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VII JOINT REVIEW MEETING-TEQIP College of Engineering Perumon.

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Presentation on theme: "VII JOINT REVIEW MEETING-TEQIP College of Engineering Perumon."— Presentation transcript:

1 VII JOINT REVIEW MEETING-TEQIP College of Engineering Perumon

2 IDP- Targets and Deliverables Current Status and Revised IDP

3 Sl. No ItemInitial IDPRevised IDP Target (At the end of 2 years) Current Status Target (At Closing) 1Number of students registered for MTech 72 108 2Revenue from externally funded R&D projects and consultancies 1 lakhnil1 lakh 3 Number of publications in refereed journals (a) National 505 (b) International 23672 4 RG as % of total annual recurring expenditure 100 %

4 Sl. No ItemInitial IDPRevised IDP Target (At the end of 2 years) Current StatusTarget (At Closing) 5 Number of co-authored publications (a) National 303 (b) International2918 6 Student credentials (a)campus placement rate of (b)UG students 70% 64/230 eligible (27.82%)70 PG students50% (1 st batch) 1/18 (5% through campus recruitment). Other students secured teaching jobs 50% (b) average salary of placement package for (Rs. in lakh) UG students 3 lakhs2.5-3.55 PG students3.5 lakhs2.5-3.56

5 Sl. No ItemInitial IDPRevised IDP Target (At the end of 2 years) Current Status Target (At Closing) 7 Number of collaborative programmes with Industry 2 02 8 Accreditation status (obtained and applied for) Minimum 60% of UG + PG Applied for all eligible pgms Obtain Accreditation 9Vacancy position for faculty and staff Vacancy reduced to 10% or less 10Percentage of regular faculty having a Masters Degree or a Doctorate Degree in Engineering disciplines Increased by 20% and 10% respectively over base line (20%) Total:62 Doctorate:1( 1.61%) MTech: 41(66.13%) BTech: 20 Doctorate :5% MTech 90%

6 Sl. NoItemInitial IDPRevised IDP Target (At the end of 2 years) Current StatusTarget (At Closing) 11Transit rate from 1st to 2nd year for the following: All Students As per university norms all students will be promoted to higher semester All students : 45.79% 70% SC and ST Students5.88%10% OBC Students 42.73%65% Women Students59.31%70% 12Autonomy statusTo be obtainedApplied forAchieve Autonomy 13Enrolment of faculty with only Bachelor Degree for qualification Upgradation At least 50% at the parent institution or 25% at other institution % of MTech enrolment : 70% 100%

7 Governance Development Plan

8 PRIMARY ACCOUNTABILITIES Plan for DevelopmentTarget DateOutcome Redefine Vision, mission and formulate goals, objectives and strategies to achieve them A strategic plan is to be formulated and placed before the BoG for approval Redefined in VIIIth BoG meeting dated 18.07.2014 Redifined Vision and Mission Formulate clear procedures to ensure financial sustainability and for managing physical and human resources Systems and processes is to be reviewed periodically for further improvement December 2014 Financial sustainability Reviews in Department Advisory Committee meetings, Students feed backs, PTA meetings etc March 2015Improvement of quality in teaching and other academic activities 1. Formulate plan to achieve accreditation 2.Formulate a plan to achieve ISO certification 3. Establish and adopt processes for monitoring the institutes performance using performance indicators results/placements etc Accreditatio n by July 2015 ISO certification by July 2015 NBA Accreditted Institution ISO certified institution Well reputed institution Monitor head of the institution’s performance through feed back from staff, students, PTA and BoG December 2014 Good leadership

9 OPENNESS & TRANSPERENCY IN THE OPERATION OF GOVERNING BODIES Plan for DevelopmentTarget DateOutcome Publish an annual report on Institutional Performance covering strategic performance, academic performance, financial performance, Learning and Training performance etc. July 2015 Provide a relevant information to students, faculty and general public in all aspects of institutional activity Minutes of BoG meeting are circulated, approved, published and maintained Every time, a month after the BoG meeting. A well documented register of interest based on which institution can take policy decisions Include on a regular basis institutional activities, academic performance, finance management, department activities, notices etc on web site December 2014More transparency and information dissemination to all.

10 KEY ATTRIBUTES OF GOVERNING BODIES PlanTarget DateOutcome Conduct review annually regarding size, skill, competencies of BoG members December 2014 A well formed Governing Body which is able to carry out its primary accountabilities effectively and also to ensure the confidence of its stakeholders Nominations done as per Govt. norms. Nominations from Government agencies are sought as per prescribed procedures. Teachers are nominated as per seniority. Already formed An institution free from direct political interference to ensure academic freedom and focus on long-term educational objectives Bring out a document containing roles and responsibilities of BoG Chairman, Principal and members June 2015 1. Plan meetings well in advance and inform the members 2.Circulate agenda notes to the members atleast 10 days prior to the meeting 3. Convene BoG meetings at least 4 times a year August 2014 Better Governance

11 EFFECTIVNESS & PERFORMANCE REVIEW OF GOVERNING BODIES Proposed to formulate a system for reviewing performance of governing body. Increase frequency of meetings, review the action taken on previous meetings, plan to improve further by more interactions with members through emails. December 2015 Improvement in the governance for achieving institutions performance indicators Formulate guidelines and policies regarding induction of new members December 2015 Discharge their individual and collective responsibilities effectively Current practices of ensuring regulatory compliance with regulating bodies like AICTE will be sustained. _ There wont be any favoritism in admission, recruitment etc as AICTE and Government norms are strictly followed. The-not–for profit character of the organization will be maintained. _ Education on the basis of merit and not on the basis of money Aims to achieve NBA accreditation Aims to achieve ISO certification December 2015 Achieve NBA accreditation And ISO certification

