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CORPORATE FINANCE (FINANSIELL EKONOMI) Instructor: Gazi Salah Uddin Contact: 013282201 Office: 319:212, IEI: Nationalekonomi.

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Presentation on theme: "CORPORATE FINANCE (FINANSIELL EKONOMI) Instructor: Gazi Salah Uddin Contact: 013282201 Office: 319:212, IEI: Nationalekonomi."— Presentation transcript:

1 CORPORATE FINANCE (FINANSIELL EKONOMI) Instructor: Gazi Salah Uddin Contact: 013282201 E-Mail: Office: 319:212, IEI: Nationalekonomi Course Code: 723G28 Start Date : 19 August, 2013 Semester : Fall’ 2013 1

2 Course Outline Required Text: Berk, Jonathan, and Peter DeMarzo, Corporate Finance, 3rd edition, Pearson, 2014 Text Book: Students are required to have the textbook(s) by the first week of the semester. Class Preparation: Prior to each lecture/session the student is expected to read the assigned chapter and cases in the text (s) as well as browse over current business periodicals and complete all exercises assigned. Course Content: Instructor reserves the right to make necessary changes in the course content depending on the progress of the class. Instructor also reserves the right to include any contemporary and/or real-life issues that don’t need to be directly related to the course content. Lecture Note: For each chapter you have the Power Point from the books, which has been highlighted what is important from each chapter. Again, for each chapter, I provide selected problems of the book chapter. The problems are chosen to reflect the important for the course. Make up Examination: As per University rules. Prerequisites: As per Program requirements and rules. 2

3 Course Outline Grading Policy: Grade is based on a final written exam and Project. It consists of 4 problems; each divided into sub-questions and mixed theoretical questions and numerical tasks. Exam Aid: All calculators are allowed but empty memory. Paper dictionaries are allowed. No other aids allowed in the exam room. Project: The project guideline will discuss in the seminar and lecture. Project 1. Financial Market and Instruments Project 2. Portfolio Choice Evaluation: Project-1:20% Project-2 :20% Final Examination:60% 3

4 Subject Outline & Number of Expected Lecture Day/ Date TimeLecture/ Seminar Lecture Outline RoomNote Må 2013-08-19 13:15-15:00L01Self-Study: Chapter 1 and 2 Lecture 01: Financial Decision and the law of one price Note: Chapter 3 A36W34 Ti 2013-08-20 15:15-17:00L02Lecture 02: Time value of Money and Interest Rate Note: Chapter 4,5 A36W34 On 2013-08-21 13:15-15:00L03Lecture 03: Bond Valuations and Investment Decision Note: Chapter 6,7 S35W34 Fr 2013-08-23 10:15-12:00S01Seminar 01: Exercise based on the Lecture 01, 02 and 03 Project: 01: Financial Market and Instruments S35W34 Må 2013-08-26 13:15-15:00L04Lecture 04: Capital Budgeting and Stock Valuation Note: Chapter 8, 9 S35W35 Ti 2013-08-27 15:15-17:00L05Lecture 05: Capital Market and Optimum Portfolio Choice and CAPM Note: Chapter 10,11 A36W35 On 2013-08-28 10:15-12:00LABBörssalenS35W35 To 2013-08-29 13:15-15:00L06Lecture 06: Cost of Capital and Market Efficiency Note: Chapter 12, 13 S35W35 Fr 2013-08-30 10:15-12:00S02Seminar 02: Presentation of the Project:01 Exercise based on the Lecture 04, 05 and 06 S35W35 Må 2013-09-02 13:15-15:00L07Lecture 07: Capital Structure in a Perfect Market and Debt and Taxes Note: Chapter 14,15 S27W36 Ti 2013-09-03 15:15-17:00L08Lecture 08: Payout Policy Chapter: 17 A36W36 Må 2013-09-09 13:15-15:00L09Lecture 09: Capital Budgeting and Valuation Chapter:18 A36W37 Ti 2013-09-10 10:15-12:00S03Seminar 03: Project 02: Excel Project: Optimum Portfolios Choice with the application of Financial Knowledge Note: Exercise 03 based on the lecture 7,8,9 A37W37 Må 2013-09-16 13:15-15:00L10Lecture 10: Financial Option and Basic Valuations Note: Chapter 20 and 21 A36W38 Ti 2013-09-17 15:15-17:00S04Seminar 04: Presentation of the Portfolio ChoiceA36W38 4

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