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Staying on the Bicycle Elyse Poole, MSN Assistant Professor of Nursing.

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Presentation on theme: "Staying on the Bicycle Elyse Poole, MSN Assistant Professor of Nursing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Staying on the Bicycle Elyse Poole, MSN Assistant Professor of Nursing

2 Goal: To explore ways to achieve better balance as teaching faculty and to empower our students to do the same.

3 I teach because…….

4 What purpose are you trying to fulfill? What are your key values?

5 Ever feel like this……?

6 Ways to Lose Balance Hit obstacle Not paying attention Showing off Blowout/not enough air in tires

7 Riding Tips Know the route. (Find a mentor) Look straight ahead. (Stay focused) Avoid the mud. (Toxic talk) Keep air in the tires. (Attend to self)

8 Self-Care Behaviors

9 Balancing Choices Stay aligned Be passion driven Give up perfection Set boundaries as appropriate/necessary Reflect regularly (Harris & Sulliv;an, 2013; Frasier-Thrill, 2014)

10 Fact Spending just 20% of your time doing what gives you “aaaaahh” avoids burnout.

11 A Few Suggestions: Plan the pace of the semester Use big questions for course design Foster student independence Focus on learning (your own & your students) (Robison, 2013)

12 Make a bucket list Short term Long term Make a plan Make a visual

13 Inspirational Quote Life is like riding a bicycle. In order to keep you’re your balance, You must keep moving. Albert Einstein

14 Berry, E. (2010). Achieving work-life balance: more than just a juggling act. Retrieved from http://amednews.Com/article/20100104/business/301049968/4. Boice, R. (2000). Advice for new faculty members. Boston: Allyn & Bacon. Harris, B. & Sullivan. (2013). Work-life balance in academic careers. Retrieved from psychologist/2013/04/work-life-balance.aspx. Phelps, P. (2009). The pietas of teaching. Faculty Focus, Robison, S. (2013). The peak performing professor: A practical guide to productivity and happiness. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. References & Resources

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