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THE LEARNING DIALOGS Mark David Milliron University of Texas at Austin.

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Presentation on theme: "THE LEARNING DIALOGS Mark David Milliron University of Texas at Austin."— Presentation transcript:

1 THE LEARNING DIALOGS Mark David Milliron University of Texas at Austin

2 Learning and Learners Learning and the Brain Learning and Technology Learning and GS Networks Learning and Creativity Learning and Democracy Learning and Courage THE LEARNING DIALOGS Mark David Milliron University of Texas at Austin

3 Learning and Learners Demography and Destiny Workforce Education Diversity Digital Divide Preparedness Divide Learning Swirl

4 Learning and the Brain Project Brainstorm

5  You arrive at work and can’t remember a thing about the 30 minute drive you just took  You just finished your shower and realize you have no idea if you washed your hair or not  In a group of friends someone brings up a TV character and every member of the group can picture the face but can’t remember the name --- “collective brain disease”  You forget how to spell “thought” as you’re writing a note --- “it just doesn’t look right!”  You have a hard time remembering someone’s name... and you gave birth to them  You arrive at work and can’t remember a thing about the 30 minute drive you just took  You just finished your shower and realize you have no idea if you washed your hair or not  In a group of friends someone brings up a TV character and every member of the group can picture the face but can’t remember the name --- “collective brain disease”  You forget how to spell “thought” as you’re writing a note --- “it just doesn’t look right!”  You have a hard time remembering someone’s name... and you gave birth to them Brain Auto Pilots, Misfires, and End Runs

6 Learning and the Brain Project Brainstorm

7 Administrative Systems, LMS -- CRM/LRM Open Source Systems Mobile Learning Internet2/Holographics Gaming Intelligence Architectures –Rise of Insight Professional and Personal Balance Professional and Personal Balance Learning and Technology


9 Learning and GS Networks


11 Video games PC Email CDs Individualist GenerationXGenerationX Web Cell phone IM MP3s Online communities Net Gen BabyBoomersBabyBoomers TV generation Typewriters Telephone Memos Family focus Learning and GS Networks







18 Beauty, Art, Music Rise of the Creative Class Learning is Creativity School for the Future Space, Time, Value Learning and Creativity

19 The Challenge Hate, Terrorist, Political, Religious, and Business Issues Ethics and Science International Conflicts Child Pornography Learning and Democracy The Charge Liberal Arts Work/Learn Connections Service Learning Civic Engagement Citizenship Education Globalization

20 Courage to Engage Important Learning Dialogs Courage to Engage the Loud Voices Courage to Open Yourself to Students, to Each Other Courage to Pull the Weeds of Arrogance Courage to Create a “Culture of Authenticity” Courage to Learn Learning and Courage

21 Learning and Learners Learning and the Brain Learning and Technology Learning and GS Networks Learning and Creativity Learning and Democracy Learning and Courage THE LEARNING DIALOGS Mark David Milliron University of Texas at Austin

22 Dr. Mark David Milliron Endowed Fellow, Senior Lecturer, & NISOD Director College of Education, UT Austin

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