12 Accreditation Proposed Date of Visit: July 2015 BranchSelf Review Score StrengthWeakness CSE635 Modernized class rooms State of the art laboratories WiFi with 100 Mbps internet connection Co Curricular and Extra curricular activities of students Faculty Cadre Ratio No PhD holders Insufficient Research and Consultancy ECE695 EEE721 IT682

13 Performance Audit Report Score


15 Statutory Audit Report

16 FACULTY AND STAFF DEVELOPMENT The college sanctioned for the participation in the following training programmes which were not in the nature of “training in functional area” : a.“Travelling Allowance Rules” by Mr.Sujith (Office staff) b.“Right to Service rules and Right to information Act” at TVM by Mr.Gopakumar, Administrative Officer c."public sector auditing” at TVM attended by Assistant grade 1. d.“Personality development” at Cochin participated by 5 Tradesman If it is not related to “training in functional area” which will result in disallowance of such expenditure? A to C: Office staff are deputed for their functional area trainings only D: The workshop on personality development includes modules like communicative English, soft skill training etc which are very much required for the tradesman to give instructions effectively to students in laboratories. Hence they have been deputed for this workshop. Also as per guidelines of TNA in PIP, personality development training are permissible for tradesman

17 Honorarium paid to own faculty is not permissible. Amount recovered The college accounted TA for TEQIP meeting at Trivandrum Rs 5,860/- in FSD. It should be classified under Operation and Maintenance? As per clause 20 of table 18, PIP, it is permissible under IOC The college conducted campus recruitment and incurred an expenditure of Rs 25,263.50/-. Which includes Rs 7,000/- as Petrol cost and Bata. Which seems to be non permissible. The campus interview has been conducted at College of Engineering Adoor which is about 80km from Perumon. Students have been transported to Adoor in 3 college buses. Only petrol cost and bata for drivers have been met from this fund and it does not come under non- permissible category either. The college procured “DSO machine” through DC. But Proprietary Certificate not available for our verification. DSO is procured under DGS&D rate contract and not under direct contract

18 As per TEQIP rules Maximum permissible honorarium is 3,000/-. The excess honorarium of Rs 2,000/- seems to be non permissible. As per a G.O honorarium payable for SRA is Rs.5000/- Institution paid Teaching Assistantships to non gate students without satisfactory attendance that will lead to disallowance of amount paid to that students amounting to Rs 42,000/-. Excess amount recovered Incurred Rs 13,000/- as expense for shifting furniture from Lab for TEQIP civil work “laying tiles in Lab”. Which is not an allowable expense because expense for shifting the furniture should meet from Civil works amount. During the year the college paid the following advertisement charges without deducting TDS : a.Rs 38,954/- for NCB (desktop) paid to Chakra communications Trivandrum (Accounted on 13.09.2013). This has been noted and tax will be deducted in all similar activities in future Rs 11,078/- paid as expenses for reduction of door height in lab which is not an allowable expense Reduction of door height also comes under refurbishment work which is permissible as per PIP

19 Honorarium paid to Chairman for one day amounting to Rs 5,000 which is Rs 2,000/- paid in excess of the amount prescribed Rs.2000/- remitted back During the year the institution incurred Rs 10,800/- as expenses for curtain works at Seminar Hall. As per Teqip rules expense incurred for the operation and maintenance of Teqip Activities are allowable as expense under this head? Incurred Performance Audit Expense Rs 30,968/- and debited it to Operation and maintenance. As per the information received from SPFU the Performance audit expenses are reimbursed by the SPFU to respective colleges. So it can’t be allowed as an expense of Institutions. Expenditure for honorarium to performance and data auditors, their TA/DA etc are met from SPFU. However expenditure for internal arrangements, refreshments, local conveyance arrangements, honorarium to BoG members attended during performance audit etc are met from institutions TEQIP fund. This is permissible.

20 During the year the college paid Rs 1,57,258/- as Professional charges to MIS Officer but TDS not deducted for It. This amount comes under the category of salary and not under professional charges. If her income exceeds tax slab limit income tax will be deducted. During the course of audit it was observed that the college maintains “four funds” but annual contributions are not made. The college accounted EMD/security deposit in this account and withdrawals are also made from this account. These are violations from the rules of TEQIP. Requested CAPE to make annual contributions. EMD has been transferred to main account Difference between Bank confirmation & Tally EMD and security deposit transferred from ERF to main account not entered in tally. This has been corrected. TDS, VAT, KCWWF etc. deducted from Civil work are not properly accounted in books. So we can’t identify the details of the above mentioned items from tally. Detailed descriptions are made in cash book and short descriptions in Tally. In future this will be corrected

21 Expenditure Sl. NoHeadAllottedSpentBalance Amount 1Procurement550 507.9142.09 2Assistantship76 17.4358.57 3R&D62 0.0161.99 4FSD86 33.9552.05 5IIIC36 5.5530.45 6Capacity Development20 0 7Reforms15 10.674.33 8Student Support40 7.7432.26 9IOC95 32.0962.91

22 Thank You

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