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PUBLIC HEALTH WORKFORCE LINCOLNSHIRE GOVERNMENT Isabel Perez, Consultant in Public Health 17 th June 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "PUBLIC HEALTH WORKFORCE LINCOLNSHIRE GOVERNMENT Isabel Perez, Consultant in Public Health 17 th June 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 PUBLIC HEALTH WORKFORCE LINCOLNSHIRE GOVERNMENT Isabel Perez, Consultant in Public Health 17 th June 2014

2 OBJECTIVE To have a better understanding of the opportunities and challenges of Public Health in local government one year on

3 What is public health? The science and the art of improving health, prolonging life and preventing disease through the organised efforts of society Health improvement and health promotion eg lifestyles, wider determinants of health Health protection eg communicable disease control, emergency planning, screening Healthcare public health eg needs assessment, evidence of effectiveness and cost effectiveness Health improvement and health promotion eg lifestyles, wider determinants of health Health protection eg communicable disease control, emergency planning, screening Healthcare public health eg needs assessment, evidence of effectiveness and cost effectiveness

4 Factors which influence health and health inequalities

5 One year on key opportunities 1Public Health became a local government responsibility in April 2013 for the first time since the 1970s 2Health improvement is not new to local government Council working in great projects Span of influence much better Major opportunities to skill up local government workforces in delivering on health improvement outcomes. 1Public Health became a local government responsibility in April 2013 for the first time since the 1970s 2Health improvement is not new to local government Council working in great projects Span of influence much better Major opportunities to skill up local government workforces in delivering on health improvement outcomes.

6 One year on key opportunities 3.New perspectives Politically aware Wants and demands to add to needs 4.Moving towards focusing on commissioning and on quality assurance 5.Opportunity to breach the gap between health and social care 6.Health and Wellbeing Boards, Joint Strategic Needs Assessment, Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategies 3.New perspectives Politically aware Wants and demands to add to needs 4.Moving towards focusing on commissioning and on quality assurance 5.Opportunity to breach the gap between health and social care 6.Health and Wellbeing Boards, Joint Strategic Needs Assessment, Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategies

7 One year on key opportunities 5.Public Health Advice to CCGs 6.Independent professional view statutory function 7.Joining up working Within council Within County 5.Public Health Advice to CCGs 6.Independent professional view statutory function 7.Joining up working Within council Within County

8 One year on challenges 1A new public health system still in phase of implementation Working out how the parts fit together 2Changes, Changes and Changes ……… testing resilience 3Continuing spending reductions across the public sector testing security and stability (peoples’ basic needs) 4New ways of working, testing skills and competencies Members versus officers New processes for decision making 1A new public health system still in phase of implementation Working out how the parts fit together 2Changes, Changes and Changes ……… testing resilience 3Continuing spending reductions across the public sector testing security and stability (peoples’ basic needs) 4New ways of working, testing skills and competencies Members versus officers New processes for decision making

9 One year on challenges 5Maintaining objectivity Evidence based decisions versus political driven 6Maintaining identity Public Health Function and PH directorate Risk of loosing critical Mass Risk of isolation of Public Health practitioners 7Health improvement having to compete with a wide range of local issues 5Maintaining objectivity Evidence based decisions versus political driven 6Maintaining identity Public Health Function and PH directorate Risk of loosing critical Mass Risk of isolation of Public Health practitioners 7Health improvement having to compete with a wide range of local issues

10 One year on challenges 8Ring fenced budget. For how long? What is the impact on capacity building? 9Learning the language and culture of local government. 10Capacity and recruitment 8Ring fenced budget. For how long? What is the impact on capacity building? 9Learning the language and culture of local government. 10Capacity and recruitment


12 Solution "We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.” ( Albert Einstein) "We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.” ( Albert Einstein)


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