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Published byEustace Baker Modified over 9 years ago
Dr. Timothy J. Hallman Associate Director for Nuclear Physics DOE Office of Science Perspectives from the SC AD for Nuclear physics EIC Meeting Stony Brook June 24-27, 2014
EIC MeetingJune 24-27 2014 2 Important Disclaimer The following is just one person’s look into a (rather hazy) crystal ball, and any/all of what follows could be changed depending on any number of circumstances, e.g. community priorities available resources new science discoveries new administration priorities, etc., etc.
EIC MeetingJune 24-27 2014 33 JLab: 12 GeV Fully Operational FY2017, $338M Investment Fundamental Forces & Symmetries Hadrons from QGP Medical Imaging Quark Confinement Structure of Hadrons Accelerator S&T Nuclear Structure Theory and Computation
EIC MeetingJune 24-27 2014 44 JLab: Decadal Science Questions 4 What is the role of gluonic excitations in the spectroscopy of light mesons? Can these excitations elucidate the origin of quark confinement? Where is the missing spin in the nucleon? Is there a significant contribution from valence quark orbital angular momentum? Can we reveal a novel landscape of nucleon substructure through measurements of new multidimensional distribution functions? What is the relation between short-range N-N correlations and the partonic structure of nuclei? Can we discover evidence for physics beyond the standard model of particle physics? There would appear to be a good 10 year program of compelling science to be done
EIC MeetingJune 24-27 2014 55 At present, ATLAS/CARIBU at ANL Uniquely Provides SC funded Low Energy Research Opportunities Longer term, ATLAS niche is as a unique, complementary Stable Beam Facility for research on Nuclear Structure & Nuclear Astrophysics
EIC MeetingJune 24-27 2014 6 Facility for Rare Isotope Beams FRIB Linear Accelerator FRIB Site March 2014 FRIB will increase the number of isotopes with known properties from ~2,000 observed over the last century to ~5,000 and will provide world-leading capabilities for research on: Nuclear Structure The ultimate limits of existence for nuclei Nuclei which have neutron skins The synthesis of super heavy elements Nuclear Astrophysics The origin of the heavy elements and explosive nucleo-synthesis Composition of neutron star crusts Fundamental Symmetries Tests of fundamental symmetries, Atomic EDMs, Weak Charge This research will provide the basis for a model of nuclei and how they interact. The coils of this high temperature superconducting (HTS) quadrupole exceeded the required currents at elevated temperatures, indicating additional operating current margin and more stability.
EIC MeetingJune 24-27 2014 7 FRIB physics is at the core of nuclear science: “To understand, predict, and use” FRIB provides access to a vast unexplored terrain in the chart of nuclides FRIB: 21st Century Science Questions
EIC MeetingJune 24-27 2014 8 Facility for Rare Isotope Beams Ground breaking ceremony with participation by DOE officials and Senate and House representatives was held on March 17, 2014. TPC $000sPYsFY13FY14FY15FY16FY17FY18FY19FY20FY21TOTAL FRIB51,00022,00055,00090,000100,000 97,20075,00040,0005,300635,500
EIC MeetingJune 24-27 2014 9 Continuing Scientific Discovery at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider BLIP NSRL RHIC NSR L LINA C Booste r AG S Tandem s STAR 6:00 o’clock PHENIX 8:00 o’clock Polarized Jet Target 12:00 o’clock RF 4:00 o’clock EBIS BLIP For the hot QCD science and polarized proton science missions, no other facility worldwide, existing or planned, can rival RHIC in range and versatility.
EIC MeetingJune 24-27 2014 10 Main Remaining Questions What do we need to know about the initial state? Is it a weakly coupled color glass condensate? How does it thermalize? What do the data tell us about the initial conditions for the hydro- dynamic expansion? Can we determine it unambiguously? What is the smallest collision system that behaves collectively? What does the QCD phase diagram look like? Does it contain a critical point in the HG-QGP transition region? Does the HG-QGP transition become a first-order phase transition for large μ B ? What can jets and heavy flavors tell us about the structure of the strongly coupled QGP? What do the quarkonium (and other) data tell us about quark deconfinement and hadronization? Can we find unambiguous proof for chiral symmetry restoration?
