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National Assessment Tool for Innovation, Validation, and Education “You Can’t let Praise or Criticism get to you. It’s a Weakness to get Caught up in.

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Presentation on theme: "National Assessment Tool for Innovation, Validation, and Education “You Can’t let Praise or Criticism get to you. It’s a Weakness to get Caught up in."— Presentation transcript:


2 National Assessment Tool for Innovation, Validation, and Education “You Can’t let Praise or Criticism get to you. It’s a Weakness to get Caught up in Either one.” John Wooden NATIVE STAR – Minneapolis Education Conference March 29-30, 2011 Artist: Gus Claymore Presenters: Charmaine Weston and Margaret Claymore

3 I Introduction  Step 4 – Assessing an Indicator using “Unpacking an Indicator Worksheet” ____?__  Step 5 – Planning an Indicator using the “Logic Model Worksheet” ____?_____  Step 6 – Adding the Task(s) to the Objectives: Writing, Saving, Editing ____?_____

4 What Does Your Score Card Look Like? oughs_and_Learning_Objectives # of Walkthroughs?? ______#of Objective?? _________ #of Tasks??# ________#of Absences??? _________

5 Steps 4, 5 & 6 – Assessing, Planning, Tasks Two Strategy Models: Unpacking the Indicator Strategy – Step 4 helps schools understand and break down the Indicator into “3” categories Logic Model Strategy – Step 5 helps leadership teams and instructional teams plan for an indicator using “5” categories/steps. Assigning Tasks: Tasks – Step “6” assigns who is responsible for specific work related to the indicator being planned.


7 Unpacking the Indicator Strategy – Step 4 Assess and break down in to 3 categories: 1)What we want schools to know and be able to do (Review the Wise Ways or other resources related to the Indicator being assessed.) 2) How will we know if they know it? (How will we assess what they know and can do?) Examples and Evidence are evident 3) What do we do about it when they don’t know? (What is the plan for responding to schools when they don’t get it?) List of TA, PD, Consultant(s), ELO, and/or Coach necessary to implement the Indicator.

8 What do we want schools to know and be able to do using the “Unpacking an Indicator Worksheet.” What do we want schools to know and be able to do? Step 4: Assessing - Are We Doing This? How will we know if they know it? (How will we assess what they know and can do?) Where is the Evidence? What is our plan (STEP 5) for responding to the Indicator? Strategies? Main Ideas from CII “Wise Ways” document:Examples of possible evidence we might find and can collect (Checklist): Examples of possible support we can offer: Unpacking an Indicator Worksheet.”

9 What do we want schools to know and be able to do using the “Unpacking an Indicator Worksheet.” IID02 The school tests each student at least 3 times each year to determine progress toward standards-based objectives. (100) What do we want schools to know and be able to do? Step 4: Assessing - Are We Doing This? How will we know if they know it? (How will we assess what they know and can do?) Where is the Evidence? What is our plan (STEP 5) for responding to the Indicator? Strategies? Main Ideas from CII “Wise Ways” document:  Assessment is the process of testing o To see what a student knows and can do o To identify strengths and weaknesses in what a group of students know and can do  Different assessments include: o Diagnostic-prescriptive – quick diagnostic tests used to prescribe appropriate learning activities for a student or group of students to help them meet objectives. Examples: Unit pre & post tests, spelling tests, oral quizzes, or show me. o Embedded assessments – are learning activities aligned to objectives with criteria for mastery which enable a teacher to check mastery within the context of instruction. Also serves as a diagnostic assessment. o Periodic assessment – administered for each grade level two to four times a year, enable the teachers and teams to see how students are progressing toward mastery of standards that will be included on state assessments. o Annual assessments – state standards assessments (criterion-referenced) and norm- referenced achievement tests provide an annual appraisal of each student’s progress and the school’s progress by grade levels and subject areas. Examples of possible evidence we might find and can collect (Checklist):  School schedule includes windows three or four administrations of MAP this school year.  They are aware of and have a comprehensive plan in place for a successful MAP administration. (See “NWEA Roles and Responsibilities” checklist specifications)  They have addressed the technology needs of the school that make administering the MAP assessment possible for all 3 seasons through the school year.  They have a plan in place to monitor the assessment window to ensure that all students are tested, with the right test, before the window closes.  They have a plan in place to increase student ownership in the MAP assessment. Examples of possible support we can offer:  Provide more staff development on different assessments administered to students  Collaborate with Media Specialist and/or Media Technician to offer training and support for administrating the MAP Assessment  Implement Team meetings for all staff to have ownership toward increasing student achievement in both Formative and Summative Assessments  Create PLCs by department and assign department Head/Chair to share and plan in testing preparation within departments  Assign Special Education department to collaborate with each department to plan and prepare ALL students for testing: Test Taking Strategies in reading math, science, and writing strategies 

10 Logical Model Strategy – Step 5 A logical model is just one of many structures for school improvement for school improvement planning. Sponsors often define a particular structure to be used by schools and districts, so coaches should be alert to the preferred model required by the state, district or other sponsoring agency overseeing the improvement planning process. Teams and coaches using the Native Star system to structure the development of their plan benefit from the planning tools, resources, and report templates built into the system. Section 2 shows some of the ways these features can be used as the team develops its plan for change. To be a useful tool to guide action, a plan for change must include a clear description of the measureable outcomes that will result if the strategies effectively target the identified needs. Those implementing the plan will be able to picture themselves in their “new and improved” mode of operation if outcomes are clear. The task of a coach is to help team members make the invisible(or more likely, overlooked!) visible to all those engaged in the change process.

