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Welcome to 5 th Grade Curriculum Night Mrs. Marcie Moran Mrs. Stephanie Stephenson Sawnee Elementary Website Our Mission Statement: Sawnee Elementary School.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to 5 th Grade Curriculum Night Mrs. Marcie Moran Mrs. Stephanie Stephenson Sawnee Elementary Website Our Mission Statement: Sawnee Elementary School."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to 5 th Grade Curriculum Night Mrs. Marcie Moran Mrs. Stephanie Stephenson Sawnee Elementary Website Our Mission Statement: Sawnee Elementary School prepares children to be life-long learners, self-motivators, and responsible citizens functioning in a global society. 2011-20122011-2012 Grade Plus

2 Math Pacing Guide Number of the Week Study Island IXL Homework Angel Mrs. Moran's Website

3 Language Arts  Mrs. Stephenson's Webpage Mrs. Stephenson's Webpage **Co-taught w/ Mrs. Delaney **Reading Series Website… PearsonSuccessNetPearsonSuccessNet **Accelerated Reader & STAR testing  Accelerated Reader link can be located on my website **Grading-Summative Assessments & Formative assessments which include selection tests, class assignments & projects

4 Science – Mrs. Moran ext. 071292 GPS Standards – Earth Science, Physical Science, Life Science, and Habits of Mind. Health will also be covered within the science classroom. Assessment – Students will be graded based on daily assignments, labs, tests, and classroom projects.

5 Social Studies Fifth Graders will continue studying the history of the United States beginning with the Civil War & culminating with the present. Concepts in Geography, Economics & Government will be embedded in our study of American History. Grading- Assessments will come from daily work, tests, quizzes, group work, & in class projects.

6 Homeroom Writing As part of the GPS standards, children must demonstrate proficiency in three genres of writing: *Narrative *Persuasive *Expository or informational Students will take the GA 5 th Grade State Writing Assessment on March 7 th.

7 Reasons for conduct marks… Lunchroom Behavior Unprepared Off Task/out of seat Not Following Directions Disrespectful Disruptive Behavior/Excessive Talking Consequences  1 mark = warning  2 marks = 1 day silent lunch  3 marks = 3 days of silent lunch  4 marks = Begin behavior plan /conference with parent  5 marks = lose 9 week bash  6 marks = conference with student, parents, teacher, and administrator Conduct Cards

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