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ARigami Augmented Reality Instructions for Supporting Paper Folding Teamguide: Amar Kalloe, Harold Weffers Developer: Florian Windolf, Rubén Guerra, Veronika.

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Presentation on theme: "ARigami Augmented Reality Instructions for Supporting Paper Folding Teamguide: Amar Kalloe, Harold Weffers Developer: Florian Windolf, Rubén Guerra, Veronika."— Presentation transcript:

1 ARigami Augmented Reality Instructions for Supporting Paper Folding Teamguide: Amar Kalloe, Harold Weffers Developer: Florian Windolf, Rubén Guerra, Veronika Ansorge, Sarah Bludau

2 Overview Introduction Augmented Reality Technical Background Demonstration

3 Introduction Florian Windolf, TH Nürnberg Rubén Guerra, TU Eindhoven Veronika Ansorge, University of Duisburg-Essen Sarah Bludau, University of Duisburg-Essen

4 Augmented Reality live direct or indirect view of a physical, real-world environment whose elements are augmented (or supplemented) Sports: Football matches on TV: real-time demonstration like scores or distances Games: Ingress (Google, 2012)

5 Augmented Reality Progress: Concern rely on AR components in publicity and advertisement

6 ARigami Our aim: To develop an application to instruct and support workers at folding packages

7 Software Metaio Provides a SDK for programming PC, web, mobile and custom offline AR application Eclipse Opensource IDE

8 Software Unity Cross-platform game creation system Used to develop video games for websides, desktop platforms, consoles and mobile devices Vuforia Augmented reality library 3ds Max 3D computergraphic and animationprogram Used in fields of games, comic, animation and film (TV/cinema)

9 Demonstration


11 Thanks for Your Attention!

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