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KEM LEY | Principal investigator NHIM DALEN |Consultant BORAY BORALIN | Data Analyst UMAKANT SINGH | Advisor CAMBODIA DEBT 28 Feb 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "KEM LEY | Principal investigator NHIM DALEN |Consultant BORAY BORALIN | Data Analyst UMAKANT SINGH | Advisor CAMBODIA DEBT 28 Feb 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 KEM LEY | Principal investigator NHIM DALEN |Consultant BORAY BORALIN | Data Analyst UMAKANT SINGH | Advisor CAMBODIA DEBT 28 Feb 2011

2 I.Cambodia Debt People Debt Publicly Guaranteed Debt Public Debt Getting from formal and informal micro finance Institutions (FMI) & Individual Getting from developed and economic powerful countries and international finance institutions Getting from international finance institutions such as ADB, WB, IFM and others

3 I.Cambodia Debt USA >300 Millions China 4 B Others Russia 1.5 B Total: 4.2 B US$ 42 M US$ Paid on external debt in 2008 1.8 B-Two- third 60% or 94% public debt As of 2004, debt was 3.2 B or 66% of GDP, WB source 2004 Debt from 2004-2011 1,609 B. Aid Effectiveness Report 2011, RGC US + Russia+ 2004-2011 = 4,809 Billions Cheam Yap 7 Billions But PM declared only 2 billions or 27.7% of GDP (12,92 B )

4 I.Cambodia Debt Public Debt 7.4 Billions as of 2011 (USA: 300 + Russia 1.5 _ China 4 B + other 1.6 ) People with Debt More than 1 millions of clients of MFI Publicly Guaranteed Debt ???? Direct Debt of Cambodia People is around 500 US$ per HH or around 50% of Cambodia People fell in serious debt Public Debt is around 7 billion US$ in 2011 Or 500 US$ per individual (14 millions of Cambodia Population )-Indirect Debt of Cambodia Population

5 II.AID PER CAPITA & AID/GDP Ratio Source: Effectiveness Report 2011, RGC

6 II.Disbursement and Projection Disbursement and Projection 2004-2014 (US$ Million) Source: Effectiveness Report 2011, RGC

7 I.Cambodia Debt World Bank Report

8 I.Cambodia Debt World Bank Report

9 II.NGO disbursement (2005-2010) Source: Effectiveness Report 2011, RGC Million US$

10 I.EU Debt

11 I.GREEK Debt

12 I.USA an Other countries with Debt  Cambodia : GDP 12,92 B or 27.7% of GDP or 61 % of GDP  Thailand: 44 % of GDP  EU: 60-70% of GDP, EU : 86% of GDP in 2010  USA : 101 % of GDP, 32 Billions  Greek 173 % of GDP in 2011 or 340 B  ITALY: 120 % of GDP or 2.4 T in 2010  SPAIN: 60% of GDP or 820 Billions

13 I.Cambodia Economic Overview Source: Draft of National Budget Plan 2012 and Three year Rolling Investment Plan 2012-2014, RGC, MoEF Estimation NSDP 2009-2013

14 Source: Draft of National Budget Plan 2012 and Income statement 2010, Three years of Public Investment Plan 2012-2014 and NSDP 2009-2013 RGC, MoEF Estimation NSDP 2009-2013 I.Cambodia Economic Overview

15 Source: Draft of National Budget Plan 2012 and Income statement 2010, Three years of Public Investment Plan 2012-2014 and NDSP 2009-2013, MoP, RGC Estimation NSDP 2009-2013 High Price of oil, food and other commodities I.Cambodia Economic Overview

16 Source: Draft of National Budget Plan 2012 and Income statement 2010, Three years of Public Investment Plan 2012-2014 and NDSP 2009-2013, MoP, RGC COMPOSITION OF CAMBODIA ECONOMIC GROWTH & INDUSTRY SECTOR Estimation Three Year –Public Investment Plan 2012-2014 I.Cambodia Economic Overview

17 Source: Draft of National Budget Plan 2012 and Income statement 2010, Three years of Public Investment Plan 2012-2014 and NDSP 2009-2013, MoP, RGC Estimation Three Year –Public Investment Plan 2012-2014 I.Cambodia Economic Overview

18 II.Total Disbursement shared (1992-2011) Source: Effectiveness Report 2011, RGC

19 II.Total Disbursement & Used (1992-2011) Source: Effectiveness Report 2011, RGC

20 III.Public Investment-2012-2014 408 Projects (3,990 millions US$) 2014 (1,202 M$ 2013 (1,353 M $) 2012 (1,435 M $) INVESTMENT IN JOB CONDITIONS IMPROVEMENT ????

21 Budget Estimation DPsRGCSub-total Available Fund 2,154 M$474 M$2,628 M$ Required Mobilization 1,361 M$ Total3,990M$ III.Public Investment-2012-2014



24 IV.Recommendation-In Depth Reform 1993-19981999-20032004-20082010-2013 National reconciliation and Unification Civil service management Deepen reform NPAR Institutionalization and Rule of Law NPAR  Paris Peace Agreement  Law on common statute of civil servants  Sub-degree on organization and functioning of ministries  Sub-degree on leave without pay  Sub-Decree on the General Principle of Civil Servants Management Procedures  Royal Decree on the General Principle of the Organization of the State Civil Service  17, 685 ghost civil servants  Supreme Councils of the state reform  CAR  5 years NPAR  Around 10, 000 ghost civil servant eliminated  21 categories of cadre of civil servants  Enumeration system  MPG  Average salary increased from 19.5US$ to 28.1US$ ( 44.1% increased  NPAR 2004-2008  PMG  HRP & HRD  SOA  Increased Salary  Social Security Fund for civil Servant  NPAR 2010-2013  HR Policy  Making the administration becomes more transparent, responsive and efficient  Improve values of service loyalty, motivation and professionalism  NPAR M&E framework and tools for oversight the implementation and enforcement of NPAR

25 Goal: Administration becomes an effective provider of public service Objectives 1. Making the Administration transparent, responsive and efficient 2. Improving values of service, loyalty, motivation and professionalism Transparency ResponsivenessEfficiency Culture of service Loyalty ProfessionalismMotivation VISION: SERVE PEOPLE BETTER IV.Recommendation-High Quality of public Services

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