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ANNUAL PROJECT REPORT [2010] PROJECT NAME: Support to the Judiciary of the Gambia Project REPORTING PERIOD: Jan-Dec 2010 SUBMITTED TO: UNDP, The Gambia.

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Presentation on theme: "ANNUAL PROJECT REPORT [2010] PROJECT NAME: Support to the Judiciary of the Gambia Project REPORTING PERIOD: Jan-Dec 2010 SUBMITTED TO: UNDP, The Gambia."— Presentation transcript:

1 ANNUAL PROJECT REPORT [2010] PROJECT NAME: Support to the Judiciary of the Gambia Project REPORTING PERIOD: Jan-Dec 2010 SUBMITTED TO: UNDP, The Gambia SUBMITTED BY: The Judiciary of the Gambia, High Court Complex Independence Drive. Banjul January 2011

2 Project Brief Project ID00072625 Project NameSupport to the judiciary of the Gambia project. Project Period2009-2010 (2 years) Project Components Implementing AgenciesThe Judiciary of the Gambia Focal PersonJustice Mama Fatima Singhateh Total Budget: UNDP Fund: Total Annual Budget for 2010 Total Expenditure in 2010

3 2. Executive Summary As part of the efforts to implement the overall policy goals of the Legal Sector Strategy (LSS) for 2007-2011 as an integral part of the Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper II (PRSPII), the UNDP last year agreed to support the Judiciary of the Gambia to enhance access to justice and expedite processes within the judicial system, through the UNDP support to the Judiciary of the Gambia Project. The project supports mechanisms that address the inordinate delays in the administration of justice and strengthen the institutional capacities of the judiciary. Through the activities under this project the following have been achieved; Significant reductions in the backlog of cases in the Magistrates Courts (1420 cases addressed within 6 months); Judiciary now has a functional website, with up-to-date information including judgments, papers delivered at Judicial lectures and trainings and profiles of judges to name a few;

4 2. Executive Summary (cont) The ICT skills of 30 Magistrates have been strengthened and computers and accessories were procured for magistrates and judicial staff High Court Rules were amended in 2009 to ensure the expeditious and efficient disposal of cases; Rules of Procedure for the Childrens Court and the Industrial Tribunal were drafted. The rules of procedure for the childrens court has been gazetted and is now fully operational; Leadership and Management Training for 30 Magistrates, 20 Administrative and Registrars and 30 clerks were organized and conducted at the MDI; An Operational Manual for the Sheriffs Division of the High Court of the Gambia has been developed; Rules of Procedure for the Cadi Courts has been drafted now fully operational and Cadi Court officials have been trained on administration of justice;

5 2. Executive Summary (cont) The UNDP financed the upgrading of our internet Local Area Network within the Banjul High Court Complex and Brikama High Court. A plan of action on Prisons Reforms has been developed which will soon be followed by a seminar of all stakeholders who will have the opportunity to discuss the challenges within the prisons system and their causes, the consequences of these challenges and the way forward in terms of addressing these challenges. The result of this whole process would be to assess the needs of the Prisons Services so as to secure the support of UNDP in those areas; We have also recruited an international consultant who would assist in the establishment of a Planning and Monitoring Unit at the Judiciary of the Gambia which will involve the formulation of functions, structures and development of tools for data collection, analyses and reporting mechanisms. This consultant will also train a staff of the judiciary in monitoring and evaluation to enable him/her man the unit.

6 3. Major Achievement in 2010: For the first time, the Judiciary now has a functional website, with up-to-date information including judgments, papers delivered at Judicial lectures and trainings and profiles of judges to name a few; The ICT skills of 30 Magistrates have been strengthened and computers and accessories were procured for magistrates and judicial staff, High Court Rules were amended in 2009 to ensure the expeditions and efficient disposal of cases; Rules of Procedure for the Childrens Court and the Industrial Tribunal were drafted. The rules of procedure for the childrens court has been gazetted and is now fully operational; Leadership and Management Training for 30 Magistrates, 10 Administrative and 10 Registry staff were organized and conducted at the MDI;

7 3. Major Achievement in 2010 (cont) An Operational Manual for the Sheriffs Division of the High Court of the Gambia has been developed; Rules of Procedure for the Cadi Courts have been drafted, gazetted now fully operational and Cadi Court officials have been trained on administration of justice; The UNDP financed the upgrading of our internet Local Area Network within the Banjul High Court Complex and Brikama High Court, system fully functional A plan of action on prison reforms has been developed.

8 4. Major Issues and Challenges: Delay in receipt of feedback from UNDP Stall in project implementation in the absence of focal person at the UNDP No or limited response to correspondence Problems with securing competent consultancy services Limited human resources and support from our end conflict in priorities in execution of duties Too much unnecessary UNDP procedures

9 5. Project Performance (1) Output : Rules of Procedure for Childrens Court and Industrial Tribunal Introduced. Baseline: Absence of appropriate rules of procedures for subordinate courts Indicators: Rules of Procedures for subordinate courts reformed and adopted Targets: 2009/2010 Related CP outcome: Enhanced access to justice through the implementation of short- term measures. Planned activities.1. Commission a consultancy for drafting of Rules for Childrens Courts and Industrial Tribunals..2 Validation and Publication of Rules.3 Introduction of Rules. Activities progress.4 rules drafted, validated and are being used in the courts

10 5. Project Performance(2) Output Capacity and knowledge of Judicial and Administrative Officers of the Judiciary enhanced in the area of leadership and management Baseline: Capacity constraint of judiciary Judicial and Administrative Officers of the Judiciary Indicators: Strengthened capacities Targets: 2009/2010 Related CP outcome: Improved access to justice through the implementation of short- term measures in support of the administration of justice Planned activities 1. Organise training programme and Strengthening the capacity and knowledge base of 30 Judicial Officers in leadership and management 2. Organise training to strengthen the capacity and knowledge Assistant Registrars and Court Clerks Activities progress 30 Judicial Officers trained in leadership and management 50 assistant registrars and clerks trained in leadership and management