11 Objective: Inputs/Resources The knowledge, skills, time and expertise to enable adoption of the strategy Strategies The activities (tasks) required to adopt the desired practices Outputs The physical products (lesson plans, student work, survey responses) resulting from the strategies Outcomes Short Term Intermediate observable changes in the intended beneficiary of the activities Outcomes Long Term The ultimate impact of the strategy, the broad objective/goal of the work _ Step 5: SAMPLE LOGIC MODEL - PLAN FOR AN INDICATOR

12 Objective: IID02 The school tests each student at least three times each year to determine progress toward standard-based objectives. Inputs/Resources The knowledge, skills, time and expertise to enable adoption of the strategy Strategies The activities (tasks) required to adopt the desired practices Outputs The physical products (lesson plans, student work, survey responses) resulting from the strategies Outcomes Short Term Intermediate observable changes in the intended beneficiary of the activities Outcomes Long Term The ultimate impact of the strategy, the broad objective/goal of the work  Wise Ways Research  Outside Consultants  Dept. Chair/Head Instructional Team  Leadership Team  Media Spec/Tech  Reading/Math Coaches  Webinars  Teleconferences  NWEA Consultant _  Staff Mtgs. Focus on mini-trainings by in- house staff  Calendar Committee designates PD training dates for Technology training for all staff  NWEA Consultant meets with staff quarterly  Outside Consultant shares strategies for test taking with ALL STAFF, specifically Math, Reading, Science, Language Arts, and History/Social Studies  Agendas reflect training of ALL STAFF  Minutes from staff meetings discuss and elaborate on the progress of mini- trainings  Calendar Committee produces a calendar that reflects PD training dates in technology  NWEA Consultant prepares quarterly reports and provides interpretation  Lesson Plans reflect reading strategies for each discipline across the curriculum  Focused Team Meetings  Collaboration across the curriculum areas  All Staff trained in test taking strategies before the State, NWEA, or other standard tests  Data collaboration, interpretation, and decision making  Lesson plans that incorporate test taking, math and reading strategies  Site specific visits by consultants related to data  Every student will be tested three times a year to determine progress toward student-based objectives.  Annual Data Retreats  Continuous staff development for ALL NEW and continuing staff in technology data assessment, test taking strategies Step 5 : SAMPLE LOGIC MODEL - PLAN FOR AN INDICATOR

13 School Leadership and Decision Making Aligning classroom observations with evaluation criteria and professional development I Index: ( Priority Score x Opportunity Score) Plan:Assigned to: Target Date: Tasks: Assigned to Target Completion Date: Comments: Implement:Percent Task Complete: Native Star Worksheet: Step 5: Create the Plan

14 School Leadership and Decision Making Aligning classroom observations with evaluation criteria and professional development IID02 The school tests each student at least 3 times each year to determine progress toward standards-based objectives. Index: 6 (Priority Score x Opportunity Score) Plan:Assigned to:Lead Teacher Target Date:06/07/2010 How it will look when fully met : When this objective is fully met, the school will have a process in place  Every student will be tested three times a year to determine progress toward student-based objectives.  Annual Data Retreats will take place for ALL STAFF  Continuous staff development for ALL NEW and continuing staff will be offered in technology, data assessment, test taking strategies, and curriculum alignment of standards (On-Going) Tasks: 1. Staff Mtgs. Will Focus on mini-trainings by in-house staff beginning January 2011 2.Calendar Committee will determine and designate PD training dates for Technology training for all staff 3.NWEA Consultant will meet with staff quarterly to review data, plan for instruction, develop instruction using DesCartes Skills 4.Outside Consultant will share strategies for test taking with ALL STAFF, specifically Math, Reading, Science, Language Arts, and History/Social Studies Assigned toJohn Kenworth Target Completion Date:05/28/2011 Comments: Implement:Percent Task Complete: Indistar™® Worksheet: Step 5: Create the Plan

15 Task: The Work Horse of Native Star Section that assigns who is responsible for specific work related to the indicator being planned.

16  How the System works  Entering a Task  Reports for Tasks  Writing good tasks: What to look for – red flags Introduction to Tasks

17 Review of the system Tasks

18 Reports and Graphs Tasks

19 Graphs Tasks

20 Writing Good Tasks  Specific  Simple language  Broken down into small chunks  Early tasks should be easily accomplished

21  And, and, and  Due dates  How much do you really expect the principal to do?  Evidence Red Flags

22  Encourage your schools to write tasks that are easily accomplished in the beginning to get quick wins  Encourage your schools to think about how they will provide evidence that they are fully implemented  Encourage your schools to celebrate their accomplishments Encourage

23 d=41378&title=Power_Teaching_Critical_Thinking_A MAZING_STUDENT_ENGAGEMENT_

24 We can all make a difference if we keep ourselves in the game and continue scoring points on the journey... SO, “Let us put our minds together and see what future we can make for our children.” Sitting Bull, Hunkpapa Lakota The Target Score: 100% Graduation Rate!

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