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Information geometry of Statistical inference with selective sample S. Eguchi, ISM & GUAS This talk is a part of co-work with J. Copas, University of Warwick.

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Presentation on theme: "Information geometry of Statistical inference with selective sample S. Eguchi, ISM & GUAS This talk is a part of co-work with J. Copas, University of Warwick."— Presentation transcript:

1 Information geometry of Statistical inference with selective sample S. Eguchi, ISM & GUAS This talk is a part of co-work with J. Copas, University of Warwick

2 Local Sensitivity Approximation for Selectivity Bias. J. Copas and S. Eguchi J. Royal Statist. Soc. B, 63 (2001), 871-895. (

3 Summary

4 Statistical model Probability model

5 Near parametric exact parametric non-parametric near-parametric

6 Def. (X, Y, Z) is ignorable Ignorability

7 Observational status

8 Binary response with missing

9 Non-ignorable cases

10 Small degree of non-ignorability

11 Distributional expression

12 Tangent space and neighborhood

13 Exponential map

14 Tubular Neighborhood M

15 Decomposition

16 tangent and normal

17 Conditional Distribution

18 Calibration

19 Rosenbaum’s log odd ratio

20 Counterfactual

21 Guide line

22 Non-ignorable missing

23 Selectivity region


25 Unstable or Misspecifying

26 Regression formulation

27 Heckman model

28 Likelihood

29 Likelihood analysis where

30 Profile likelihood of 

31 N = 1435, n = 1323 

32 Skin cancer data

33 Various pattern of bias

34 Group comparison

35 Non-random allocation

36 Selection bias

37 Effect of sentence Z = 1 prison Z = 2 community service Z = 3 probation Y = ratio of reconviction Logistic model

38 Selectivity regions Probation effect Community service effect 01 ‐1‐1 ‐1‐1 1 0     C.I.

39 two-group comparison

40 Likelihood

41 Analysis

42 UK National Hearing Survey The effect of occupational noise Case (high level noise) Control Response Y is threshold of 3kHz sound

43 Case mean Control mean Pooled s. d. t-statistic Standard analysis supports high significance Conventional result

44 Non-random allocation

45 Future problem

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