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Presentation on theme: "GENDER AND LOCAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT POST GRADUATE DIPLOMA AT Makerere University, School of Women and Gender Studies STATUS OF THE PROGRAMME Presented."— Presentation transcript:

1 GENDER AND LOCAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT POST GRADUATE DIPLOMA AT Makerere University, School of Women and Gender Studies STATUS OF THE PROGRAMME Presented by Dr. May Sengendo Course Coordinator, GLED

2 INCEPTION: NEEDS FROM INSTITUTIONS The Gender & LED course-started as part of the way-forward for 3 institutions: A certificate course undertaken by Gender Dept. at Makerere University(2002). Participants of Certificate course requested to upgrade course to Diploma. Later on (2009), Ministry of Gender (MGLSD) as well as the Ministry of Local Government wanted to establish the GLED programme. Requested Makerere to work on it. Funding from UNCDF-Link Districts program


4 PLANNING 1.Planning documents undertaken: proposal 2.Capacity needs assessment undertaken 2009 by: Makerere University; Ministry of Gender (MGLSD); Ministry of Local Government Districts involved in setting up interviews with key informants 3. Needs identified were utilised to inform the curriculum line with the Content of LED 4. UNCDF guided further analysis of capacity needs in line with LED

5 DESIGN: GENDER AND LED COURSE Type of course: POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA Timing: DAY, EVENING & WEEKEND PROGRAMME Qualifications required: Bachelors degree from recognised institution(accredited); two years of work experience;

6 Type of course: A two Semesters programme Involving the School of Women and Gender Studies (SWGS) College of Humanities (School of Social Sciences at Makerere University, SWASA, link with College of Business and Management Studies. Designed to respond to various capacity needs that have been identified by practitioners and policy makers.

7 Objectives Provide skills and knowledge for practical application of gender focused concepts and tools in: planning, implementation and monitoring of policies and programmes at central as well as local government levels, institutions and private sector.

8 PILLARS OF LOCAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 1.Locality Development 2.Local Enterprise Development 3.Local Economic Governance And cross cutting concerns:  Gender Equity and Women’s Empowerment;  Human Rights;  Access to Commercial Justice;  Natural Resource Management and Environmental changes including Climate change;  as well as Psycho – Social Support integrated with Economic regeneration.

9 Participants interact with communities

10 Courses Units: Application of skills & knowledge 1 st Semester  Introduction to Theory and Practice in Gender and Development  Skills for Gender Sensitive Planning and Monitoring in LED  Gender analysis in Local Economic Development  Gender Mainstreaming in Policies, Projects and Institutions  Gender, Rights and Development 2 nd Semester  Gender Focused Research  Gender Planning, Poverty Analysis and Economic Empowerment  Gender and ICT in society  Field Practicum with Research

11 Participants Learn from the field

12 Use of gender analytical tools Enable students to learn and apply gender analytical tools in development processes as well as outcomes that strengthen partnerships between: local government, private sector, NGOs and the community to manage resources and stimulate the economy of specified localities.

13 Gender mainstreaming c) skills in gender mainstreaming in institutions, policies and programmes. (d)planning, implementing and monitoring of Local Economic Development that support public and private sector development, investment and employment in service and product sectors that empower communities.

14 Research/ Practicum: Data & information Impart gender focused research and work-based skills that increase availability and use of gender disaggregated data  as well as its communication for influencing decisions in policies and programmes.  participants formulate projects or provide information for in-put into policy,  or create Public, private partnerships that work on community actions.

15 Graduated: 61 participants out of 78 from 2011 to 2013

16 Impact: 11 of participants have increased employment in communities through Enterprise development,Production, export, value addition, industrial products

17 Impact: Participants have provided skills for improving post harvest handling of cassava in Nakasongola: quality enhanced-increased income at household level

18 Field learning and provision of advise to communities

19 Learning from a resource person: Fish farming and others


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