11 5. Project Performance(3) Output 5: Quality in the delivery of various services within judiciary and courts systems enhanced Baseline: Weakness in service delivery within the Judiciary & Court system Indicators: Standard operational manuals developed Targets: 2009/2010 Related CP outcome: Improved access to justice through the implementation of short-term measures in support of the administration of justice Planned activities 1. Commission consultancies for the development of Operational Manuals 1.1. Operational Manual for the Sheriffs Division 1.1.1 Validation and Publication of Operational Manual 1.2 Prison Reforms 1.2.1. Validation of Developed Manuals Activities progress Operational Manual for the Sheriffs Division completed Plan of action on Prison Reforms developed

12 5. Project Performance(4) Output 5: Quality in the delivery of various services within judiciary and courts systems enhanced Baseline: Weakness in service delivery within the Judiciary & Court system Indicators: Standard operational manuals developed Targets: 2009/2010 Related CP outcome: Improved access to justice through the implementation of short-term measures in support of the administration of justice 5.2 Inputs and Activities progress: Planned activities. 5.1.3 Development of Rules of Procedures for the Cadi Courts Validation of the Cadi Courts Rules of Procedures 5.2. Training for Cadi Courts Activities progress Cadi court rules of procedure, prepared and gazetted. currently in use in all cadi courts Cadis trained on administration of justice

13 5. Project Performance(5) Output 8: Planning and Monitoring Unit established Baseline: No planning units to monitor indicators and developments in the courts Targets: 2009/2010 Related CP Outcome: Improved access to justice through the implementation of short-term measures in support of the administration of justice Inputs and Activities progress: Planned activities 1 Formulation of functions, structures and development of tools (data collection, analysis, use and reporting methods) to support planning and monitoring unit.2 Training of Judicial staff in Monitoring and Evaluation. Activities progress An international consultant has been recruited and should arrive on the 6 th January to commence a 3 months implementation of this activity under our supervision

14 6. Lessons Learnt Contracting of consultants to be done directly to enable us better negotiate terms Advertisements on consultancies to be posted by IP to ensure control and timely implementation of activities.

15 7. Recommendations/Suggestions Always respond to correspondences Improve communication and shorten feedback time with IPs

16 8. Success stories Our major achievements are our success stories but the two that stand out most are as follows; Website of the judiciary of the Gambia: this is the first time the Judiciary has a website let a lone a functional website. It is a one stop shop for any information required on the judiciary or the administration of justice in the Gambia. It contains un reported judgments of judges in the high court and the court of appeal, judicial publications and public lectures, profiles of judges and an overview of the court structure and jurisdiction in the Gambia to name a few. Pls visit us at

17 8. Success stories (cont) Training of cadis on administration of justice: this was a very productive gathering that brought together all the cadis within the jurisdiction to share best practices on the administration of justice and application of sharia personal law. One of the major outome of this training was a recommendation to revise the Mohamendan Act on divorce and marriage and proposal to come up with rules of procedure governing divorce proceedings in the Gambia.

18 Annual Work Plan For 2011 (1) Intended Outputs Output TargetPlanned ActivitiesTime FrameBudget n Dalasi I234 Output 1. strengthened capacities of judiciary staff. 1.1. Continued capacity building for judicial and administrative officers 1.1.1. training for judges and magistrates on management skills XX D 600,000 1.1.2. training of judges and magistrates on legal issues and administration of justice, nationally and regionally XX 600,000 1.1.3. logistical support for continued training of clerks and registrars on administration of court and its processes to be conducted within the judiciary Xx 150,000 1.1.4. training of clerks and registrars on e-filing x 120,000

19 Annual Work Plan For 2011 (2) Intended Outputs Output TargetPlanned ActivitiesTime FrameBudget n Dalasi I234 Output 1 strengthened capacities of the judiciary. 1.2. procurement of material resources 1.1.4. procure 150 filing cabinets to ensure security of case files. X 675,000 1.1.5. procure 50 computer and accessories for Magistrates outside GBA, assistant registrars and clerks x200,000 1.1.6. procure 60 junior executive furniture for Magistrates, Cadis, assistant registrars and clerks x200,000 1.1.7. procure senior executive furniture for the project coordinator X40,000 1.1.8 refurbishment of the library XX200,000

20 Annual Work Plan For 2011(3) Intended Outputs Output Target Planned ActivitiesTime FrameBudget n Dalasi I234 1.1.9. procurement of 2 24,000 btu air-condition for judiciary officials 60,000 Output 2. Ensuring continued access to justice 2.1. expeditious disposal of cases 1.1.1Consultancy on the translation and compilation of sharia personal law XXX600,000 1.1.2 consultation workshop consisting of Islamic scholars and all stakeholders on outcome of consultancy X200,000 1.1.3. Consultancy on the revision of Mohamedan Act on Marriage and Divorce X300,000 1.1.4. translation of cadi court rules of procedure in Arabic X100,000

21 Annual Work Plan For 2011(4) Intended Outputs Output Target Planned Activities Time Frame Budget n Dalasi I234 1.1.5. consultancy on the drafting of rules of procedure governing divorce proceedings in the cadi courts 300,000 Output 2. Ensuring continued access to justice total 2.12.2 logistical support and capacity building for the setting up structures of court related ADR in all tiers of the court system 1.1.4 training of judicial and administrative staff on Court related ADR X300,000 1.1.5 study tour of six judges to Ghana on court related ADR XX500,000 5,145,000

22 The end Thank you……questions?

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