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Collection Management and E-Resources Standing Committee.

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1 Collection Management and E-Resources Standing Committee

2 2 Collection Management and E-Resources Standing Committee Charge: Recommend which e‐resources will be licensed for all college and university libraries. Correlate available dollars with the ability to maintain subscriptions, and prioritize if funds will be insufficient to maintain current subscriptions. Recommend more permanent committees and task forces necessary to analyze and build joint FCS/SUS library collections. Coordinate with relevant FLVC staff and other committees and report to the Executive Committee.

3 3 Valerie Boulos - Co-chair - Committee Term: 2013-2016 Florida International University Rebecca Donlan - Committee Term: 2013-2016 Florida Gulf Coast University Cheryl McCoy - Committee Term: 2013-2015 University of South Florida Robb Waltner - Committee Term: 2013-2015 University of North Florida Roy A. Ziegler - Committee Term: 2013-2015 Florida State University Judith C. Russell - Liaison for Members Council University of Florida Shelly Schmucker - Co-chair - Committee Term: 2013- 2016 Tallahassee Community College Judy Born - Committee Term: 2013-2015 State College of Florida, Manatee‐Sarasota Estrella Iglesias - Committee Term: 2013-2015 Miami Dade College Cheryl Kohen - Committee Term: 2013-2015 Daytona State College Rhonda Trueman - Committee Term: 2013-2016 Northwest Florida State College Claire Dygert - FLVC Staff Representative Scott Schmucker - FLVC Staff Representative Amanda Yesilbas - FLVC Staff Representative Current Committee Members and Future Opportunities

4 4 Shared E-Resources – A Brief History Legislation: For purposes of licensing electronic library resources from funds appropriated to the Complete Florida Plus Program, those resources licensed for 4-year degree-seeking students shall be made available to all 4-year degree-seeking students in the Florida College System and the State University System. December 2013: MCLS recommended pursuing the addition of Academic Source Complete for all FLVC libraries (FCS and SUS). June 2014: MCLS approved a shared e-resource collection as presented by the CMESC. July 2014: Don Muccino announced that the 2015 collection would remain “status quo.” Due to pricing increases a few resources were cut. Sept 2014: MCLS approved looking at a 2016 e-resource collection where 60% of FLVC funds are used towards a shared collection. Dec 2014: CMESC presented recommendations for a 60/40 split e-resource collection for 2016. Don clarified that FLVC is moving forward with planning and negotiation for a collection where the “majority of FLVC e-resource funds be allocated on a common postsecondary portfolio.”

5 5 2016 Shared E-Resources Assumptions (and these are big): A 60/40 split will be acceptable to legislative staff Budget remains the same E-Resource costs remain the same Budget (based on last year’s numbers): 60% equals $4,110,655 This leaves $2,740,437 to be split for individual FCS and SUS collections

6 6 2016 Recommended Collection Includes a large EBSCO bundle with several upgrades (for all). Includes Gale Literature Resource Center (for all). Updates/expands old Wilson content to new EBSCO Source products (for all). Excludes a lot of other vendor e-resources currently purchased with statewide funds.

7 7 Other Considerations Florida College System News Content – Should we stick with America’s News or switch over to ProQuest’s National News Core and Newsbank’s Florida Collection? E-Books – A shared e-book collection would be an economical solution for increasing collections statewide and decrease local cost for ILL activities. STEM – Additional funding sources are needed for STEM e-resources.

8 8 Other Issues/Projects Statistics – Reviewing methodology of gathering and using statistical data. Shared E-Books – FCS E-Book Deselection Task Force charged with updating evaluation guidelines and recommending specific shared e-book titles for deselection.

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