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29 April 2009.  Welcome  Market Analysis & the Procurement Process  Overview of next stages in the process  Overview of the Current Service  Commissioning.

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Presentation on theme: "29 April 2009.  Welcome  Market Analysis & the Procurement Process  Overview of next stages in the process  Overview of the Current Service  Commissioning."— Presentation transcript:

1 29 April 2009

2  Welcome  Market Analysis & the Procurement Process  Overview of next stages in the process  Overview of the Current Service  Commissioning Outcomes & Direction of Travel for the Service  Questions & answers  Tour of the Mobile Dental Surgery vehicle * Individual meetings with providers will not take place today

3  Dr Kate Corlett - Primary Care Medical Director  Jane Lindo - Program Manager, Locality Networks  Lorna Grazette - Dental Development Manager  Mark Abrahams - Procurement & Market Management Consultant (Bethesdapool Procurement Ltd)

4  Understanding the current Community Dental Service  Identify next stages  Timetable  Knowledge building for future exercises

5 To open a dialogue with the providers in the marketplace. Ensure that any approach to market is acceptable to providers. The more engaged bidders are with the process, the more likely the chance of a provider – friendly approach to market.

6  Public Procurement is not like other types of procurement...  Public funds  Often no marketplace (or developing)  Processes to follow  Outcome impacts health of population  Best practice = understand market, engage with market.

7  This is not pre-qualification, or a Tender  It is not mandatory to attend the event.  There is no obligation whatsoever on those that do attend to continue their involvement thereafter.  This event is about the PCT understanding the market.  It is about Providers understanding requirements.  Not attending does not prevent involvement at a later stage. NB: Supply2health doesn’t have a ‘market analysis’ option.

8  Duration  Premises  Equipment  Health promotion  Staff  Delivery location  Engaging with key groups...

9 ` Market Analysis Cycle: Market Cycle 1. Initiation 2. Outcomes 3. Inputs 4. Players 5. Market 6. Barriers 7. Junction 8. Stimulate 9. Route 10. Vehicle 11. Intervention 1.Initiation 2.Outcomes 3.Inputs 4.Players 5.The Market 6.Barriers 7.Junction

10 What is the PCT trying to achieve Are there any guidelines for the service Cost Access Speed Quality Efficiency Patient experience...

11 Premises Healthcare specialist staff Healthcare general staff Non healthcare specialist staff Equipment / technology Capital investment Expertise / experience Management (inc. change management)

12  Identify the providers  Geographical split - can providers deliver services in our area?  How ready are providers for bidding  How ready are providers for providing the service

13 What are the obstacles for providers?  Regulatory barriers  Legal barriers  Financial barriers  level of competition  What are the decision making processes for Providers?

14  Implement an immediate short term solution.  Go to market next 3-9 months for a short term solution.  Develop the market 2- 3 years.  Achieve some / all of the benefits through service improvement.  Go to market for some elements only.

15  Need some additional information  May need to speak to providers  Summary Analysis  Recommendation to PCT  Start date dependant upon above recommendation  New Supply2health notice may be required.

16 Activity Activity Duration (Days) Cumulative (Days) Tender notice placed11 Expressions of Interest received3031 Pre-qualification forms issuedAllowed for within above31 Clarification from bidders / assistance with completing form / bidder’s event (if necessary)Allowed for within above31 Final date for return of Pre-qualification formsAllowed for within above31 Pre-qualification forms distributed to panel members, period for individual review435 Panel meeting, Pre-qualification forms evaluated136 Bidders advised re acceptance / rejection137 Tenders issuedAllowed for within above37 Clarification from bidders / assistance with completing form / bidder’s event (if necessary)Allowed for within above37 Debrief for bidders rejectedAllowed for within above37 Tender return date3067 Tender opening168 Tenders distributed to panel members, period for individual review1078 Panel meeting, Tenders evaluated, scores awarded subject to clarification, Tender Panel interviews. 179


18 Three static sites:-  Appleby H/C  Shrewsbury H/C  West Ham Lane Clinic There is also a Mobile Dental Unit

19 Treatment of the vulnerable groups primarily on referral:  Medically compromised  Learning difficulties  Severe behavioural problems  Housebound people  Physical disability (unable to access GDS)  Significant Mental health problems  Children with rampant caries  Significant phobia about dentistry

20  School Screening Programme  Epidemiological Surveys  Oral Health Promotion  Domiciliary care for the housebound  General Anaesthetic list for children through NUHT  Orthodontic Services commissioned from RLH.

21 Questions & answers

22 Jane Lindo - Program Manager, Locality Networks Lorna Grazette - Dental Development Manager

23 “By 2020 the dental services in Newham will be as good as the rest of the Country and the oral health of the people of Newham will be as good as that of other Londoners.”

24 The local Oral Health Strategy reflects the vision set out in Delivering Better Oral Health & World Class Commissioning » reduce health inequalities » Supporting people to live longer and healthier lifestyles – keeping their teeth for longer! » deliver better health and well-being

25  Unplanned Access  Specialist Services  Prevention Services  Domiciliary Service (vulnerable or excluded groups)  Oral Health needs of Children

26 NHS dentistry uptake within Newham PCT has increased from 50.5% to 52.7% in past 2 years. The London average uptake is 51% against an England average of 56% for the same period

27 Newham has the worst dental decay rates for the under 5s in London comparable only to the highest decay rates in North East England

28 EEducate – publicise the importance of Oral health PParticipate – in all major community events to raise awareness DDeliver enhanced preventative dental care programme for under 5’s PProvide oral health education to high risk groups RRaise awareness – Oral Cancer

29 Thank you for attending

30 Produced on behalf of NHS Newham by: Mark Abrahams Procurement and Market Management Consultant Bethesdapool procurement Ltd 07830 49 11 53

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