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UNIVERSITY OF CENTRAL FLORIDA ORLANDO COLLEGE OF HEALTH AND PUBLIC AFFAIRS Biopsychosocial Functioning Neighborhood Connections and Anticipated Engagement.

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Presentation on theme: "UNIVERSITY OF CENTRAL FLORIDA ORLANDO COLLEGE OF HEALTH AND PUBLIC AFFAIRS Biopsychosocial Functioning Neighborhood Connections and Anticipated Engagement."— Presentation transcript:

1 UNIVERSITY OF CENTRAL FLORIDA ORLANDO COLLEGE OF HEALTH AND PUBLIC AFFAIRS Biopsychosocial Functioning Neighborhood Connections and Anticipated Engagement with Neighbors Network Supported by: Tucker Gerontology Award Denise Gammonley, Ph.D., L.C.S.W. Initial Results from the 2013 Survey

2 Project Aims Gauge interest in joining a new service to promote aging-in-place Focus on older adults age 55+ who are already active and engaged in the community. Introduce them to the service model through the survey. Consider factors that contribute to interest Biopsychosocial factors – health status – available social supports – caregiving responsibilities – current use of recreational, health, home support services Neighborhood connection factors – Tenure in the neighborhood – Attachment to the neighborhood – Engagement in neighboring behaviors UCF COLLEGE OF HEALTH AND PUBLIC AFFAIRS

3 Participants and Methods 2 Community Groups 550 members of The Learning Institute for Elders @ UCF 62 elders affiliated with Neighbors Network outreach activities. Valid Responses Obtained – 164 LIFE members – 29 NN affiliates Total: 193 Anonymous Web Survey Qualtrics System Incorporated video clip from PBS Newshour to introduce the Village model program.

4 Profile of Participants% or Mean Women59.6 White88.6 Married57.0 Live alone28.0 Considered moving to a retirement community within past year16.6 Have at least 1 child living within 100 miles65.5 Currently provide assistance as a caregiver14.0 Currently receive personal assistance at home7.7 Length of residence in your neighborhood18.3 years (SD=13.6) # of times volunteered over past month2.24 (SD=1.45) Used social media within the past year52.8

5 Participant Profile: Health Status and Health Behavior Self-rated health-related quality of life—SF12v2 (Ware, Kosinski, & Keller, 1996) You’re doing a great job with preventative health! – 75.6% saw a professional for a preventative health visit at least once in the past year – 17% were hospitalized at least once over the past year

6 Self-Rated Health: You are a healthy group!

7 Both your physical health and mental health is at the average or better across all age groups compared to your age-group peers in the US Mental HealthPhysical Health

8 Neighboring and Neighborhood Attachment

9 1 Less Attached 4 More Attached

10 You’re still undecided about services such as the Neighbors Network VerySomewhat LikelySomewhatVery UnlikelyUnlikelyLikelyLikely 1 2 3 4 5 2.72 If a Village membership organization such as the Neighbors Network were available in your community how likely would you be to join? Mean = 2.72 (SD=1.31 )

11 Continuing Analyses: What combination of individual factors best predict interest in joining a Village program? Predisposing Factors Demographics Living arrangements Community engagement Health beliefs Enabling Factors Social Support Neighboring Neighborhood Attachment Neighborhood Tenure Income Need Factors Self-rated health Disability Health Behavior Model Andersen (1968); Andersen & Newman (2005)

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