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2015-2016 to Mrs. Samford’s Kinder class! August 25, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "2015-2016 to Mrs. Samford’s Kinder class! August 25, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 2015-2016 to Mrs. Samford’s Kinder class! August 25, 2015

2 Mrs. Samford! I’ve taught for 23 years and I am thrilled to begin my 24th year. I grew up in Nederland TX and am proud to be a Bush Bobcat!

3 Morning Schedule 7:50 Arrival 8:00 Announcements 8:05 Tardy bell rings, calendar 8:15 Writer’s Workshop 9:05 word work/shared reading 9:35 Guided Reading/Daily 5 10:25 recess

4 Afternoon Schedule 10:45 lunch 11:15 math/guided math 12:30 PAWS 1:10 social studies, snack 1:35 science 2:10 specials 3:00 dismissal

5 The tardy bell rings at 8:05. Students are counted tardy after this time. If a student is not tardy at all during a grading period, they will receive a Neat award. If absent or leave early for a doctor appt. please bring a note the next day to make it an excused absence.

6 P.A.W.S. Producing Award Winning Students! At 12:30 each day, the students will have PAWS time which will provide intervention and enrichment to our curriculum. Please try NOT to schedule doctor’s appointments during this time.

7 Our class will rotate to technology, music and art in addition to P.E. Please remember to wear gym shoes for PE! We will also visit the library each Friday!

8 Homework in kindergarten is reading each night for 20-30 minutes. Reading is HUGE and we celebrate every step along the way! Don’t forget to ask questions before, during, and after the story.

9 Take home readers will begin in October. Your child may bring home familiar books that we read together or books that they have not read before. Some books your child will be able to read with ease, others will more challenging and may need your guidance. Your child will NOT receive a new take home reader until he/she has returned the previous one!

10 Reading/Language Arts Shared reading (whole group, big books, poetry) Guided reading (small groups based on level) Word Lists/Word Wall Word Families Recognizing sounds and shapes of letters, phonics Sequencing story events Book Buddies

11 Writing/Spelling Pencil grip and handwriting Inventive spelling (transitional) Understand concepts about print Punctuation/Capitalization Writer’s Workshop: Lucy Calkins Drawing and writing to communicate.

12 Math Hands-on manipulatives Number sense Interpret simple graphs Add and subtract Shapes, money Guided Math

13 Science & Social Studies Hands-on (as much as possible) Science labs: volunteers needed! S.S. is integrated with language arts. Every week you will know the topics being covered through our class newsletter and website.

14 Our classroom is working toward superior behavior. Green - great day - Satisfactory 1 st offense– warning 2 nd offense – consequence – Needs Improvement 3 rd offense - note or call home - Unsatisfactory

15 In order to keep you informed of your child's progress, a blue daily folder will be sent home. Additional notes from the school will be sent home weekly on Tuesdays.

16 Kindergarteners visit 7 Acre Woods each year in the fall. Mark your calendar for Wednesday, October 28th! It will be a fun-filled day for all!

17 The best ways to contact me are through the daily folder or e-mail. * If there is a change in your student’s transportation, I need a note in writing or a fax sent to the office.

18 Conferences I can meet with you for a conference on Thursdays or Fridays from 2:15-2:45, or any day before or after school except Wednesday afternoons. Wednesdays are reserved for faculty meetings.

19 Assessments A check, stamp, sticker, or smiley face means that the activity/skill was successfully completed independently or completed together in class. When mastery is expected on a skill, your child will receive a progress report and report card. Various assessments are given to determine your child’s reading level and understanding of LA skills. (DRA & PAPI)

20 Birthdays: Treats can be sent for the class and will be passed out at the end of the day in the classroom. Please send enough for the whole class (22). Please, no homemade treats, treats with icing or made with peanuts. Examples of good treats are cookies, brownies, or rice krispy treats. Invitations for private parties may be sent home if everyone in the class receives an invite.

21 If a grandparent, aunt, uncle or someone else besides the parents is coming to have lunch with your child, a note needs to be sent in. The note will be sent to the office so the office staff is aware and will let the special visitor in. If no note is sent in, the special visitor will not be allowed past the office. Visitors may start coming Sept. 17th. Lunch If a grandparent, aunt, uncle or someone else besides the parents is coming to have lunch with your child, a note needs to be sent in. The note will be sent to the office so the office staff is aware and will let the special visitor in. If no note is sent in, the special visitor will not be allowed past the office. Visitors may start coming Tuesday, Sept. 8 th.

22 If a grandparent, aunt, uncle or someone else besides the parents is coming to have lunch with your child, a note needs to be sent in. The note will be sent to the office so the office staff is aware and will let the special visitor in. If no note is sent in, the special visitor will not be allowed past the office. Visitors may start coming Sept. 17th. Nurse Info: Students with food allergies need to provide their own snack. Please pack an extra set of clothes in case of accidents. Nurse Cheryl can be contacted at or 936-709- 1609 regarding illnesses or injuries.

23 If a grandparent, aunt, uncle or someone else besides the parents is coming to have lunch with your child, a note needs to be sent in. The note will be sent to the office so the office staff is aware and will let the special visitor in. If no note is sent in, the special visitor will not be allowed past the office. Visitors may start coming Sept. 17th. Snacks: USDA SMART SNACKS: http://childnutrition.conroei uidelines%20handout.pdf

24 small reading groups copying science labs Junior Achievement cutting out materials at home guest readers on Fridays

25 E-Mail Address Website: esamford/ Telephone Number 936-709-1600

26 Thanks for coming!!!

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