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ANNOUNCEMENTS. “I pledge allegiance…..” Students, please rise for the flag salute:

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2 “I pledge allegiance…..” Students, please rise for the flag salute:

3 It’s Wednesday, October 1 What’s For Lunch?  Chicken Poppers w/Deli Roasters  Chicken Burger  Pepperoni or Cheese Pizza  Deli Sandwiches

4 So what’s happening this week? Wednesday – Late Start, Schedule “B” Pajama Pants Day Football vs Northwood Thursday – Regular Schedule Math iReady Assessment Friday – Wolf-A-Thon Money Due Math iReady Assessment Laptops can go home ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ October 1 is International Translation Day ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

5 Late Arrival Schedule B Periods 4, 5, 6 LATE ARRIVAL BELL SCHEDULE A Periods 1-2-3 Den Time: 10:35-11:01 4 th Period Class11:05—11:11 ANNOUNCEMENTS 1st lunch (11:15—11:45) 2nd lunch (11:49—12:19) 3rd lunch (12:23—12:53) 5 th PeriodClass12:57—1:56 6 th PeriodClass2:00—3:01

6 Remember stay to the right of the stairs. Thank you!

7 Boeing After School science club  Come join us for an exciting afternoon every week building different projects.  Its free!  See your science teacher for an informational flier  We will begin October 8 th and meet every Wednesday in room 215. Join the FUN!

8 Want to start an after school club? Step 1 - Find a teacher to supervise your club during your meeting time. Step 2 - Get an application form from Mrs. Bowman.

9 Timberwolf Sports Report 

10 Volleyball Results 9-30-14  8 th grade won the first game last night.  The second two games were hard fought but Mill Creek rallied for the win.  8 th MVPs were Tali and Bella!

11 7 th Grade Volleyball Results 9-30-14  The 7 th grade team played a total shutdown against Mill Creek, winning both of their games!  MVPs were Chalyse and Emma.

12 Football News 10-1-14  This afternoon the 7th grade team faces off against Northwood here at home.  The following are the Behavior Expectations at home games:  Find a seat and sit there; no standing in the stands!  No swearing  Respect the adult spectators  Be polite to the concession stand workers.  All school rules apply  GO WOLVES!

13 “Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please.” -Mark Twain QUOTE OF THE DAY 10/1/14

14 Have a Great Day!

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