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Getting you into the game Presentation by L. Jason Sparks Dallas Mathis Amy Conner C. E. O.s.

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2 Getting you into the game

3 Presentation by L. Jason Sparks Dallas Mathis Amy Conner C. E. O.s

4 Founded in 1881 100,000 cameras by 1896 Outlets in France, Germany, Italy, U. S., U. K. and more by 1900 Products sold in over 150 countries today Achievement s in Business

5 Industry leader Over 5000 engineers and scientists employed Over 600 Ph. D.s R&D labs around the word

6 Achievement s in Business $14.69 billion in 1999 Market versatility Cornered 3 key markets: 1. Devices Market- cameras, scanners, etc. 2. Services and media- films, online services, etc. 3. Infrastructure market- imaging software, wireless imaging protocols

7 4 Business Principles 1. Mass Production at Low Cost 2. International Distribution 3. Extensive Advertising 4. Focus on the Customer

8 Video Game Industry $6.3 billion last year Gaming Industry to out perform domestic box offices this year More than 50% of Americans play video games regularly

9 Video Game Industry Personal Computer Games 89% of teens use PCs multiple times per week 50% of households have computers Over 65% of households with PCs purchase PC games

10 Video Game Industry Personal Computer Games 6 of the 17 top selling games for February 2001 were customizab le

11 Customizable PC Gaming Software

12 Product Specifications Initial product launch 4 CD-ROM set including Image formatting software & 3 customizable games Initial Price $69.99 Schedule d Release 8/02

13 Product Specifications Supplemental product launch DVD Deluxe 3 DVD-ROM set including gaming and imaging software + additional DVD-ROM of preformatted custom images Initial Price $79.99 Schedul ed Release 10/02

14 Product Specifications Supplemental product launch Custom Gamer Starter Kit including 4CD-ROM set, digital camera, small tripod, green-screen backdrop, an additional CD-ROM of images, and a u-net membership Initial Price $169.9 9 Schedul ed Release 11/02

15 Target Market Market B: Young children ages 4-10 Primary Market: young men ages 16-24 Suppleme ntal Market A: young women 15-22

16 Disc 1 Fully customiz able tennis game Features customiza ble characters, courts, maneuver s, rules, sounds, and online doubles Product specifications Specific Target Market 18- 27 age men

17 Product specifications Disc 2 Fully customiz able Action/ Adventur e game Target Market men 15-22 years old Features customiza ble level layout, character s, plot, and maneuver s

18 Disc 3 Fully customiz able Aerial racing game Target Market women 14-21 years old Features customiza ble racing environme nt, pilot, vehicle/ insect, and maneuver s Product specifications

19 Disc 4 Kodak’s Image formatting software Assigns interaction and movemen t traits to virtually any image, formats the image to be played in U-soft games

20 Distributi on Concerns New York, L. A., Chicago, Miami, Tampa, Atlanta, other major cities Electronics Boutique, Media Play, Best Buy, other specialty stores UPS Ground

21 Initial Advertisin g Plan Magazine spots, online banners, point of purchase display, spots on other software sales word of mouth, magazine features, TV spotlights

22 Budg et for Initial Release Test Marketing $100,000 Software Engineers $1,500,00 Other R&D Expenses $725,000 Physical Productio n $1,570,000 Distributio n $350,000 Advertise ment $495,000 Total $4,740,000

23 Question s???

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