Automation Tech : Guidance with the SQL Connector.

16  Zachary Teehan – Memory Express : Consultant for vendor whom we purchased hardware and software.  Dylan Saunders – SAIT Instructor : Provided technical guidance for RAID related issues.

17 Questions

18 References  [1], 2015. [Online]. Available: 00px/svg_to_png/191766/Question- Guy.png. [Accessed: 10- Apr- 2015].

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