1 YearsBeam Species and EnergiesScience GoalsNew Systems Commissioned 2014 15 GeV Au+Au 200 GeV Au+Au 3 He+Au at 200 GeV Heavy flavor flow, energy loss, thermalization, etc. Quarkonium studies QCD critical point search Electron lenses 56 MHz SRF STAR HFT STAR MTD 2015-16 Pol. p+p at 200 GeV p+Au, p+Si at 200 GeV High statistics Au+Au Pol. p+p at 510 GeV? Au+Au at 62 GeV? Extract η/s(T) + constrain initial quantum fluctuations More heavy flavor studies Sphaleron tests Transverse spin physics PHENIX MPC-EX Coherent e-cooling test 2017No RunLow energy e-cooling upgrade 2018-195-20 GeV Au+Au (BES-2) Search for QCD critical point and onset of deconfinement STAR ITPC upgrade Partial commissioning of sPHENIX (in 2019) 2020No Run Complete sPHENIX installation STAR forward upgrades 2021-22 200 GeV Au+Au with upgraded detectors Pol. p+p, p+Au at 200 GeV Jet, di-jet, γ-jet probes of parton transport and energy loss mechanism Color screening for different quarkonia sPHENIX 2023-24No RunsTransition to eRHIC Proposed run schedule for RHIC
EIC MeetingJune 24-27 2014 12 Preparations for NP Stewarded Neutrino-less Double Beta Decay Experiments Inspection of copper being electroformed at the Temporary Clean Room in SURF R&D on one of several approaches by U.S. scientists is ongoing at Lead, South Dakota Recent progress on the Majorana Demonstrator 4800 feet below ground at the Sanford Underground Research Facility (SURF) With techniques that use nuclear isotopes inside cryostats, often made of ultra-clean materials, scientists are “tooling up” to study whether neutrinos are their own anti- particle. NSAC has been charged to identify the criteria for a next generation double beta decay experiment. With techniques that use nuclear isotopes inside cryostats, often made of ultra-clean materials, scientists are “tooling up” to study whether neutrinos are their own anti- particle. NSAC has been charged to identify the criteria for a next generation double beta decay experiment.
EIC MeetingJune 24-27 2014 13 Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay NSAC Charge Scientific Importance Status of Ongoing and Planned Experiments
EIC MeetingJune 24-27 2014 14 Nuclear Theory The essential role of a strong nuclear theory effort goes without saying: Poses scientific questions that lead to the construction of facilities Helps make the case for, and guide the design of new facilities, their research programs and their strategic operations plan Provides a framework for understanding measurements made at facilities Topical Collaborations (fixed-term, multi-institution collaborations established to investigate a specific topic) appear to have been very successful and, resource permitting, the model will be continued Maintaining adequate support for a robust nuclear theory effort is essential to the productivity and vitality of nuclear science
EIC MeetingJune 24-27 2014 15 Nuclear Theory Computing Will Also Likely be a Discussion New GPU-based LQCD processor at TJNAF How many different nuclei exist? NP researchers theorize the number to be ~7,000
EIC MeetingJune 24-27 2014 16 Isotope Program Will Continue The mission of the DOE Isotope Program is threefold Produce and/or distribute radioactive and stable isotopes that are in short supply, associated byproducts, surplus materials and related isotope services. Maintain the infrastructure required to produce and supply isotope products and related services. Conduct R&D on new and improved isotope production and processing techniques which can make available new isotopes for research and applications. Produce isotopes that are in short supply only – the Isotope Program does not compete with industry Produce isotopes that are in short supply only – the Isotope Program does not compete with industry
EIC MeetingJune 24-27 2014 17 Times Square NYC One Year Ago R&D Creates New Production Method for Actinium-225 A new isotope project at LANL shows promise for rapidly producing major quantities of a new cancer-treatment agent, actinium-225. Using proton beams, LANL and BNL could match current annual worldwide production of the isotope in just a few days. A collaboration among LANL, BNL, and ORNL is developing a plan for full-scale production and stable supply of Ac-225. Ac-225 emits alpha radiation. Alpha particles are energetic enough to destroy cancer cells but are unlikely to move beyond a tightly controlled target region and destroy healthy cells. Alpha particles are stopped in their tracks by a layer of skin—or even an inch or two of air.
