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P ROPOSED F RAMEWORK FOR I NTEGRATED C OMMUNICATIONS 2015 Boulder’s Climate Commitment Boulder’s Energy Future (including, but not limited to, possible.

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Presentation on theme: "P ROPOSED F RAMEWORK FOR I NTEGRATED C OMMUNICATIONS 2015 Boulder’s Climate Commitment Boulder’s Energy Future (including, but not limited to, possible."— Presentation transcript:

1 P ROPOSED F RAMEWORK FOR I NTEGRATED C OMMUNICATIONS 2015 Boulder’s Climate Commitment Boulder’s Energy Future (including, but not limited to, possible municipalization) Climate-related work in LEAD, transportation, forestry, OSMP

2 O BJECTIVES, OR WHY IS THIS NECESSARY ? Help the Boulder community understand the relationship of a variety of high-profile city efforts to one another Maintain, and in some cases, increase community support for a multi-faceted approach that could span the next 35 years Support collective and individual actions that will lead to both short-term and long-term progress in these areas

3 O RIGINAL C OMMUNITY M OTIVATOR FOR A CTION Climate Change and a desire to stabilize greenhouse gas emissions that are leading to global warming Boulder taxpayers expect us to make a difference as a local government in this area

4 C HALLENGES Only portions of our community know what we are doing City has many different projects going on simultaneously, leading to community and organizational confusion about the city’s overall approach and how the different pieces fit together Much of the focus has been on the highly politicized topic of municipalization – this has stolen the community’s focus and threatens to undermine what had been community consensus around the importance of taking action The city wants to support existing initiatives, which have led to meaningful success, but additional, significant and potentially costly work is required to effect real change

5 S TARTING P OINT F OR C OMMUNICATIONS = B OULDER ’ S C LIMATE C OMMITMENT Visionary goal: A fossil fuel-free future Quantitative goal: An 80 percent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions as compared to a 2005 baseline by 2050 Qualitative goal: Minimize Boulder’s contributions to a significant environmental threat and negative impacts, while maximizing opportunities for co-benefits, such as improved quality of life, energy independence, economic vitality and continued innovation and enterprise

6 T HREE F OCUS A REAS OF C LIMATE C OMMITMENT Creating our energy future Central area of city focus and resources currently and in immediate future Using resources wisely Ongoing in terms of energy efficiency and zero waste efforts, but will likely need to shift to strategies to measure and reduce both city and community consumption; anticipated as part of long-term workplan Creating restorative ecosystems Ongoing in terms of forestry and some OSMP efforts, but will likely need to expand into carbon sequestration work; anticipated as part of long-term workplan

7 F IVE FOCUS AREAS UNDER CREATING OUR ENERGY FUTURE Energy Source Change Energy Services Clean Mobility Resilience Policy, Partnerships and Reform

8 E NERGY SOURCE CHANGE ( NEW IN G REEN ) Pursuit of municipalization Solar capacity study Community solar garden (maybe at Chatauqua on utilities site)

9 E NERGY SERVICES Existing and enhanced commercial energy efficiency requirements (or this could go under Policy) Expanded PACE program to provide integrated services to businesses Community Power Partnership Boulder Energy Challenge (we will likely list each of the projects separately)

10 CLEAN MOBILITY ( NEW IN G REEN ) TMP-related initiatives (list each one separately) eGo car share advisor pilot EV Adoption Initiatives

11 R ESILIENCE Microgrid pilots

12 P OLICY, PARTNERSHIPS AND REFORM Creation of Energy Transformation Roadmap and participation is USDN breakthrough convening Energy Code Changes Commercial and Industrial rating and reporting requirement Joint City-County Policy Agenda Development Recruitment of Colorado Climate Network to take major implementation role Creating and fostering partnerships with private- sector and institutional/nonprofit partners to promote market-driven and other change

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