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Preparing the Financial Case For Hospital Support ASA Practice Management Conference 2008 Joe Laden & Michael J. Monea.

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Presentation on theme: "Preparing the Financial Case For Hospital Support ASA Practice Management Conference 2008 Joe Laden & Michael J. Monea."— Presentation transcript:

1 Preparing the Financial Case For Hospital Support ASA Practice Management Conference 2008 Joe Laden & Michael J. Monea

2 Michael J. Monea, President Central Anesthesia Management Services, Inc. Past Director, KOAMA Joe Laden Business Manager Anesthesia Associates of Louisville, PSC Director, KOAMA Member MGMA/AAA

3 KOAMA Kentucky / Ohio Anesthesia Managers Association Mission Statement: “Define and Implement Best Practices for the Financial Management of Anesthesiology Groups”

4 The OR Utilization Spreadsheets ASA Newsletter Practice Management Department June 2004 September 2004 June 2007 Spreadsheets can be downloaded from these articles on ASA Web Site

5 Phases of Hospital Support Friendly Support Request Detailed Justification Required Hospital Pushback

6 The cost of providing the service exceeds the revenue of delivery that service, and The group is providing that service as cost- effectively as is reasonable, and When the failure to secure that support would imminently jeopardize the ability of the group to provide that service. When To Consider Hospital Support

7 Metrics that may indicate a subsidy is needed Payer Mix Payments per unit < $36/unit Medicare/Medicaid/Indigent> 40% Hospital Efficiency OR Utilization < 75% Revenue per OR< $450,000 MD Compensation below regional median

8 O.R. Utilization Percentage # O.R.’s covered # Cases Revenue per Operating Room Revenue Per Unit Payer Mix (% Major Payers) MD Salaries CRNA Salaries Number of MD’s, CRNA’s Employed: Ratio Overhead Costs (malpractice, health ins.) Gather your 3 - 5 Year History of the Following Critical Practice Data

9 Year Revenue Per OR Revenue per Unit Hours Billed Per OR Average Case Length OR Utilization OR's Personnel Cost Per OR 2007$465,000$38.741,7251.764.5%21$525,000 2006$472,000$39.651,7751.668.3%20$500,000 2005$481,600$40.101,7601.569.8%20$475,000 2004$484,300$40.951,8401.472.7%19$450,000 2003$487,000$41.201,8201.473.0%19$425,000 When is the Subsidy Needed? Support Crossover Point -- Example

10 Verify Your Data Against Benchmark Data


12 MGMA Physician Compensation (W-2Wages) 2006 Data - 3,505 Anesthesiologists Median Compensation$365,409 Eastern$375,000 Midwest$393,931 Southern$386,238 Western$326,346 Median Gross Charges per MD$1,016,993 Median Collections per MD$468,410 Median Cases Per MD961

13 W-2 Wages350,000 Retirement Plan Contribution45,000 Professional Liability Insurance18,500 Health Insurance14,000 Disability Insurance12,000 Other Insurance (dental, life, etc)1,000 Professional Meeting and Expense3,500 Employer FICA & Medicare Tax10,655 Total Benefits, Malpractice and Tax104,655 Total MD Compensation454,655 Anesthesiologist Total Compensation

14 Base Salary120,000 Overtime & Call Pay15,000 Retirement Plan Contribution20,250 Professional Liability Insurance2,500 Health Insurance14,000 Disability Insurance3,500 Other Insurance (dental, life, etc)1,500 Professional Meeting and Expense2,000 Employer FICA & Medicare Tax7,320 Total Benefits, Malpractice and Tax51,070 Total CRNA Compensation171,070 CRNA Total Compensation

15 Year W-2 Compensation 2002$306,964 2003$323,491 2004$325,999 2005$359,699 2006$365,409 MGMA Compensation and Production Survey 2007


17 Total Stipend Per Anesthetizing Location Median54,184 25th %ile23,092 75th %ile92,908 90th %ile150,042 Total Stipends/Trauma Center Median1,040,336 MGMA/ASA Cost Survey for Anesthesia and Pain Management Practices 2006 Data - 117 Practices

18 Units Per MDMedian10,206 75th %ile13,858 95th %ile18,977 Collections Per Unit Median$38.88 25th %ile$34.05 75th %ile$51.77 Weeks Worked/YearMedian44 Hours Worked/WeekMedian46 MGMA Physician Production SurveyMGMA Physician Production Survey 2006 Data - 3,505 Anesthesiologists2006 Data - 3,505 Anesthesiologists

19 Your Practice vs. MGMA – Explain Difference

20 What happens when the CRNA:MD ratio changes?

21 IMPACT ON MD COMPENSATION BY CHANGING THE PHYSICIAN : CRNA RATIO OR's to Cover24 MD Total Comp.$450,000$460,000$470,000$475,000$500,000$525,000 CRNA Total Comp.$172,000$174,000$177,000$180,000$185,000 MD's302622181410 CRNA's0612182430 MD Cost$13,500,000$11,960,000$10,340,000$8,550,000$7,000,000$5,250,000 CRNA Cost$0$1,032,000$2,088,000$3,186,000$4,320,000$5,550,000 Total Cost$13,500,000$12,992,000$12,428,000$11,736,000$11,320,000$10,800,000 Personnel Cost / OR$562,500$541,333$517,833$489,000$471,667$450,000

22 Subsidy Types O.R revenue guarantee vs. collections O.R revenue guarantee vs. collections Payer mix subsidy (guarantee / unit) Payer mix subsidy (guarantee / unit) MD salary guarantee MD salary guarantee Negotiated amount with escalator/descelator Negotiated amount with escalator/descelator Fixed amount for call, OB, Medical Director Fixed amount for call, OB, Medical Director Guarantee for new anesthetizing locations Guarantee for new anesthetizing locations

23 Hospital / Consultant Analysis of Your Proposal and Verification of Your Data O.R. Utilization including Turnover Time MD / CRNA W-2’s & Benefits – Individual and Average MD / CRNA weeks worked per year MD hours in hospital per week MD call frequency / days off after call MD : CRNA Ratio Billing and collection statistics & audit Negotiated payer rates O.R Staffing Model Locum use Governance

24 Your Practice Parameters That May Be Challenged Number of MD/CRNA’s needed to staff facility utilization a reasonable efficiency model MD:CRNA Ratio Anesthesiologist FTE Comp (50 th, 75 th, 90 th %ile) MD weeks of vacation Days off after call / late call Anesthesiologists hours worked per week Production per physician (cases & units)

25 KOAMA OR Utilization Spreadsheet


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