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PPL 20 Unit #3 Activity 5 Describing Substance Use and Abuse.

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1 PPL 20 Unit #3 Activity 5 Describing Substance Use and Abuse

2 Objectives of Module Students will Demonstrate understanding of issues leading to substance use and abuse Coping strategies to drug use and abuse

3 Friday(4) & Thursday (2) Library Reference Room

4 INQUIRY Important to know the effects of drugs on the body Greater importance is understanding the cause for drug dependency and strategies to prevent

5 Self Esteem Definition n. Confidence and respect for oneself Webster’s Universal Dictionary and Thesaurus

6 Self Image Definition n. One’s sense of oneself or one’s importance. Webster’s Universal Dictionary and Thesaurus

7 SMALL GROUP TASK Who influences our self image? Create a list and report your findings back to the class in five minutes.

8 Class Discussion How does self esteem get damaged? Does self esteem get lowered from a damaged self image? Is a person with a lower self esteem prone to outside influences? If so, what type of influences? What indicators (signs) can be noticed of a person with a lower self esteem?

9 Maslow’s Heirarchy of Needs “We are not prompted to satisfy our higher level needs, until our fundamental lower level needs are met.” – Abraham Maslow Self-actualization (motive to achieve) Esteem needs Belongingness needs Safety needs Physiological needs

10 Curiosity Definition n the quality of being curious, inquisitiveness; a strange, rare or interesting object

11 Fear of Failing Failure is a learning process, people do not know how to handle failure F – finding A – another I – important L – lesson U – upon R – reviewing E – experience How do you get ahead with fear of failing? Questions need to be asked !

12 Significance of Questions Why? Why not? Why not now? Why not me? (Big Question) “ the challenge is not getting the right answer... define the right question.” – Albert Einstein

13 Substance Abusers Self esteem low, perception of self image high (cool) Reaction to failure – flight Perpetual cycle – difficult to break

14 Role of Sport Achievement – a wish to improve Affiliation – desire to belong Sensation – desire to experience the feeling, sights and sounds of sport Self direction – a wish to feel a sense of control Managing how to handle winning and losing.

15 Prevention and Treatment Thursday examine treatment strategies by creating a pamphlet in the computer lab.

16 Drug Definition n a substance that alters the structure and function of the body.

17 Small Group Activity Students are to get into groups of four. Assemble the substance dependence categories and characteristics in order showing a progression to dependence.

18 Path to Dependence ExperimenterRegular UserPre-Occupied User Addict Motivated by curiousity Seeks the highThinks more about drugs More difficult to get a high Learning about mood swings Peer group usesWants to be high more often Must take drug to survive ‘high’ is a new feeling Tolerance develops Relationships are difficult Relates to drugs not people Can still relate to other people Has some problems relating Uses when aloneWill use any time Tempted by something that is considered illicit Comfort and confidence in using Thinks he/she is in control Drugs are his/her life

19 Smoking a Drug? Yes, nicotine. Health implications Life expectancy reduced with scientific link to cancer. Emphysema Weakened immune system – susceptibility to colds, pneumonia

20 Progression to Dependence Why is tobacco considered to be a gateway drug? What risk factors may cause a person to move from one stage to the next?

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