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Assessment of tourism development with respect to territorial cohesion Pál Szabó PhD. (Pannon.Elemző Kft.)

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Presentation on theme: "Assessment of tourism development with respect to territorial cohesion Pál Szabó PhD. (Pannon.Elemző Kft.)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Assessment of tourism development with respect to territorial cohesion Pál Szabó PhD. (Pannon.Elemző Kft.)

2 I.Objectives of assessment II.Context of policy III.Development on national level IV.Development of Health Tourism in Eastern Hungary V.Development of the Lake Balaton Resort Area (LBRA) Content

3 Viewpoints of assessment (cohesion): 1.Assessment of development objectives 2.Assessment of developments 3.Assessment of development actors  Suggestions 7 Regional Operative Programme (ROP) Tourism development: touristic attractions, accomodation, touristic destination management (TDM) 2724 applications, 983 successful applications financial framework: 300 billion HUF, demand: about 407 billion HUF, awarded amount: about 213 billion HUF (08.2012) Three dimensions of assessment: - national level - health tourism in Eastern Hungary - Lake Balaton Resort Area Objectives of Assesment

4 Hungarian Tourism Act is not accepted yet the new Hungarian tourism development strategy the new National and Regional Development Plan: importance of tourism development, priority for health tourism Cohesion of objectives Context of Policy

5 The objectives of ROP are identical with the tourism development objectives of Hungary Seven ROP – toruism development objectives : -vertical and horizontal cohesion among the objectives -main sector preferences: cultural t., health t., etc. -quality accomodation, increasing the number of TDMs – common objectives -weak regional / local preferences -various vertical and horizontal coordinations  important to clarify the national strategy  need to strengthen the vertical partnership (planning, management)  need for spatial aspects of tourism development objectives National level – ROP touristic development 1

6 Share of resources for tourism development measures : -Attraction development (about 75%) -Accomodation development (about 20%) -TDM (about 5%) Regional differences in the share of tourism support National level – ROP touristic development 2

7 National level – ROP touristic development 3 Attraction development: - dominance of cultural, health and (!) ecotourism - few projects: territorially complex projects, complex experience  need to define, need for support - there was no prominent attraction development  need for prominent attraction development - less new developments, more further developments of existing attractions  enhancing project generation, promoting innovations - spatial aspects were not always applied  enforcing territorial cohesion (e.g. evaluation of applications - spatial perspective)

8 Accomodation development: - quality, in accordance with national objectives -one-sided, market tension -important: ex-ante evaluation - territorial concentration is unchanged  new developments: serious professional reasons; connected to tourist attractions - need for own resources - territorial differences  enforcing spatial aspects (regional, local)  territorial cohesion: coordination of attraction and accomodation development National level – ROP touristic development 4

9 Touristic Destination Management (TDM): - increasing the number of TDMs, according to national objectives - some problems in the development process but the system became operational (registration etc.) - little support but positive and perspective direction - established: in traditional touristic areas, antecedents - many questions: financing, the role of local authorities  need for legal clarification  enhancing: project generation National level – ROP touristic development 5

10 -most support – enterprises (about half of the applications); local governments, state organizations: priority projects -local governments – contractor or regulator?; profit or storing value?; local, territorial effects of developments -10% of project owners withdrew – effect of the crisis (?) -weak horizontal partnership (lack of relationships, lack of confidence, individual interests, lack of organizing force etc.) – support motivates... -appreciation: TDMs  applications for specific groups  support for multi-party projects National level – development actors

11 Critical element -faulty project planning (form, location, demand estimates) - t he number of visitors is less than expected -sometimes rigid appraisal rules of tenders, selection criteria (slippage of projects) -effects of economic crisis!  required: more realistic estimation of demand  need for a flexible, but rigorous application evaluation system National level - Financial Sustainability

12 Development of Health Tourism in Eastern Hungary Health Tourism in Eastern Hungary: -205 applications, 31 billion HUF -45 attractions, 26 accomodation, 3 TDM -territorial concentrations -Health Tourism: along strategy, but differences, problems -synergy: transport, urban regeneration, health development

13 Makó Mórahalom Nyíregyháza Cserkeszőlő Balmazújváros Mezőkövesd Berettyóújfalu Bogács Development of Health Tourism in Eastern Hungary - Spas

14 Spa development – local survey (8): - about 8.5 billion HUF (EU support: 4.1 billion HUF) - new spa (Makó), renovation, expansion, waterparks - high quality development - related developments in the settlements (not qualified medical sites yet; further development related to local destinations) - failure of accomodation development - variable number of visitors; time concentration slightly resolved - competition for domestic guests; what about foreigners? - project is considered a success locally: confidence - return of investment? Development of Health Tourism in Eastern Hungary - Results

15  health tourism means more than creating a spa  stronger cooperation with health development  clarification: private and public health care  quality assurance (therapeutic effect), accreditation!  development of the classification system  support of the therapy place (complex medical forms and supporting units etc.)  territorial harmony (spatial dispersion /similar profiles/ - concentration /other profiles/; related accommodation - appropriate standard; fit in the environment etc.) Development of Health Tourism in Eastern Hungary - Suggestions

16 Development of the Lake Balaton Resort Area - Characteristics Lake Balaton Resort Area (touristic region) 179 settlements 274 000 inhabitants, 240 000 holiday home owners 20% of guest nights (4,3 million) priority in development planning (legislations) But! fragmented developments (in 3 regions and 3 ROPs) Lake Balaton Development Council (LBDC) its role as a coordinator!

17 Objectives: - extension of the season - reducing territorial concentration - strengthening quality tourism - sustainable tourism Development of the Lake Balaton Resort Area - Objectives, tools 1 Developments: 381 applications 153 successful applications 18 billion HUF support - little touristic support, fragmented, but emphasized in ROPs - successful applications, low-volume, results are small - complex developments are not typical - horizontal partnerships are not really enforced

18 Attractions: cultural, holiday, water tourism – extension of the season (as well) Accomodation: quality development, but of low-volume, support is important, private accomodation left behind TDM (28% of the total in Hungary): antecedents, varied output, successful Related developments: transport infrastructure developed, but there are deficiencies - extension of the season opening period is effective - territorial concentration did not decrease - quality tourism became more significant Development of the Lake Balaton Resort Area - Objectives, tools 2

19 éééé Development of the Lake Balaton Resort Area - Projects

20 Eight attraction developments – local survey: objective: extension of the season good project ideas new / further development preliminary market survey (demand, competitors) fit into strategy usually good developments new ones - visitors varied communication good accessibility appropriate related infrastructure varied connections with other developments fit into environment varied (bad) connections with competitors Development of the Lake Balaton Resort Area - Projects, results

21  special status is to be taken into account  support according to touristic importance  support for featured attractions  integrated tourism development in the region  strenghten the coordination of developments (LBDC)  project generation  developments: seasonal and season extension  reducing territorial concentration, complex projects (connecting coastal and interior developments)  quantity and quality tourism (e.g. private accomodation)  transport development  marketing Development of the Lake Balaton Resort Area - Suggestions

22 Thank you for your attention!

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