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QUARTER 1 Fourth Grade Spanish. Which vowel in Spanish says… AHH…. Like in the word “awe” A.

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Presentation on theme: "QUARTER 1 Fourth Grade Spanish. Which vowel in Spanish says… AHH…. Like in the word “awe” A."— Presentation transcript:

1 QUARTER 1 Fourth Grade Spanish

2 Which vowel in Spanish says… AHH…. Like in the word “awe” A

3 Which vowel in Spanish says… OHH... Like in the word “open” O

4 Which vowel in Spanish says… EEE... Like in the word “eel” I

5 Which vowel in Spanish says… OOO... Like in the word “cool” U

6 Which vowel in Spanish says… EH... Like in the word “egg” E

7 Now say each of the numbers on the next slides in English.

8 3 Tres [trace]

9 1 Uno [oo-no]

10 11 Once [own-say]

11 2 Dos [dose]

12 16 Diecieseis [dee-ace-ee-say-ees]

13 17 Dieciesiete [dee-ace-ee-see-ay-tay]

14 0 Cero [say-row]

15 12 Doce [doe-say]

16 20 Veinte [bane-tay]

17 5 Cinco [sink-oh]

18 19 Diecinueve [dee-ay-see-new-ay-bay]

19 18 Dieciocho [dee-ay-see-oh-cho]

20 10 Diez [dee-ace]

21 7 Siete [see-eh-tay]

22 15 Quince [keen-say]

23 8 Ocho [oh-cho]

24 4 Cuatro [qua-trow]

25 6 Seis [say-ees]

26 14 Catorce [caw-tore-say]

27 9 Nueve [new-ay-bay]

28 13 Trece [tray-say]

29 How do you say this number in Spanish? 5 Cinco [sink-oh]

30 How do you say this number in Spanish? 3 Tres [trace]

31 How do you say this number in Spanish? 0 Cero [say-row]

32 How do you say this number in Spanish? 4 Cuatro [qua-trow]

33 How do you say this number in Spanish? 6 Seis [say-ees]

34 How do you say this number in Spanish? 9 Nueve [new-ay- bay]

35 How do you say this number in Spanish? 1 Uno [oo-no]

36 How do you say this number in Spanish? 8 Ocho [oh-cho]

37 How do you say this number in Spanish? 2 dos [dose]

38 How do you say this number in Spanish? 7 siete [see-eh-tay]

39 How do you say this number in Spanish? 15 Quince [keen-say]

40 How do you say this number in Spanish? 13 Trece [tray-say]

41 How do you say this number in Spanish? 20 Veinte [bane-tay]

42 How do you say this number in Spanish? 14 Catorce [caw-tore- say]

43 How do you say this number in Spanish? 16 Dieciseis [dee-ace- ee-say- ees]

44 How do you say this number in Spanish? 19 Diecinueve [dee-ace-ee- new-ay- bay]

45 How do you say this number in Spanish? 11 Once [own-say]

46 How do you say this number in Spanish? 18 Dieciocho [dee-ace-ee- oh-cho]

47 How do you say this number in Spanish? 12 doce [doe-say]

48 How do you say this number in Spanish? 17 diecisiete [dee-ace-ee- see-eh-tay]

49 How do you say this number in Spanish? 10 diez [dee-ace]

50 Which one is… GOOD MORNING? Buenas Noches Buenas Tardes Buenos Días

51 Which one is… GOOD NIGHT? Buenas Noches Buenas Tardes Buenos Días

52 Which one is… GOOD AFTERNOON? Buenas Noches Buenas Tardes Buenos Días

53 Which one is… MR. ? Señor Señora Señorita

54 Which one is… Miss ? Señor Señora Señorita

55 Which one is… Mrs. ? Señor Señora Señorita

56 What color is… AZUL [ah-sool]

57 What color is… AMARILLO [ah-ma-ree-yo]

58 What color is… VERDE [bear-day]

59 What color is… ANARANJADO [ah-na-rawn-ha-doe]

60 What color is… GRIS [grease]

61 What color is… MORADO [more-ah-doe]

62 What color is… NEGRO [neg-row]

63 What color is… BLANCO [BLAHN-KO]

64 What color is… ROSADO [row-saw-doe]

65 What color is… CAFÉ [caw-fay]

66 What is a… TRIÁNGULO VERDE?

67 What is a… RECTÁNGULO ROJO?


69 What is a… CUADRO AMARILLO?

70 What is a… CÍRCULO MORADO?



73 What is a… CUADRO NEGRO?

74 What is a LIBRO? A book

75 What is a LIBRERO? A bookshelf

76 What are creyones? Crayons

77 What is a regla? Ruler

78 What is the pizarra? Board

79 What is a puerta? Door

80 What is an escritorio? Escritorio

81 What is a mesa? Table

82 What is a silla? Chair

83 What is a mochila? Backpack

84 What is a lápiz? Pencil

85 What is a ventana? Window

86 What is papel? Paper

87 What is a reloj ? Clock

88 What are tijeras? [tee-hair-as] Scissors

89 What is goma de pegar? [go-may day pay-gar] Glue

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