EIC MeetingJune 24-27 2014 18 Defining the Science – Long Range Plans The Long Range Plans have: Identified the scientific opportunities Recommended scientific priorities Effectively defining the field of Nuclear Physics for the Nation New LRP in 2007 1979 1983 1989 1996 2002 Nation’s leadership role today is largely a result of: The responsible/visionary strategic planning embodied in the NSAC Long Range Plans Federal government’s decision to utilize the guidance and provide the needed resources 2007
EIC MeetingJune 24-27 2014 19 1979: A Long Range Plan for Nuclear Science First Mention of a Relativistic Heavy Ion Machine; Not Yet a Recommendation The major facility recommended by this plan turned out to be CEBAF
EIC MeetingJune 24-27 2014 20 1979: A Long Range Plan for Nuclear Science
EIC MeetingJune 24-27 2014 21 Recommendations from Successive Plans 1983 1989
EIC MeetingJune 24-27 2014 22 1996 Recommendations from Successive Plans
EIC MeetingJune 24-27 2014 23 2002 Recommendations from Successive Plans
EIC MeetingJune 24-27 2014 24 2007 LRP
EIC MeetingJune 24-27 2014 25 Time from First Strong Recommendation to Operating Facility RHIC: 1983 to 200017 years CEBAF 12 GeV Upgrade 2002 to 201715 years ISOL Facility/RIA/FRIB 1996 to 202125 years CEBAF1979 to 199617 years There seems to be a constant of nature with respect to the timescale for realization of big initiatives EIC at the moment has no status with respect to nuclear science community priorities. The next LRP will be 2021 In addition to nuclear science priorities, there are other Office of Science priorities that will be in play From Recommendation to Realization Takes Time
EIC MeetingJune 24-27 2014 26 The Other Aspect: What else is potentially in the SC Queue? All kinds of things, always (ITER, LBNE, New Light Sources, New Leadership Computers, new Centers, new Hubs,... EIC will either be in the swim Or not
EIC MeetingJune 24-27 2014 27 To be in the swim at this point… A very strong science case with broad appeal need to be clearly articulated to and bought into by the nuclear science community (disclaimer, this is an observation, not an endorsement by the AD)
EIC: A color dipole microscope28 e−e− γ* Color dipoles “see” gluons Free color charges (e.g. quarks) do not exist, but color dipoles do! Virtual photons are an excellent source of color dipoles. Two resolution scales: momentum k (longitudinal) virtuality Q (transverse) ⇒ More powerful than an optical microscope! HERA was the 1 st generation color dipole microscope, with limited intensity and no polarization. EIC will be a 2 nd generation color dipole microscope, >100-fold intensity and polarization!
EIC MeetingJune 24-27 2014 29 The EIC: A QCD Laboratory 29 Gluon structure of the proton: How is the proton’s mass generated and what carries its spin? High density phase of cold gluon matter How do confined hadrons emerge from isolated quarks? Today’s protonProton @ EIC
EIC MeetingJune 24-27 2014 30 The other EIC Thrust
EIC MeetingJune 24-27 2014 31 From the Executive Summary
EIC MeetingJune 24-27 2014 32 Projected sensitivity in 2005
EIC MeetingJune 24-27 2014 33 Projected Sensitivity in 2005 A particular challenge for this aspect will be making the scientific challenges “fresh” and strongly motivated for a non-spinner
EIC MeetingJune 24-27 2014 34 FY 2015 President’s Request Total = $593.6M FY 2015 President’s Request Total = $593.6M ~69% of the FY 2015 NP budget supports operations or construction of facilities The percentage devoted to major projects is almost 19% in FY 2015 ~69% of the FY 2015 NP budget supports operations or construction of facilities The percentage devoted to major projects is almost 19% in FY 2015 Nuclear Physics FY 2015 President’s Request – By Function
EIC MeetingJune 24-27 2014 35 NP Budgets vs. 2007 Long Range Plan
EIC MeetingJune 24-27 2014 36 Outlook The future of nuclear science in the United States continues to be rich with science opportunities. The United States will continue to provide resources for and to expect: U.S. world leadership in discovery science illuminating the properties of nuclear matter in all of its manifestations. Tools necessary for scientific and technical advances which will lead to new knowledge, new competencies, and groundbreaking innovation and applications. Strategic investments in tools and research to provide the U.S. with premier research capabilities in the world. Nuclear Science will continue to be an important part of the U.S. science investment strategy to create new knowledge and technology innovation supporting U.S. security and competitiveness Nuclear Science will continue to be an important part of the U.S. science investment strategy to create new knowledge and technology innovation supporting U.S. security and competitiveness
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