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Dr John Willison School of Education Communication for Problem Solving.

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1 Dr John Willison School of Education Communication for Problem Solving



4 Today: Communication is a tool used in problem solving 1.Without communication, problems are rarely solved to people’s satisfaction  Communication is a process that allows solutions to be ‘optimal’  Final products are communication heavy Eg building life-cycles Repair manuals 2.Problem Solving Framework 3.Engineering solutions frequently give rise to further problems  Problem :Time to deliver documents  Solution: internet and email  Problem: proliferation of net scams

5 5

6 Your Problem Solving Skills Should I click on ‘Complete Formular’ to get my tax return? Each pair/trio has 2 minutes to list as many indicators of credibility as possible Group with the highest number of indicators reads them out. 6 Positive indicators- reasons to believe Negative indicators- reasons to not believe

7 7

8 What skills did you use to do that? OPS FacetsYour Analysis A. Define & Specify problem B. Find & Reflect C. Generate & Evaluate D. Organise & Manage E. Analyse & Synthesise F. Communicate & apply

9 Find & Reflect Optimising Problem Solving (OPS) Generate & Evaluate Organise & manage Analyse & Synthesise Communicate & Apply Define & Specify Problem When in doubt, go to the centre… OPS designed by Mechanical Engineering Communications Tutors, University of Adelaide, 2014 Based on

10 Something on each facet?

11 Apollo 13s problem Problem 6Q Solution annotation_433156&feature=iv&list=PLC7F1 DD960EC4EE94&src_vid=KhoXFVQsIxw&v =Zm5nUEG5Bjo

12 List the OPS skills NASA Engineers used OPS FacetsYour Analysis% time A. Define & Specify problem B. Find & Reflect C. Generate & Evaluate D. Organise & Manage E. Analyse & Synthesise F. Communicate & apply

13 13 progressive revisiting same skills in varying contexts Optimising Problem Solving

14 Problem Solving ‘Out of clutter, find simplicity.’ Albert Einstein


16 No, definitely common through work. I know all the other graduates in this job are doing it as well and I know that other engineers have to sort of write these reports and do the investigation, and they need to be able to research to do this, yes. Graduate Engineer

17 First of all it was actually in the area which I am actually studying; at the same time I'm currently using it for inspecting basically what other people are doing within my current field and things that people are doing outside my current field that could potentially relate to my actual field at the moment. Then obviously documentation skills and also planning skills.

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