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WMO Data Management and Data Policy Mike Manore Environnent Canada ICG-WIGOS-4, 17-20 Feb 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "WMO Data Management and Data Policy Mike Manore Environnent Canada ICG-WIGOS-4, 17-20 Feb 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 WMO Data Management and Data Policy Mike Manore Environnent Canada ICG-WIGOS-4, 17-20 Feb 2015

2 WMO Context - EC-66  ….agreed that the overall issue of WIGOS Data Management needs focus and attention  …recognized the importance of the free and unrestricted exchange of data and products and….. investigate whether the existing data policies and protocols adequately covers the requirements for WIGOS  ….highlighted the importance of third-party (non-NMHS) observations  …ICG-WIGOS had identified a need to standardize data management practices across programmes and to advise Members on good practice ICG-WIGOS-4, 17-20 Feb 2015

3 Activities  Informal Task Team on Data Guidance  initial focus on external data  informal engagement with JCOMM, CCL, CHy, CIMO, CAS, CBS  telecons, email  Draft Discussion Paper (Annex 1)  overview of the context of external data  drivers, sources, supporting arrangements  considerations and issues  data and cost policies of external sources, incl. private sector  adequacy of existing WMO data policies  Proposed Work Plan  for discussion ICG-WIGOS-4, 17-20 Feb 2015

4 WMO Considerations in the WIGOS Data Lifecycle ICG-WIGOS-4, 17-20 Feb 2015

5 Key Messages  External data is an opportunity  wide diversity and growing sources of external data  helps address observation needs to support NMHS and WMO services – across all programmes  The WIGOS framework is designed to enable external data  many processes for external data still need to be defined/validated  Members will require support and practical guidance  Partnership is critical  traditional and non-traditional partners - for mutual benefits  opportunity to leverage and influence, but effort is required  There is a clear leadership role for NMHSs  national technical authority and facilitator  strong partner in improving national observing systems ICG-WIGOS-4, 17-20 Feb 2015

6 Key Considerations/Issues – External Data  Data Quality  quality of external data often not known and not fully controllable  ‘known’-quality approach is recommended  supported by WIGOS metadata + quality assessment tools + outreach/engagement/partnership with data contributors  Data Access  [IT Security]  exchange formats – recommend continued development of more practical de facto standards is recommended (e.g., OGC)  Data Policy  contributed data frequently have constraints  technical implementations in DMSs needed to protect contributor interests  basic provisions are included in WIGOS metadata  need to verify if current definitions in WIGOS and WIS are adequate for automated processing ICG-WIGOS-4, 17-20 Feb 2015

7 Private Sector Data  Private sector data can be contributed or fee-based  virtually always with constraints  The presence and relevance of private sector data is growing  the private sector is being explored by some members to meet national needs  There is not wide experience with fee-based business models and licencing arrangements  which models are commercially viable and best support WMO objectives?  Members are requesting guidance  treat private sector data as a specific case of constrained data ICG-WIGOS-4, 17-20 Feb 2015

8 EC-66 Request re: Data Policy and Guidance  Resolutions 40 (Cg-XII) and 25 (Cg-XII)  articulate the principle of ‘free and unrestricted exchange of meteorological data and products to support the public interest’  to be extended to climate data through CCL recommendation to Cg-XVII  Restrictions on ‘re-export’ of data are recognized  can be justified to protect revenue generation opportunities of NMHSs  Little reference to other constrained data  no explicit reference to private sector data  Conclusion: current policies and guidance are likely not adequate to guide WIGOS  Recommendation: develop addtional guidance specific to external and constrained data test footer 8

9 Proposed Work Plan 1.External Data Readiness Assessment  inventory of external data considerations  recommended responses in WIGOS/WIS  to include specific recommendations on constrained data, including private sector data 2.High-level WIGOS Guidance on Data  rationale, principles, strategies, governance over the data lifecycle  e.g., roles and responsibilities, data stewardship model, etc 3.Implementation Guidance for Members (WIGOS Guide)  best practices, recommended procedures for external data, e.g.:  partnership development/maintenance, Station IDs, metadata, quality control processes, templates for data agreements, etc.  Future - ICG-WIGOS Task Team on Data Guidance  representative membership  coordinate with other relevant TTs, TCs, etc test footer 9

10 Thank you for your attention

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